Its true but it is rumored that after the HTS took control of Idlib, they started to disobey Turkish commands and are even rumored to have contacts with the Israeli MossadWe hate HTS but we use them as proxies against ASSad and Russia. Hts is known to fight Russia. Let them kill each other off.
The HTS is trying to drag Turkey into a war with Assad and Russia. This comes when Assad/Turkey reapproachement started taking baby steps and when Israel started waging a war against Hezbollah in Lebanon. As @Kartal1 said, the rumors that HTS struck a deal with Mossad to weaken Assad, Russia, as well as Turkey while Israel takes the easy path in conquering nations is highly plausible
Therefore, we can conclude that having this type of ally (wolves in sheep clothes) being eliminated early on in the game is beneficial in the long run as they will 1000000% stab Turkey in the back when it matters the most since the jews love nothing more than traitors after all
Lets not forget the time when HTS fighters were being treated in Israeli hospitals just like with ISIS