TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi


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actually Genghis Khan is not that of a great general he had talented genrals that run military campain for him ! but not alexander, he fight all of his battle himslef like timur but he was son of a king with a powerfull army ! timur had none of these and alexander fought mostly only 1 enemy unlike timur who fought so many different army type from crusaiders to muslims to indians to russians to mongols ! ! it is insane how he overcome all of them ! beside European talks about mongols contribution to mankind via silk road same goes to Scythians but when gökturks or peçenek or kipçak , cumans ruled the stepps they wont talk about it ! khan's den did magnificent job of explaining how gökturks keep the trade and tech transfer flowing between east and west !

exactly ! the westren idendity build on this but historically they considered barbarians by greeks and romans !
Commanders have long avoided going into battle at the head of their armies. It is not their duty. Moreover, they are forbidden to do so. In some places it happened earlier, in others later. An anecdotal incident happened to the famous Soviet General Konev. Having lost control of his army as a result of a lightning-fast German offensive, the general, a former artilleryman, joined the artillerymen and personally destroyed three German tanks with a cannon, bravely fighting in a small group of soldiers. The general was barely saved from captivity and taken to the Kremlin. Stalin had already been told how the army commander had bravely destroyed the Germans. Stalin scolded him and said that it was a pity that he could not award him a medal for bravery intended for ordinary soldiers, and returned him to the front as an army commander.
They say that General Patton once decided to go out with a pistol against a German attack aircraft.
Our famous General Barkhudaroglu was the first to climb his tank to a strategic height in Karabakh.
It happens.
Army commanders have long understood that it is impossible to effectively lead a battle while being personally on the battlefield. The armies of Genghis Khan sometimes fought in several directions at the same time, when it was simply physically impossible to even be close to the fighting army.

However, they say that one commander managed to do this. We are talking about Sultan Yildirim (Lightning) Bayazit. Russians to this day claim that this famous Ottoman commander was almost simultaneously seen at the head of his troops on two different battlefields, in the West, in the Balkans and in the East of his empire. Russians say that this is why he is called Yildirim - Lightning.
I usually do not believe the Russians :) Tell me, is there any mention of this supernatural event in Turkish historical sources?

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