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  1. Corvus

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    OFFICIAL 🇮🇩🇹🇷 Weapons Contract 1. CMS OPV Warship 2. CMS OPV 90 meter Warship 3. CMS KCR 90 meter Warship�2. 4. CMS Frigate (Arrowhead 140) 5. 2 unit KCR TAIS 6. Khan TBM System 7. Hisar O&U SAM 8. Atmaca AsHM
  2. Corvus

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Anyone knows the weight of a Sungur missille? I'm wondering how many Sungurs could be utilized from a TB-2.
  3. Corvus

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Mr. Selçuk gets lots of credit since he is engineer, young and damat but Mr. Haluk seems to be the real brain behind Baykar to me. He is a a smart guy who understands not only drones but many other things.
  4. Corvus

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Off topic, Kızıl Elma doesn't mean red apple. It means golden apple as "kızıl" actually means gold in old Turkish. Azerbaijani Turks still use kızıl instead of altın when refering to gold.
  5. Corvus

    TR Politics

    Man, it seems like you don't even have enough level of intelligence to comprehend what I just wrote up there. I will write it in Turkish so maybe it will be easier for you. Ben Türkiye'de doğdum, büyüdüm ve yaşıyorum. Bir proje nedeniyle geçici olarak İtalya'da bulundum. Kapiş?
  6. Corvus

    TR Politics

    1) Your inferior complex has come to such a level that you even started to hate other Turks -your brethren- just because they happened to live in other countries. That's not even racism, that's a new level of low that I haven't seen in any other part of the world. 2) As you produce fake stories...
  7. Corvus

    TR Politics

    Turkey has just turned into a giant ülkü ocağı. The government only exists thanks to Bahçeli, the brightest opposition leader's nickname is Asena, the most popular possible candidate for presidency is mayor of Ankara who still proudly says that he is ülkücü, the newest popular figure among the...
  8. Corvus

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    What the heck is Anka2?
  9. Corvus

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    It would be a blessing if the Syrian Regime and Iranian proxies come to defend PKK. We will hit them both, clear them from north and Israel (thus USA) will be happy. I'm saying for long time, Turkey should aim Aleppo and establish a state there under our influence. That's also the only...
  10. Corvus

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    I totally agree. Thanks for having a stance against racism. It is crucial in an international forum who has members from all around the world.
  11. Corvus

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    No, I'm not an Akp supporter and I think the government is responsible for all the problems we're facing currently including the refugee crisis. Being anti-racism doesn't make you an Akp supporter even if your simple brain tends to believe otherwise. You're in the same page with most of akp...
  12. Corvus

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Well, I don't want to read that kind of racist comments in this forum but there's nothing I can do. People talk no matter how low their ideas are. If you can't afford to buy a t-shirt, that's your or your government's problem. Not tourists' problem. They came here to see our beautiful country...
  13. Corvus

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Your source? Some twitter accounts you always copy+paste? Insider. Lol. More like twitter insider.
  14. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    It seems like Ben Wallace is going to be leading the UK after Boris. If the British bring a soldier to the head of the state, the belts must be fastened. Winter really is coming. I see the rapprochement of Turkey and the United Kingdom as very important strategic moves for both states...
  15. Corvus

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I would say not in the first ten position. After seeing the disaster in Ukraine...
  16. Corvus

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    I think it is not allowed to show that part of the body in this forum.
  17. Corvus

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    Everything has it's time. We should not take both the West and Russia in front of us simultaneously. We should first hit Russian protected YPG and then we can deal with the rest later. Because we need those F-16s, we need a good economy. We don't need more sanctions and embargoes. They are...
  18. Corvus

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    I think our main objective should be Tal Rifat and Aleppo. Pushing Russians and Iranians back with western support. If we go for Ayn al-Arab or other American protected areas. There will be a huge backlash. We can forget about the new F-16 deal.
  19. Corvus

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Last time I check, Taliban members were Afghan too.
  20. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Islamist? World must be a very happy place for you my simple friend. There's black and there's white. There's good and there's evil. There are Turks (only the ones you like) and there are Arabs (everyone you hate). Oh, let's not forget even Islamist and Arab are the same thing in your very...

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