TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi


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Turks changing world history.

Man we sure should be proud.

Changing world history and giving the world Baklava and BIZIM REIS lmaooo


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Canadian healthcare is a total joke thanks to it being govt run (and thus inevitably rationed) on so many things.

Of course leftie media rags in the US will praise it because they are socialist scum living in their little bubbles....they dont actually have to sign up for it and face it. Its been like that with the democrats ever since LBJ and his dumbass push federally (stripping long term state and local level which is where it should be at most) along with his vietnam debacle at same time.

Tons of Canadians increasingly pay out of pocket and go to US for higher level healthcare....rather than wait for years (thanks to marxist rationing):

The best system is the Swiss one and Singaporean one.... govt mandates things (within employer coverage and provident fund), pays specific subsidy (in a balanced budget, not one that accumulates debt to pass on) and then private companies provide supply side fully.

This was largely the system pre-LBJ and also before Canadian "liberals" wrecked it for their federal politician-based statism grandstanding.

These clowns dont learn GOSPLAN and marxism doesnt work. Period.
Well, I can’t say that I am really aware of Canadian healthcare’s ins and outs. All I’m almost certain is that like you said liberal media hyping on it. Nevertheless, I for one, would voluntarily swap my pathetic healthcare privileges with CanaDian one without much hesitation


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Soo uuhmm i remember many many years ago I used to actively make videos on Youtube, but could no longer login anymore so completely forgat about it. Recently could get into it again and came across this embarrassment of a video that actually got like 200.000 views. I had a good laugh at it, you might as well now 😭

@Foulgrim @Akritas


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Well, I can’t say that I am really aware of Canadian healthcare’s ins and outs. All I’m almost certain is that like you said liberal media hyping on it. Nevertheless, I for one, would voluntarily swap my pathetic healthcare privileges with CanaDian one without much hesitation

Yeah I hear ya, so many regular folks get shortchanged by the system so badly.

Obamacare was supposed to fix that by globbing on more federal expansion in DC, it just made it worse tbh.

The solution always lay in keeping politicians, bureaucrats and corporations in manageable chunks (i.e the US states themselves)....i.e as close and tangible to the voters as possible rather than push everything DC-side as DC is just awful and already has its haughtiness, superiority complex, military-industrial complex etc to begin with....along with all the insider trading and corruption that gets easier to hide or even sell openly in these federal bills.

Ottawa centralisation is the derpy mini-me version of that too given size and spread of Canada compared to province by province...the total population being lot lower doesnt really help on this.

I mean would having one healthcare plan for all of EU based in brussels work?

If politicians and bureaucrats are actually made to put in the real work to find and implement the best solution at some local/state/provincial level rather than pass the buck to simply form of govt that has the biggest lever (that then corporations mould their structure to, given profit margins in health and insurance are actually quite low).... we'd all be better off.

Altruism cannot be done by the state to begin with....they are not altruistic thinking people working there, they are machiavelian and have taxpayer resources essentially given compulsory to begin the "state altruism" only deducts from proper altruism in society. Back in the day in US for example, there was very discretionary amount in many hospital individual budget for charity to help those folks that couldnt afford the medical bill. This has now all been circumvented to grow govt to make politicians feel better and grandstand. Crazy.


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Soo uuhmm i remember many many years ago I used to actively make videos on Youtube, but could no longer login anymore so completely forgat about it. Recently could get into it again and came across this embarrassment of a video that actually got like 200.000 views. I had a good laugh at it, you might as well now 😭

@Foulgrim @Akritas

My favourite video back in those days were IMMORTAL TURKISH WEAPONS


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German media's Magdeburg terror attack response, in a nutshell:
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It has been confirmed that the Azerbaijan airways plane was shot down by the Russian air defense system.

Corrupt SoBs knew that this was inexplicable stupidity, so they refused to allow the plane to make an emergency landing in Nalchik, Vladikavkaz, or Makhachkala and wanted it to crash into the Caspian Sea. But the pilots managed to make a heroic effort.

My condolences again to those who lost their lives, a speedy recovery to the wounded and get well soon to our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters.


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And this is where we are now: Some low IQ conspiracy theorists seem to have found a Turkish HAARP ship. It flooded Spain. lol

I'll often have arguments with Turkish Islamists, and I truly believe that the more radical elements are threats to our society.

BUT, I must say that even the dumbest of our Islamists aren't as stupid as your average western Christian conspiracy theorist. Like seriously, these guys will believe anything.


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It has been confirmed that the Azerbaijan airways plane was shot down by the Russian air defense system.

Corrupt SoBs knew that this was inexplicable stupidity, so they refused to allow the plane to make an emergency landing in Nalchik, Vladikavkaz, or Makhachkala and wanted it to crash into the Caspian Sea. But the pilots managed to make a heroic effort.

My condolences again to those who lost their lives, a speedy recovery to the wounded and get well soon to our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters.
Not only that but the Russians were also jamming GPS systems in the vicinity. Because the pilots' job wasn't hard enough already you see.


21 2,015
i like to discuses alternative history of Turkish republic especially before and during ww2 and the possiable gain we could had if we entered the war. can i randomly create a thread for this topic ? ??


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i like to discuses alternative history of Turkish republic especially before and during ww2 and the possiable gain we could had if we entered the war. can i randomly create a thread for this topic ? ??
WW2 alternative history can be fun. Then, let me say what I have in mind right away: I can't help but wonder what would have happened if the Turkish army had declared war on Nazi Germany in June/July 1944, when the Axis had lost Italy, the Russians had reached Romania in the east, and the allied forces had begun to land on the French coast, in other words, when the march to Berlin had begun. The Turkish army could have captured the eastern Aegean islands within 6-8 miles and some Turkish majority Western Thrace at that time, and after the war, it would not have left Western Thrace without gaining autonomy in this area, also the 12 Islands may have been returned to the Turkish state as should be.


21 2,015
WW2 alternative history can be fun. Then, let me say what I have in mind right away: I can't help but wonder what would have happened if the Turkish army had declared war on Nazi Germany in June/July 1944, when the Axis had lost Italy, the Russians had reached Romania in the east, and the allied forces had begun to land on the French coast, in other words, when the march to Berlin had begun. The Turkish army could have captured the eastern Aegean islands within 6-8 miles and some Turkish majority Western Thrace at that time, and after the war, it would not have left Western Thrace without gaining autonomy in this area, also the 12 Islands may have been returned to the Turkish state as should be.
by that time the war was already won and they wouldn't gave anything to us beside with what army ?? what food ?? people were starving because of ismet Inonu's wrong economical polices + the war were fought around us and there was no road and infrastructure hence most of our agriculture product were wasted. beside im more Aç Göz then you are lol im not ok with only 12 islands. lot of things need to be done before ww2 let me give you my 2 cent


21 2,015
first ataturk should live longer and lead us during ww2 hence ismet inonu's economic polices wont be a problem

imperlist powers always start a rebellion in ottoman empire then jumping demand independence similarly ataturk started rebellion in Mosul and Kirkuk by Turkmens ( back in that time there were majority in the region) ataturk prepared for military operation to retake these lands on base of these Turkmens wants to be reunited with turkey and ask league of nation to be judge however British started Sheikh Said rebellion and argued that then kurds wants independence as well which lead us to forget about Mosul

in this version şeyh said rebellion never happened and we took Kirkuk and Mosul back in 1924 15 years before ww2 allowing us to have access to oil as well as more farmland which generate more food and money also oil is critical for creating more roads which would better connect our rural areas which had 80% f our population and prevent our agriculture products to go to waste critical.


with red and purpled i colored the new turkish borders in syria and iraq. i tried to lock the border to some natural barriers such as hills rivers and mountains

now we oil + dollars and new roads + food surplus we had enough recourse to have strong world class airforce as for land forces no need to have large amount of tanks but rather small but modern and effective force.

creating airforce can be achieved either by buying aircrafts from superpowers or created them it locally. since education level still is low 1923 its was 6% in 1938 it was 23%, in that case we may use some Jewish intellectuals who are running away from nazi germany though i should state that they should be hired as state employee hence all the designs should be belongs to the state. and they would have come since no country not even Americans accepted them at that time.

Vecihi K-VI was the first aircraft desinged by Vecihi Hürkuş 1923 tho it was modest but it had many poetical if we had recourses by 1924/1925 we would be taken over Mosul and Kirkuk and with oil problem of both fuel and money would be solved addistionally with the new roads we would be able to extract metals in anatolia more efficiently. with the help of Jewish academia this project would be speed up and eventually turn into respected single engine fighter airplane


alternativly we could buy/ license produce Fokker G1 which was suited for our need considering our limited resources after 60 Fokker G1s produced germany attacked netherland just like jewish academia we may could convinse the dutch to move to turkey and produce airplane or sell the design. Fokker G1 had 8 machine guns in front and with 2 engine it had good speed and range. the aircraft had 2 models with a bombing bay beneath or add 3rd crew to man a machine gun on the top. this aircraft is a average but it can fill all role of air superiority, interceptor, ground support and bomber and it have long range and high speed which is perfect for ur situations as we had limited resources and limited aircraft production capabilities

after having our airforce fixed with fokker g1 or domestic single engine aircraft or mix of both, its time to move on our next target Cyprus !!!!

we should pressure British over Cyprus from 1924 all the way to 1941 to hand over Cyprus try to even bribe them since Churchill was willing to give Aegean island in exchange for us to entering the war and germany declear war on US on 11 December 1941 so by beginning of 1941 there is no US or soviet help and British are alone. by april of 1941 germany takes greece as well as island of crete and rommel kicking the British in north Africa. whether with promising to fight the German or threatening to join the Germans we must get Cyprus before operation Barbarossa which start at 22 June 1941–Lebanon_campaign

by 22 June 1941 Operation Barbarossa starts 1 month later in July 1941 British attacked Syria which was held by Vichy France and capture it

as you can see biritish move in from east or south east we can easily capture the coasts, Aleppo, Qamishli and Raqqa before they do as i have drawn in the pervious map with red and purple while British would get the rest

whether with making deal with British or Germany we would get this land which add more resource and farm land. just like Japan and Germany were allies but Germany refuse to declare war on soviets we will declare war on Vichy France but convince Germany that we will give them metals like iron or chromium and limited oil they dispersedly needed if they let us have these lands or we will join with British and cute the metal exports. when Barbarossa is in full swing and Germany start struggling we will keep making threats to cut the oil and metal unless Germany force Vichy France to make peace with us and give the land to us.

we spend next years lobbing in Washington and London on how and when enter the war while gather resources training our army storing food and oil for the war now with both soviets and the US entering the war we will wait for 1944 with British victorious in north Africa US about to land in Normandy and soviets pushing Germans to Romina we declare war on Germany and attack the island as well as Bulgaria and german occupied Greece


we take all bulgaria and part of romaine before they had chance to change side as well as the islands and Greece. after the war in balkans the area that i marked in red which is locked to hills or river will be granted to turkey for war contributions


these areas will be the last territories the Turkish republics will gain in balkans aegean sea and Mediterranean during ww2




final map smaller then misak i milli but still covers all the geopolitical needs and lock our borders to hills mountains and rivers


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