Recent content by Seres pumilio

  1. S

    The use of proxies by India and Pakistan.

    ISI concentrates its operations more on kinetic actions through religious fundamentalists. ISI hardly has any industrial and political espionage footprint on the world stage. We are only limited to rag tag organizations. It is also the reason why its activities are more public. They did do a...
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    India India - Pakistan Relations

    @Paro keep a watch on what the west will do to Pakistan in the coming years. Pakistan is bound to see pre 2010 lawlessness in the tribal areas.
  3. S

    Pakistan's duty to raise Kashmir issue more vigorously at UN, says UNGA president

    Whats the point of this thread anyway? In a decade kashmir on the Indian side will have a hindu majority killing any muslim dominated area from the argument. Then you can convert loc to IB or what every you call it. Its in Pakistans interest to lower the expectations of its population on...
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    India Air-Force Indian Air Force

    Wonder why boeing-tata transport contract is still pending even though budget was allocated and set aside in 2018. Priorities If Nationals security was top priority you would have had your 126 Rafales by 2014. What about the follow on orders for SPH & M-777, scorpions? What happened with the...
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    India Air-Force Indian Air Force

    They wont order any after the present crisis. Its going on the back burner. Modi needs to spend on the next elections and strengthening the ground forces facing china to avoid another slap on the face during the next elections. All the funds will be redirected to these areas. Also as usual...
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    India Corona thread

    I hope for once India will act selfishly and bans the export of the vaccine for few weeks until the situation stabilizes inside. Too much of peaceful coexistence ideology has got the International community to take advantage of the country.
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    India Indian Economy + Infra Archive

    uzbekistan mostly. Tata has been doing mining there already
  8. S

    India Domestic Security Archive

    The major ambush was set up by placing an LMG in a house which opened fire at clear line of site injuring most of the party. They were hunted down while dragging the injured and retreating into the forest.

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