Its why I have changed over time from more "centre" to more "right wing" (and some lefties call me "far right" sometimes).
Classical liberals and conservatives here warned years ago that the "anti hate speech" stuff the new liberals/ new left would be weaponised in all kind of ways, especially since we do not have a 1st amedment like the US (that is big obstacle to same forces there).....but they (our own politician side) didnt listen....and still dont seem to care much.
Anyway here is bit more context (his case is ongoing):
They Were Criminalized for 'Transphobia'
Since 2018, 12 people worldwide have been either investigated, charged or sentenced for alleged
Parents these days that truly care about their kids have to start lot earlier w.r.t getting their kids ready for whats out there these days in the leftie power dynamic that wants to have dominion over kids away from family structure (seen as conservative artifact that needs to go away from society to something more big-govt and brave new world etc).
They also need to become more aware to not live in provinces like BC to begin with if possible which has a strong NDP-left political ecosystem (think our local version of extreme parts of HDP etc) that has taken root (this extends down the pacific coast with US etc too w.r.t WSH, OR and Cali)..... compared to say interior canada prairies and even ontario and quebec (which are like 50/50 mixes) where there is still some balance and political competition (so prosecutors are not going to be this aggressive on a father).
That's why you see this case happen there first as they have the province AG and hence lot of crown attorneys under them that are far left minded too on matters like this.....and want to make examples out of people first thing.
Sane minded folks need to gather and regroup and wait things out long term (the lefties turn on each other in all kind of ways if you get out of the way) in parts of their country friendly to them still.....and make the political divorce adjustments as required in the interim (when it comes to say federal govt) in this continent.
A recent legal win for the father happened recently (at least he wont be persecuted/convicted for his speaking up, though like he says the family is long broken sadly):

Canadian Father Jailed After ‘Misgendering’ Daughter Lands Win In Appeal Court
A Canadian father who was thrown in jail after “misgendering” his gender-confused teenage daughter has scored a legal win in the British Columbia Court of Appeal. A judgment issued earlier this month said Robert Hoogland did not have to spend any more time behind bars, and the court dropped an...
You go above the provincial court to court of appeals, and you generally have higher chance of not getting some Marxist it takes time for things to soak upwards. Hopefully this does persist long enough for the pushback + tide turning he senses to come through.