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  1. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    So, we should back off and give up on Tajikistan just because Iran is trying to spread it's influence there? Is that your proposal Mr. Smartass? Btw, Kyrgyzistan gave us middle finger several times on FETÖ issues and they supported Russia when we shot down their jet. So much for our...
  2. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Lol. How old are you? 12? I was also making such simple comments on foreign affairs when I was in middle school. You don't have to like each other to make business or even cooperate. Do you think Russians sold us S-400 because they are in love with dark haired Turkish men? Americans sold us...
  3. Corvus

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    There's no Arab Nationalism in Turkey. In fact, there's a huge anti-Arab racism. You just hate Islam (you can hate Islam, I don't care) and you think this has something to do with Arabs. I'm sick of seeing these teenage parrots repeating the same slogans all over the internet.
  4. Corvus

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    On one hand, I really would like to sell drones to Serbia because of the repeated reasons here. However on the other hand, I'm hesitant considering the sensitivities of our brothers in Balkans. In that case, donating drones to our allies could be a pretty good idea. We can make money by...
  5. Corvus

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Alternatif kaliteli Türkçe forum var mı? Oraya geçelim.
  6. Corvus

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Guys, whenever I come here to read some comments about the war, I see nothing but copy+paste news. We can already follow the news through other platforms. Please share less news and more personal comments.
  7. Corvus

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Sadfor açılmıyor ya iki gündür. Bilgisi olan var mı?
  8. Corvus

    TR Politics

    DEVA is created by Ali Babacan, not Davutoğlu. You don't even know this simple fact but you somehow know the guy who ruled Turkey for 2 years is a Gulenist. Ahmet Davutoğlu is not my favorite guy but he was ousted from his position by Berat Albayrak and his gang because he simply didn't bow...
  9. Corvus

    News Syrian student ranks first in Turkish high school entrance exam

    I detected bullshit in your message. Smells really bad.
  10. Corvus

    Defence Fair IDEF 2021 News & Discussion Updates

    I think second ship should be named TCG Rumeli, not TCG Trakya. Rumeli has a meaning in Turkish historical subconsciousness unlike Trakya. Anadolu and Rumeli fortresses, Anadolu and Rumeli müdafaa-i hukuk cemiyeti, Anadolu and Rumeli kazaskers etc. They go together for a thousand year and...
  11. Corvus

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Armenia withdraws ambassador from Israel over Azerbaijan arms deal Azerbaijan has acknowledged using Israeli-made weapons in its fighting with ethnic Armenian forces around Nagorno-Karabakh...

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