Is the camera bouncing itself making the earthquake looks more violent then it actually is in the footage?
Maybe, I don't now.Is the camera bouncing itself making the earthquake looks more violent then it actually is in the footage?
Bu alçak soysuzlara yapılması gereken muamele bu değil. Çünkü bu onlara bir hediye gibidir.
Ne yapılması gerektiği belli ve o yapılması gereken için de herhangi bir video çekmeye gerek yok.
Yol kesen yağmacilardan bir grup, sesten aksandan anlaşılıyor ki Arap değiller. İçerisinde bu kadar soysuzu barındıran başka memleket yoktur.
There are some other posts of shots to trucks and even the windows of the trucks being smashed. Now they are looking for holes to run like rats and I cannot accept that the bastards who are caught are only beaten and finally sent to a warm prison.the looters who did try to block the truck with goods.
Hatay'da Yağmacılar Yardım Tırının Önünü Kesip Şoförünü Tehdit Ettiler
Hatay'da yağmacılar yolu kesip yardım tırını kullanan şoförü tehdit etti. Yağmacılar zorla yardım tırındaki erzakları almak istedi. Tırın şoförü sadece kı
There are some other posts of shots to trucks and even the windows of the trucks being smashed. Now they are looking for holes to run like rats and I cannot accept that the bastards who are caught are only beaten and finally sent to a warm prison.
There are some other posts of shots to trucks and even the windows of the trucks being smashed. Now they are looking for holes to run like rats and I cannot accept that the bastards who are caught are only beaten and finally sent to a warm prison.
his background need to be checked we are so busy with earthquake that we forget about pkk he maybe gathering logistics for them. time like this is perfect for terrorist to move and bury guns and bombs in specific places