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  1. Corvus

    Cartography Section

    Cezayir'in Anka veya Aksungur alacağı söyleniyordu?
  2. Corvus

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    There was actually a study done in the 80s asking exactly this question. The US Army found a discrepancy between what they and the Soviets thought was effective artillery fire against armored formations. In 1988, a simulated armored unit consisting of tanks, APCs and manikins was subjected to...
  3. Corvus

    TR Politics

    If that's the case, he seems right about knowing our history better than you do.
  4. Corvus

    TR Politics

    I didn't get it. I personally didn't see such a threat so I don't know. Btw, I'm not pointing fingers to anyone in particular. I'm not talking about who is right or wrong either. I'm just saying: if you are going to discuss with someone, don't play we are Turkish card. This is an international...
  5. Corvus

    TR Politics

    Who are "they"?
  6. Corvus

    TR Politics

    No worries buddy, I get similar attacks from some angry teenagers here just because I study in Italy. They think they're the only ones who can talk about anything related to Turkey and it's politics. Since they're not capable of defending their arguments with intelligence and respect, they...
  7. Corvus

    TR Politics

    It is nice to see real faces of some "opposition" leaders:
  8. Corvus

    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    Bahtiyar Ersay Paşa in Azerbaijani uniorm:
  9. Corvus

    TR Economy & Updates

    Somehow this "we don't produce" thing became a baseless slogan in everyone's mouth who wants criticize current economical problems. As you said Turkey is a producing, hardworking and energetic nation. For instance, you can build a skyscraper from scratch and totally equip with everything...
  10. Corvus

    TR Economy & Updates

    This is simply not true. Turkey produces a lot. More than any other country around us.
  11. Corvus

    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    The commander of the Special Command Group of the Armed Forces of Turkey in Azerbaijan, General-Colonel Bahtiyar Ersay, has been appointed as the adviser to the Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan, General-Colonel Zakir Hasanov. "Qafqazinfo" reports that he made a presentation as the adviser to...
  12. Corvus

    TR Economy & Updates

    I don't want to drag this discussion into a personal competition for our egos despite you're doing your best for it. Since you keep repeating same ignorant comments about me, I will just respond for the last time and then I will be done with you. I'm not Italian, I'm a Turk who has born and...
  13. Corvus

    TR Economy & Updates

    Thanks for proving my arguments with every message you sent so far :) I couldn't have found a better opponent to show how narrow-minded and simple the ideology* you represent is. *It is not actually an ideology but a slogan-based collective masturbation where everyone but you is a traitor...
  14. Corvus

    TR Economy & Updates

    Hahahahah very democratic of you calling everyone you dislike a terrorism supporter. Once again, this proves there's not much difference between current Erdogan&Bahceli&Perincek coalition and new far right movements such as the "party" in your profile picture. Two faces of the same coin. We...
  15. Corvus

    TR Economy & Updates

    Then why are you angry at her if you accept being a fascist? She says the truth.
  16. Corvus

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Btw, isn't Çorlu too close to Greece to fly Kızılelma? Their radars will be working to collect whatever info they can.
  17. Corvus

    TR Economy & Updates

    Well, your whole message proves her point.
  18. Corvus

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    Are you trying to say Erdoğan is FETÖ?!?? I don't think so, my friend. Life is not just about black and white. Neither Erdoğan nor Davutoğlu & Babacan are FETÖ members.
  19. Corvus

    Casual Discussion The Meme Thread

    I asked AI to create a song for Turkish defence industry and that's the result: Verse 1: In the land of the Turks, a history of power Where the might of the military has always been our finest hour From the days of the Ottomans, to the modern age We have always known the importance of the...
  20. Corvus

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    Can you provide a proof for your claim that Davutoğlu & Babacan being FETÖ members?

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