Recent content by RaptorF22

  1. RaptorF22

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    I mean commercial devices available for civilian use
  2. RaptorF22

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    I want to ask friends about inertial navigation systems INS, are there civilian devices By this system (INS) like GPS devices "Garmin GPSMAP 64"‏ ??
  3. RaptorF22

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    But I think that the bomb is designed to hit moving targets, which means it does not have the luxury of missing the target by two or three meters, like fixed targets.
  4. RaptorF22

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    But the bomb is laser-guided and missed the target by more than a meter or two?
  5. RaptorF22

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    Does HENSOLDT South Africa have the power to sell the technology to Aselsan without referring to the German government?
  6. RaptorF22

    TR Air Defence Programs

    When deploying siper near cities within Turkey. Doesn't the booster falling from the missile pose a safety problem, as it may fall on someone and kill him.
  7. RaptorF22

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Hmm, looks like just a competition between companies like PARS 8X8 and ARMA 8X8, with only a small weight difference.
  8. RaptorF22

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Everyone is talking about BOZOK these days on Twitter, but I failed to tell the difference between it and MAM-L, I mean what features of BOZOK are better than MAM-L ?
  9. RaptorF22

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    But is it not possible, for example, to identify the missile to the plane's computer as a bomb or a missile that is in the plane's arsenal, such as Aasm bombs or a dumb bomb? Because the missile is programmed on the ground and is only launched from the air.
  10. RaptorF22

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    I have previously read @Cabatli_53 post saying that the missile can be integrated, but I don't remember if it is without a source code or with part of it ??!
  11. RaptorF22

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Does integrating the SOM Cruise missile into fighters like Qataris Rafale require permission from France or obtaining part of the source code for the aircraft's computer ?
  12. RaptorF22

    TR Economy & Updates

    There is a Jewish prophecy that says that Israel will collapse in 2022, and this will be accompanied by a global economic collapse. Does this seem like a reason for Erdogan's insistence on fighting interest despite the lack of explanation for his actions that destroy the economy, at least...
  13. RaptorF22

    TR Air Defence Programs

    I mean to reduce the deployment time of the Hisar-O+ system as well as increase its range, if the radar is mounted on a truck it will be much faster in the process of transportation (High mobility) and deployment
  14. RaptorF22

    TR Air Defence Programs

    It was preferable to carry the Kalkan II radar on a mast to increase its range against low targets, as well as reduce the number of vehicles by making the system Compact like VL-Mica
  15. RaptorF22

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Will it be integrated into existing Milgem or future ships ?

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