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I'm also telling this since i joined PDF but no i was called "nazi", "racist" and even got thread banned many times because i stated those facts (which start to happen now).
Turkey is digging itself another internal front, our nation took care of them, provided them with everything a human needs, but they slowly forget what they are... refugees and not guests since they don't behave like guests anymore.
We could have easily f*cking up the EU if we would have them all pass and even used that for our interest, but no for some peanuts we kept them inside. Trying to weaponize them later which failed badly.
Northern Syria's native Arab population was cleaned and now Kurds are taking over, they have US support if this doesn't sounds like Syrian version of the KRG story to you what then?
With taking in refugees wes support demographic change in Syria, that means we're indirectly helping the USA with the creation of pkkstan.
Europe as a whole has daddy issues when it comes to Turks. Still butthurt they couldn't subjugate them into the ground like they did their colonies and slave trade.
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Forget being ready for an earthquake. Turkey is not even ready to handle a tsunami.