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  1. BalkanTurk90

    TR Attack & Utility Helicopter Programs

    looks good number for gandarma , land forces need more but they want bigger helicopter and will wait for T-925 transport helicopter meanwhile T70 is on order
  2. BalkanTurk90

    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    Did goverment give all of 3.5 b $ to BMC or it will give when Altay get produced step by step ?
  3. BalkanTurk90

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Yes i aslo think this Anka 3 is small but when someone said will operate in Anadolu carrier than i understood . Turkiye still dont have engines for more bigger drones so for now we will get Anka 3 with TF6000 engine , in future 1 engine of TFX can power bigger Anka 3 version long range deep...
  4. BalkanTurk90

    TR Federal State

    Its very different about USA , even if they have federal system , they are 1 people , no separatism . 1 language 1 culture . no difference about Ohia vs michigan or New york vs Pensilvania . If this happen ro Turkiye they will ask for more and complete separate country
  5. BalkanTurk90

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    It looks to me or cockpit area is little bulky comparing with its body ?! Or it will change after prototypes
  6. BalkanTurk90

    TR Politics

    Yes kurds have proliferated and becane majority in so.e provinces but that doesnt mean thats their land , to be fair that land in south east Turkiye is more ARMENIANS than kurds even that armenians are almost none , I hope kurds know this and dont cause separatism . Or the future is diffucult...
  7. BalkanTurk90

    TR Politics

    Not only that but in Russian society is more different and west agents cant pass so easy to spread separatism amomg them and destroy that country , Russia aslo has powerful secret service that can 'calm' everybody everywhere with novichok or with another type of unknown substance . While Turkish...
  8. BalkanTurk90

    TR Politics

    Why not Umit Ozdağ himself ?!
  9. BalkanTurk90

    TR Politics

    I hope Meral Akşener became canditate for pressident and wins . She is perfect for situation that Turkish economy is and for ralations with outside . Will be clash of titants if Akşener became canditate of Akp-mhp-iyi VS Mansur Yavaş CHP -Saadet +others . Kiliçdaroglu is 'used' and old thats...
  10. BalkanTurk90

    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    Prototype or mock up? They both look almost same so 🤷
  11. BalkanTurk90

    TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east

    Yes will be great but they cost too much and needs too much land . USA have that kind of housing . I prefer 1 million times private House 1/2 storey than apartaments,they make me depressed . not only for safety but of confort aslo . Apartaments for me are like prison . Any news about how many...
  12. BalkanTurk90

    TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east

    I understand that around Earthquake zone 50km the 7.8 and + aftershock 7.7 are too much for every type of building and can collspse but Those building 150-200 km far , i dont undertand ! State should act and put in prison those who build those building and collspse 200 km far from center of...
  13. BalkanTurk90

    TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east

    I dont believe that in this terrible earthquake some post agaist Turkish goverment . Someone calling soldiers to go to rubbles and ( DO WHAT? ) The army is for WAR not to get people out of rubbles . Soldiers can go and send equipment , food , and open tents for survives but people under rubble...
  14. BalkanTurk90

    TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east

    No u cant do the math like that cos most buipding collapsed due to aftershock earthwukes , there were 10+ earthquakes 6+ Righter . most of those 200k people have get outside when first earthquakes occur and never come inside . The 2nd earthwuake strong 7.7 occur at 11 AM , Still there were no...
  15. BalkanTurk90

    TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east

    We have heard about the injured and dead ones from this terrible earthquake but does any goverment agency did the estimate about how many people are under rubble ? the death toll reched 8000
  16. BalkanTurk90

    TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east

    No, During albania earthquake i listen some experts and they said its very normal that building walls to crack and even fall but important is the columns if they dont crack then the building is safe . That building it seems have large columns and have resisted the earthquakes . We should accept...
  17. BalkanTurk90

    TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east

    The last reports for dead people reached 5.400+ only in Turkiye and there are another around 2000 in Syria 😭😭😭
  18. BalkanTurk90

    TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east

    It seems some zones are very hard to sent help like Hatay , roads blocked , airport demaged . So the best is to use helicopters. I hope Turkish army with around 500 helicopters can send some 50 of them with rescures and small equipent . Until roads fixed temporarily . Aslo someone write here...
  19. BalkanTurk90

    TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east

    Dont post all kind of fake tweets that u can find on twitter , How do he know ? Province of Gaziantep have 2+million people + 500k Syrian refugges .
  20. BalkanTurk90

    TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east

    Why would USA or any country cause a earthquake at fist place ? Are they psychopath with mental disorders? -Aslo did USA aslo cause eathquake at centuries ago !?? There is no way to tell man made earthwuake vs natural one IF ( there are human made) Aslo If USA will attack with Earthquake than...

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