TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi


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Guys I bought the Ottoman armies of 1820 to 1914 for kindle.

Any ideas in circumventing amazons drm. I cant download it to pdf.

I really want to share this book with everybody. I feel like history books should be shared.


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Guys I bought the Ottoman armies of 1820 to 1914 for kindle.

Any ideas in circumventing amazons drm. I cant download it to pdf.

I really want to share this book with everybody. I feel like history books should be shared.

you can use calibre , used to id a while ago, don't know if still works, check this out
hope it helps .
seems like the best option for now is this software:, then just find a serial on the net that's it, there a lot of crack around but most probably o good chunk of them has virus inside. my tip is the to create a windows container inside a linux box and run all that crap inside the container . no risk
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you can use calibre , used to id a while ago, don't know if still works, check this out
hope it helps .

Im reading the comments how amazon made the drm really hard to strip out.

Such dogs to be honest. If I buy a book regardless if its paper or ebook I have a right to share it with people.

This is what its come down to what a shame. Monopoly of knowledge and education because of Money.

Jeff Bezos I hope you burn in hell.


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The earthquake scientists have been very vocal the last few weeks, warning great Istanbul earthquake could happen any time now. Just when I was brooding over it, a 3.9 magnitude earthquake happened in Marmara sea. 250 years of built-up pressure could break the locked fault line very soon and we could face the greatest calamity ever since the WW1.

Am I the only one who thinks that significant percentage of our GDP should be allocated to speed up the earthquake readiness as much as possible? Doesn't matter if it will impede our economic growth or anything. Istanbul earthquake is the biggest threat we have to face and we are far far from being ready.
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15 1,553
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The earthquake scientists have been very local the last few weeks, warning great Istanbul earthquake could happen any time now. Just when I was brooding over it, a 3.9 magnitude earthquake happened in Marmara sea. 250 years of accumulated pressure could break the locked fault line very soon and we could face the greatest calamity ever since the WW1.

Am I the only one who thinks that significant percentage of our GDP should be allocated to speed up the earthquake readiness as much as possible? Doesn't matter if it will impede our economic growth or anything. Istanbul earthquake is the biggest threat we have to face and we are far far from being ready.
It is my firm belief that any sector that doesn't require serious logistics should be transferred to small towns around Ankara. They should be in their own campuses which have its own social life, but also within reaching distance to Ankara. Other light industry assets should be distributed across Inner Anatolia.

It pains me to see no extensive railroad infrastructure that covers the entire central Anatolian plain. If we had set up that, and then connected it to Mersin-Adana-Hatay area, then we could theoretically transfer our largest sea exit to those ports instead of Istanbul. This would ameliorate (not entirely solve) our problem with Greek 12 mile problems.

It is my firm belief that we need our country organized around Marmara-Inner Anatolia-Çukurova axis. Western Anatolia and the areas around Antalya are prime farming grounds. Especially the ones around rivers.

Western Black Sea region will have a very good climate with climate change. Whole area could be utilized as our retirement province. It would reinvigorate the economy arund there.

The real crazy stuff I imagine is about diverting Euphrates to Central Anatolia but that's a far, far dream.


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The earthquake scientists have been very local the last few weeks, warning great Istanbul earthquake could happen any time now. Just when I was brooding over it, a 3.9 magnitude earthquake happened in Marmara sea. 250 years of accumulated pressure could break the locked fault line very soon and we could face the greatest calamity ever since the WW1.

Am I the only one who thinks that significant percentage of our GDP should be allocated to speed up the earthquake readiness as much as possible? Doesn't matter if it will impede our economic growth or anything. Istanbul earthquake is the biggest threat we have to face and we are far far from being ready.

There isn't any money available.


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The earthquake scientists have been very vocal the last few weeks, warning great Istanbul earthquake could happen any time now. Just when I was brooding over it, a 3.9 magnitude earthquake happened in Marmara sea. 250 years of accumulated pressure could break the locked fault line very soon and we could face the greatest calamity ever since the WW1.

Am I the only one who thinks that significant percentage of our GDP should be allocated to speed up the earthquake readiness as much as possible? Doesn't matter if it will impede our economic growth or anything. Istanbul earthquake is the biggest threat we have to face and we are far far from being ready.
6 Şubat depreminin yaralarını sarmak için 319 milyar TL bütçe ayrıldı. Savunma Bakanlığı bütçesi bile 30 milyar TL iken depreme ayrılan bütçe sebebi ile bugün benzine ÖTV vs zamları yapılmak zorunda kalınıyor. Çünkü devletin zam yapmadan bu bütçeyi kaldırabilecek gücü yok. Ki bu ayrılan bütçe bile oluşan zararı gidermeye yetmiyor. Çünkü zarar 100 milyar dolar. Bugüne kadar ekonomi bu kadar kötü değil iken kentsel dönüşüme (usulüne uygun çalmadan çırpmadan) karşı olanlar şimdi yaşanan kıyamet karşısında ağızları açık kalmış seyrediyorlar....
Diyecek bir şey bulamıyorum.


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6 Şubat depreminin yaralarını sarmak için 319 milyar TL bütçe ayrıldı. Savunma Bakanlığı bütçesi bile 30 milyar TL iken depreme ayrılan bütçe sebebi ile bugün benzine ÖTV vs zamları yapılmak zorunda kalınıyor. Çünkü devletin zam yapmadan bu bütçeyi kaldırabilecek gücü yok. Ki bu ayrılan bütçe bile oluşan zararı gidermeye yetmiyor. Çünkü zarar 100 milyar dolar. Bugüne kadar ekonomi bu kadar kötü değil iken kentsel dönüşüme (usulüne uygun çalmadan çırpmadan) karşı olanlar şimdi yaşanan kıyamet karşısında ağızları açık kalmış seyrediyorlar....
Diyecek bir şey bulamıyorum.
Hocam 2023 yılı bütçesi neredeyse 6 trilyon lira. Biz bu paranın ne kadarını İstanbul'u depreme hazırlamak için kullanıyoruz? Senede kaç milyar dolar harcıyoruz bu iş için?

Çünkü devletin zam yapmadan bu bütçeyi kaldırabilecek gücü yok.
Eğer hala yapımı devam eden veya yeni başlayan yollar, köprüler, tüneller, metrolar, hastaneler, havalimanları, kanallar vs varsa kaynak var demektir. Ama bizim öncelik sıralamamız farklı. Biz bu kamu harcamalarına depreme hazırlıktan daha çok önem veriyoruz. Deprem henüz gerçekleşmedi ve biz bu depremi hala olasılık hesapları içinde değerlendirip oraya gidecek paradan olabildiğince kısıp diğer sektörlere aktarıyoruz. Çünkü günümüz Türkiye'sinin en kutsal değeri "ekonomik büyüme". Her şeyden fedakarlık edilir ama ekonomik büyümeden asla!


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Don't say it. İ am in Istanbul 💀

Just militarist communists could solve this problem.
Could really Reconstruction of old buildings make us survive in case of earthquake?
For instance I would have my old building reconstructied but what about ground , soil specifics?
My neighborhood Fatih is on the çamur not on the rocks.

Another situation: your district is on rocky ground. You have reconstructed your building, butty your neighbor's old building isn't reconstructed! So in case of earthquake, it falls on your building.

Need to create a new city in the Asian side. You can't reconstruct all old buildings.
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15 1,553
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Don't say it. İ am in Istanbul 💀

Just militarist communists could solve this problem.
Could really Reconstruction of old buildings make us survive in case of earthquake?
For instance I would have my old building reconstructied but what about ground , soil specifics?
My neighborhood Fatih is on the çamur not on the rocks.

Another situation: your district is on rocky ground. You have reconstructed your building, butty your neighbor's old building isn't reconstructed! So in case of earthquake, it falls on your building.

Need to create a new city in the Asian side. You can't reconstruct all old buildings.
Bro I moved to a small village partly because of this. I'm now building my house. It'll be done by 3-4 months. And then I will tend to my land. Maybe marry and raise brave sons and virtuous daughters.

If you have the means to get about 10 dönüm of arable land with water and electricity access, I strongly suggest moving to a village. If you have a brain and semi-functioning body you can not only survive but thrive. Bonus points if you have (non-*sshole) family in the place you move in because they help a lot.

Farmers always complain, but one thing I realized since I moved here is farming is an extremely profitable business if you use your head. If you just follow trends you lose, sorta like the stock market. But good thing is if you are willing to do dirty work, it pays a lot because everybody is aged in villages nowadays. If you can handle the itch, farming okra in 3 dönüm land can not only provide you with a quality life, it can be a springboard to greater ventures. It pays really well.

And good thing is you don't even work 5 days a week. You just take a walk in the field everyday, look for signs of worms, larvae, disease or other problems. If you see them you spray the fertilizer or poison that's needed. Only times you really get to work is planting, pipe stuff and harvesting.

Anyways it's just so blatant I don't know why people are not migrating back to villages en masse. Only reason I can think is they want to work behind a desk, or their villages are not fertile.


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Hocam 2023 yılı bütçesi neredeyse 6 trilyon lira. Biz bu paranın ne kadarını İstanbul'u depreme hazırlamak için kullanıyoruz? Senede kaç milyar dolar harcıyoruz bu iş için?

Eğer hala yapımı devam eden veya yeni başlayan yollar, köprüler, tüneller, metrolar, hastaneler, havalimanları, kanallar vs varsa kaynak var demektir. Ama bizim öncelik sıralamamız farklı. Biz bu kamu harcamalarına depreme hazırlıktan daha çok önem veriyoruz. Deprem henüz gerçekleşmedi ve biz bu depremi hala olasılık hesapları içinde değerlendirip oraya gidecek paradan olabildiğince kısıp diğer sektörlere aktarıyoruz. Çünkü günümüz Türkiye'sinin en kutsal değeri "ekonomik büyüme". Her şeyden fedakarlık edilir ama ekonomik büyümeden asla!
O köprüler otobanlar bir deprem anında en büyük hayat kurtarıcı olacak bizim için.
6 Şubat depremi sonrasında bölgeye ulaşımı kolaylaştıran şey o yapılan otobanlardı köprülerdi. Eğer bunlar olmazsa uygun şartlar altında 12 saatte gideceğin yolu 24 saatte gidersin. Bu da kritik yardımları zorlaştırır. Bir de bu köprülerin sağlam yapılması lazım o ayrı konu.

Keza hastaneler de öyle. Deprem anında altında izolatör olmayan hastaneler, 20-30 yıllık hastaneler yıkılmaya mahkumdur. Kritik kamu yatırımlarından ödün vermek intihar etmekle eş değerdir. (Tabi bunlar her şeyin kuralına kaidesine uygun yapılırsa geçerli) Bu açıdan kamu yatırımları/devlet daireleri depreme hazırlığın en ön cephesini oluşturur. Deprem bölgesinde kamu kurumları ayaktaysa devletin müdahalesi daha da kolaylaşacak demektir.

Kentsel dönüşüm de aslında her şey düzgün yapılsa (zeminde sıvılaşma olan bölgelerin terk edilmesi, müteahhitlerin kaçak göçek iş yapmasına fırsat verilmemesi vs) o zaman problem kalmayacakta işte...
Burası Türkiye. Bizim 2 yakamız ne zaman bir araya gelmiş ki şimdi gelsin.


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Bro I moved to a small village partly because of this. I'm now building my house. It'll be done by 3-4 months. And then I will tend to my land. Maybe marry and raise brave sons and virtuous daughters.

If you have the means to get about 10 dönüm of arable land with water and electricity access, I strongly suggest moving to a village. If you have a brain and semi-functioning body you can not only survive but thrive. Bonus points if you have (non-*sshole) family in the place you move in because they help a lot.

Farmers always complain, but one thing I realized since I moved here is farming is an extremely profitable business if you use your head. If you just follow trends you lose, sorta like the stock market. But good thing is if you are willing to do dirty work, it pays a lot because everybody is aged in villages nowadays. If you can handle the itch, farming okra in 3 dönüm land can not only provide you with a quality life, it can be a springboard to greater ventures. It pays really well.

And good thing is you don't even work 5 days a week. You just take a walk in the field everyday, look for signs of worms, larvae, disease or other problems. If you see them you spray the fertilizer or poison that's needed. Only times you really get to work is planting, pipe stuff and harvesting.

Anyways it's just so blatant I don't know why people are not migrating back to villages en masse. Only reason I can think is they want to work behind a desk, or their villages are not fertile.
Teach everything you know to the children of the village. It's more important than touching the soil.


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Burası Türkiye. Bizim 2 yakamız ne zaman bir araya gelmiş ki şimdi gelsin.
İstanbul depreminden sonra muhtemelen bir daha hiç gelmeyecek. Hayatta kalma-barınak bulma-aileni savunma. Bu şehirden kaçabilen kaçsın.

Hazır laf açılmışken, Stoeger M3000 kullanan var mıdır? Ciddi düşünüyorum kendisiyle. Şarjörlülere güvenmiyorum. Kısa, ele kolay gelen ve güvenilir bir makine istiyorum. 35cmlik modeli gözüme kestirdim.


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İstanbul depreminden sonra muhtemelen bir daha hiç gelmeyecek. Hayatta kalma-barınak bulma-aileni savunma. Bu şehirden kaçabilen kaçsın.

Hazır laf açılmışken, Stoeger M3000 kullanan var mıdır?
Kesinlikle öyle. İstanbul'da kalmak akıl karı değil. Burada ancak büyük şirketlerde çalışan mühendisler filan kalır. Ya da işi gereği farklı bir şehirde olması mümkün olmayan insanlar.


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Kesinlikle öyle. İstanbul'da kalmak akıl karı değil. Burada ancak büyük şirketlerde çalışan mühendisler filan kalır. Ya da işi gereği farklı bir şehirde olması mümkün olmayan insanlar.
Bekara karı boşamak kolay ama şu var: "İstanbul'un Türkiye iş gücündeki payı %20,3, ihracattaki payı %50,6, ithalattaki payı ise %54,6'dır." İstanbul yoksa Türkiye yok. Hakkımızda hayırlısı.

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