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  1. Corvus

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Is outright racism allowed in this forum?
  2. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Tengri literally means God. In that case you're basically a Godist (theist) ? If not, what are the differences between theism and tengrism? I'm genuinely curious.
  3. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Save face? For what exactly? I wasn't the one falsely branding people as Islamists and then proven wrong. * This is a forum and I can freely express my ideas in any topic that I wish. And how did you come to conclusion that I "care more about changing the constitution"? I never said such a...
  4. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Constitutions are not dogmas. They're written by people and they often change if needed. Atatürk, with his great vision, opposed the Ottoman constitution and established the Republic. That being said, I don't remember me "opposing the constitution". On the contrary you are opposing it by...
  5. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    I don't remember saying such an absurd thing. On the contrary, I'm the one saying nobody has to follow any certain religion or ideology. Believe or insult whatever you want. I don't care. If you are done with your fallacies, let's come back to the real point of our discussion. What happened...
  6. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    No, you're wrong because he surely knows your country better than you do.
  7. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    "Nation comes first" is basically nationalism. So everybody can follow their ideology but they must be nationalists as well? What kind of oxymoron is that? How can someone be, lets say communist, islamist or globalist and nationalist at the same time? That's like supporting Fenerbahçe and...
  8. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    I have some facts for you instead of made-up accusations. The group that is organizing these protests against SOCAR is called "Filistin İçin Bin Genç" and the founders of this group are leftists. They have people from every ideology and some of them are my atheist friends. They even got beaten...
  9. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    What makes these people islamists in your eyes?
  10. Corvus

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    I asked for a source. Not for an estimation. And I asked it to @Asena_great , since he was the one confidently giving a number which was "slightly" -13 million- higher than yours.
  11. Corvus

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Could you please provide your source for these numbers?
  12. Corvus

    TR Politics

    Can the government interfere in the language of the signs on private property in the country you're living?
  13. Corvus

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    I'm asking once again: Do you have ANY proof/statistics about your claims on foreigners spreading HIV etc? I asked this question to dozens of people and somehow they never managed to back up their claims with anything credible. Nobody said there are not foreigners in our universities...
  14. Corvus

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Could you please share ANY proof about your claims? All I see is bunch of anonymous accounts spreading propaganda without any evidence, as if they're controlled by a center. Right after our successful agreement with Somalia.
  15. Corvus

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    PKK published a video of them shooting down various Turkish drones with AA missiles. I'm not sharing the video to not to spread their propaganda but it's a concerning development.
  16. Corvus

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    This is the second F-5 crash in a short time if I'm not mistaken. Maybe it's time to say goodbye to them?
  17. Corvus

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Yes, actions speak louder than words. By looking Israel's actions in the history (Nakba) and by looking what Israel is doing right now, we can easily say that Israel is aiming total annihilation of Gaza. They are repeatedly saying that that's their target and they're actually doing it right...
  18. Corvus

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Then why all the Israeli officials are saying otherwise?
  19. Corvus

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    I feel like difficult times are coming and that requires a leadership that could make difficult decisions. So far, Erdoğan always dodged these decisions, maybe rightly so. But times are changing fast, power centers are shifting. Western dominated world as we live now will be history. Next 20...
  20. Corvus

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Mods, may I ask why did you delete my comments about the fake Nardugan thingy? Since when telling the obvious truth is forbidden on this forum?

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