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Regarding the recent pagers incident in Lebanon
Can anything manufactured in Europe be trusted at this point?

The explosive communication devices in Lebanon were manufactured by, and are the responsibility of, a European agent in Hungary.

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Azerbaijan Moderator
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Here is some Anzac Day Solidarity "Bullshit"

Turks have themselves to blame for this. Stop being a bunch of uncle toms.
The Greek genocide claims are particularly baffling because it seems like most of the time they are referring to either the population exchange or civilian casualties during the Turkish War of Liberation. Which is massively dishonest because the 1st one isn't a genocide by any stretch of the imagination and the 2nd one pretty much always ignores the Turkish civilian casualties during the same conflict and means that basically any war where civilians were killed can be defined as a "genocide" which effectively makes the term meaningless.

It's like every single minority that existed during the Ottoman Empire's declining years has decided to jump on the genocide bandwagon to fish for pity points.


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The Greek genocide claims are particularly baffling because it seems like most of the time they are referring to either the population exchange or civilian casualties during the Turkish War of Liberation. Which is massively dishonest because the 1st one isn't a genocide by any stretch of the imagination and the 2nd one pretty much always ignores the Turkish civilian casualties during the same conflict and means that basically any war where civilians were killed can be defined as a "genocide" which effectively makes the term meaningless.

It's like every single minority that existed during the Ottoman Empire's declining years has decided to jump on the genocide bandwagon to fish for pity points.

The problem was a lot of Turks kept on saying look it was the Ottoman Empire not us or Ataturk.

Now its the Ottoman Empire, Turks and Ataturk all complict in this bullshit genocide.

Well fck them. If the Turks did not fight back we would have been genocided and kicked out of Anatolia just like what happened to the Muslims in Spain.

With the Treaty of Sevres we would have ended up just like Palestine.

Ataturk led the defence of our nation while the Ottoman Empire collapsed and our future was uncertain.

Greeks and the Armenians along with their backers were perfectly fine with us Turks getting extinguished.

For them Turks and Muslims all needed to be wiped out.

Its not a genocide never will be. They tried to wipe us out and my ancestors fought back. They are crying genocide because they could not wipe us out.

Ataturk was not a Hitler he was just a man serving his nation. The genocide accusations are all bullshit.


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Since the Turks of Turkiye could not be wiped out.

The Armenians tried to do it with Azerbaijanis and the Greeks tried to do it with Cyprus against the Turkish Cypriots.

Somehow they have the nerve to cry "genocide"

Good thing they are both weak ass nations. I hope Turkiye starts to make Turkish Cyprus a formidable military. They need to be armed to the teeth with best weapons same with Azerbaijanis.

Foreign policy should be geared for 3 of them to be strong and powerful.


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If people wondering why they are pushing for electric cars here is the reason.

So electronic warfare can easily make them explode.


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Looks like goverment literally pressing all buttons ATM.

Today's news about joints exploration and refiniming of precious mineral deposit discovered few years ago with U.S.(talks dropped with China)

Last week news : New deals signed about natural gas/oil purchase from West( Exxon Mobile , Shell and Total )

And we are trying enter BRICS at the same time? :LOL::LOL:


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Looks like goverment literally pressing all buttons ATM.

Today's news about joints exploration and refiniming of precious mineral deposit discovered few years ago with U.S.(talks dropped with China)

Last week news : New deals signed about natural gas/oil purchase from West( Exxon Mobile , Shell and Total )

And we are trying enter BRICS at the same time? :LOL::LOL:
Turkey is trying to take a balanced approach towards both axises

The gas/oil purchased from the West will be resold to Europe at a higher price since the Turkish public will always end up using the super cheap Russian gas

Rumors indicate that some Western firms offered Turkey partial ToT in return for signing a deal with them in order for Europe to find a new alternative to precious minerals procured from China


Think Tank Analyst
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Looks like goverment literally pressing all buttons ATM.

Today's news about joints exploration and refiniming of precious mineral deposit discovered few years ago with U.S.(talks dropped with China)

Last week news : New deals signed about natural gas/oil purchase from West( Exxon Mobile , Shell and Total )

And we are trying enter BRICS at the same time? :LOL::LOL:
With recent revelations about Akşener, KK and his shenanigans inside CHP, his circle all being Mehmet Agar and Gultekin Uysal people, and PKK behavior around the time of election, it seems to me Gladio II did a controlled oppo operation during the election; the recent deals with Germany reinforce this, so it seems the disagreements with Fuller side of the intelligence community over the biggest arm of Gladio II, aka Gulenists, has been ironed out and the pre 2013 plans are reinstituted; this gives me doubts about this whole BRICS thing, might be a 5th column operation, along with this rhetoric about Israel, while having a fruitful domestic by-product of shutting up Islamists, without ever touching the main thing that will cripple Israel, 60 of its energy going through us from Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

Russian intelligence was not born yesterday (they banned Gulen schools as early as 2006, citing them as fronts for CIA; although I would've expected them to do it even earlier because of the coups against Karimov and Aliyev in late 90s and early aughts). Reportedly Russian officials had responded positively to enquiry of Turkish officials with regards to the possibility of joining behind closed doors, prompting them to apply, only to leak the application to close-to-Putin media, and Lavrov immediatley snubbing and declaring that no new members will be admitted for now, a fact not reported in any Turkish media afaik.

Another evidence I forgot to mention is Modern Diplomacy's piece here:

Modern diplomacy is the mouthpiece of Italian mogul and right hand man of Licio Gelli, and esteemed member of P2 lodge Giancarlo Elia Valori. People familiar with the work of Ugur Mumcu and Paul Williams will be familiar with these names. When the prominent member of old Gladio is singing the praises of the BRICS application, you know what the underlying reasons must be.
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With recent revelations about Akşener, KK and his shenanigans inside CHP, his circle all being Mehmet Agar and Gultekin Uysal people, and PKK behavior around the time of election, it seems to me Gladio II did a controlled oppo operation during the election; the recent deals with Germany reinforce this, so it seems the disagreements with Fuller side of the intelligence community over the biggest arm of Gladio II, aka Gulenists, has been ironed out and the pre 2013 plans are reinstituted; this gives me doubts about this whole BRICS thing, might be a 5th column operation, along with this rhetoric about Israel, while having a fruitful domestic by-product of shutting up Islamists, without ever touching the main thing that will cripple Israel, 60 of its energy going through us from Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.
Is it because I'm in it and not an outside observer, that I think Turkish politics is unparalleled in terms of complexity throughout the world?


Think Tank Analyst
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Is it because I'm in it and not an outside observer, that I think Turkish politics is unparalleled in terms of complexity throughout the world?
It's not just you; during the Italian trials of Gladio in the 90s, the main prosecutor who was steeped in all this esoteric shit, said that if you think the relations between Vatican, P2 Lodge, Mafia families, Golden Triangle drug cartels, U.S. intelligence community and prominent financiers and IOR is complex in Italy, wait until you learn about Turkey. Read my edit to the previous post btw.
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Angry Turk !!!

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No, during the Italian trials of Gladio in the 90s, the main prosecutor who was steeped in all this esoteric shit, said that if you think the relations between Vatican, P2 Lodge, Mafia families, Golden Triangle drug cartels, U.S. intelligence community and prominent financiers and IOR is complex in Italy, wait until you learn about Turkey. Read my edit to the previous post btw.
And why is that such a mess? I mean, why Türkiye?


Think Tank Analyst
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And why is that such a mess? I mean, why Türkiye?
I mean anything like this mess has to have a complex array of causes; but people don't like that, it doesn't seem like truth when there's a complex web of causes interplaying. One prominent cause though is U.S. strategic thinking about Eurasia and the role of its control, which they think can be achieved through us, as exemplified in the work of Brzezinski.


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One mistake people make is thinking these disparate alliances form a singular unitarian force with omnipotence and omnipresence. But in fact, despite mostly having converging interests, they sometimes do clash, they don't have consistency of goals, gargantuan long-term planning and prescience, etc. They do make a lot of mistakes, often stupid ones (a lot of prominent actors perished in assassination and counter-assassination in the 80s and 90s), and despite the influence over the judiciary through influential actors, bribery and blackmail, many instances of excessive and flagrant unlawfulness has landed many actors in prisons, etc. It's chaotic and messy, and you work with what you got not some rational 50 year plan or something.


15 1,563
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With recent revelations about Akşener, KK and his shenanigans inside CHP, his circle all being Mehmet Agar and Gultekin Uysal people, and PKK behavior around the time of election, it seems to me Gladio II did a controlled oppo operation during the election; the recent deals with Germany reinforce this, so it seems the disagreements with Fuller side of the intelligence community over the biggest arm of Gladio II, aka Gulenists, has been ironed out and the pre 2013 plans are reinstituted; this gives me doubts about this whole BRICS thing, might be a 5th column operation, along with this rhetoric about Israel, while having a fruitful domestic by-product of shutting up Islamists, without ever touching the main thing that will cripple Israel, 60 of its energy going through us from Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

Russian intelligence was not born yesterday (they banned Gulen schools as early as 2006, citing them as fronts for CIA; although I would've expected them to do it even earlier because of the coups against Karimov and Aliyev in late 90s and early aughts). Reportedly Russian officials had responded positively to enquiry of Turkish officials with regards to the possibility of joining behind closed doors, prompting them to apply, only to leak the application to close-to-Putin media, and Lavrov immediatley snubbing and declaring that no new members will be admitted for now, a fact not reported in any Turkish media afaik.

Another evidence I forgot to mention is Modern Diplomacy's piece here:

Modern diplomacy is the mouthpiece of Italian mogul and right hand man of Licio Gelli, and esteemed member of P2 lodge Giancarlo Elia Valori. People familiar with the work of Ugur Mumcu and Paul Williams will be familiar with these names. When the prominent member of old Gladio is singing the praises of the BRICS application, you know what the underlying reasons must be.
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We need a guy who can crush these shadowy networks. Send them all to artisanal quarries and televise the whole thing.

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