@Mis_TR_Like do you have any experience with featherback?
Nope, never heard of them until now. I googled them, I must say they look very unique, especially for a freshwater fish. Have you seen or ate them?@Mis_TR_Like do you have any experience with featherback?
There was this South Korean reality show where foreigners went to Korea as tourists. I watched as three normal Turkish dudes poke at a baby octopus thingy that i still alive, on a platter. It was one of the funniest instances of culture shock I've ever seen. To their credit, they soldiered on and at least pushed themselves to try. The guys seemed to be real bros though. 10/10 would mindlessly play MMORPGs with.Mussels are nice! Midye Dolma is my favourite.
Yeah I know what you mean. I used to think shrimp and other legged sea creatures were gross. But once I tasted them I realised that they're delicious. The appearance doesn't really bother me any more. However, going back to mussels, in Australia we sometimes have Pea Crabs in our mussels.. I didn't know until I cooked some frozen mussels and got shocked when I saw a tiny crab inside one. Put me off seafood for a bit.
Sounds like a highly cherished local delicacy. However, There’s a limit to my courage and adventurous spirit. I eat raw fish, no problemThere was this South Korean reality show where foreigners went to Korea as tourists. I watched as three normal Turkish dudes poke at a baby octopus thingy that i still alive, on a platter. It was one of the funniest instances of culture shock I've ever seen. To their credit, they soldiered on and at least pushed themselves to try. The guys seemed to be real bros though. 10/10 would mindlessly play MMORPGs with.
No idea about Japan but UK government website isn't bad compared to other Europeans government websites. no idea compared to E-Devlet since i never used it.turkish government service also far better than UK or Japan
E-devlet and Cimer are wonderful.
the only terrible system is the denklik system.
I graduated from a famous Japanese national university but still wait for Denklik for more than half year
I am a British Türkiye duel Citizenship so I knew that.No idea about Japan but UK government website isn't bad compared to other Europeans government websites. no idea compared to E-Devlet since i never used it.
Animeler ile aran nasıl, Akihabara'ya gittin mi hiç?I back from Japonya and found a job in Istanbul now.
The life of Türkiye is far far better than UK or Japonya if you have a good home here.
Hmm.. I think I will stick to my midye dolma proper. Adequately cooled down and taste set in over nightI used to live just across from "Çiçek Pasajı and Balıkçılar Pasajı" in Beyoğlu.
Sometimes we would be back from drinking at 02:30 - 03:00 in the morning where a new batch of steaming hot Midye Dolma would be just out. There was no stopping us from finishing the whole batch between us. Aaaah Istanbul.
Evet ama simdi internet var,Animeler ile aran nasıl, Akihabara'ya gittin mi hiç?
Have you ever been crabbing? Every year in winter millions of giant spider crabs enter Port Phillip Bay. I've caught a lot of sand crabs and red shore crabs, but I really want to catch some spider crabs.
Yes, redfin perch! I never realised they were also in Bangladesh. The distribution maps only show Europe, Russia and a bit of Central Asia plus introduced populations in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
I guess they're spreading everywhere. They're very aggressive and kill native fish, but they're much better than carp.
Snow Crabs look fantastic! I'm assuming you went with a boat? They appear to be a deep water species. I've seen them on the show Deadliest Catch.Over here I've been lucky to go snow crabbing in st lawrence a cpl times with some buds.
We've also done blue crab.
Both are good eatin. Maritime Canada is great for crabbing. Lobsters are more difficult and restricted.
Chinese mitten crabs have begun to show up too in some freshwater areas....which is problem since its invasive species (there were no freshwater crabs here at all before them).
They're good eating too, very popular in Singapore when I lived there.
Generally I go fishing though, much easier compared to Crabs since I'm inland with ample freshwater.
Largie, smallie (both bass), perch, pike, trout, walleye.....along with the "ultimate"...the muskie.
Walleye and trout are my favourite to eat....perch is good eating too if big enough....and even Pike if you know how to do it right.
If you know what you are doing, you barely ever have to buy fish at the market.....can literally just live off the land....and time seasons and harvest (w.r.t licensing reg ofc), process and storage/preserving.
This resource is still very untapped by the population at large (all things considered IMO)....most value convenience over self-sufficiency.
Snow Crabs look fantastic! I'm assuming you went with a boat? They appear to be a deep water species. I've seen them on the show Deadliest Catch.
You have a nice selection of freshwater fish up in Canada. I wish we had bass here. They seem to be the best freshwater sport fish and easy to catch in comparison to say, trout.
We have introduced populations of trout here, but they don't last long in our lakes. They get stocked a few times a year, but I've never caught. We need to go up into the mountains to catch them, as they thrive in the streams.
Have you ever been ice fishing?
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