TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

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They contributed to helping Bosnia, Chechnya and Azerbaijan.

What have you done beta boy.

Also they saved Naim Suleymanoglus life.
70s-80s Ülkücü =/= 90s-00s Ülkücü =/= post 2016 ülkücü

I got progressively worse and today, I'd argue they are a semi organized criminal/paramilitary group. They don't even have an ideology other than what Bahçeli said most recently. Hell, I bet they would be siding with the refugees if things get heated on that front.


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70s-80s Ülkücü =/= 90s-00s Ülkücü =/= post 2016 ülkücü

I got progressively worse and today, I'd argue they are a semi organized criminal/paramilitary group. They don't even have an ideology other than what Bahçeli said most recently. Hell, I bet they would be siding with the refugees if things get heated on that front.

Go look at the pictures they post in Syria with jihadists they give citizenship
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4 2,709
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They contributed to helping Bosnia, Chechnya and Azerbaijan.

What have you done beta boy.

Also they saved Naim Suleymanoglus life.
I don't know here what are you trying to say. I am a Turk. And I born and raised in Turkiye probably unlike you served in Turkish army lived nearly my entire life in Turkiye and came Czech Republic as an expat.


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don't even have a permeant residency
Figured as much.
The Czech are the most xenophobic amongst them all. They'll never count you as one of them, no matter the amount of your own brethren subverted. Don't do this to your motherland for a residency. Leave your wicked ways.
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4 2,709
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Figured as much.
The Czech are the most xenophobic amongst them all. They'll never count you as one of them, no matter the amount of your own brethren subverted. Don't do this to your motherland for a residency. Leave your wicked ways.
There are uneducated racist Czechs for sure, yet I have many Czech friends, collogues managers, they are good people and educated young people are nothing sort of racist. But I am living in a more cosmopolite city, the suburban/urban areas might be worse. Yet Turkish people getting increasingly intolerant, polarized, they are telling you how you should live or not. And whole population is extremely aggressive and stressed. For now it's better off to not to live in Turkiye. We will see what future will show.


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Turks living in the West or abroad remind me increasingly of Iranian royalists, diaspora Armenians, and diaspora Kurds (PKK) - at some point, they too will try to ruin Turkey and manipulate it to their will through money, politics, culture, etc.
Just as Iranian royalists allow themselves to be assimilated, cling to old, extinct cultures and religions (pre-Islam), and despise closer history (western-Turks despise the Ottoman Empire), diaspora Turks behave the same way. The talking, the thinking -
when I watch this thread, my ten nails curl. So many parallels.
We often have Iranian royalists attacking mosque communities in Germany, attacking embassies, and burning Korans - drinking alcohol and eating pork in protest, in front of consulates and mosques. Outsiders smile/make fun of it - because it is nothing but primitive, backward behavior. It is chumming up, lowly behavior on the part of the royalists - in the pursuit of recognition (still the motto: please holy west, accept us).
The same behavior is beginning to be seen among diaspora Turks.
I give the Turkish diaspora another 10-20 years and it will behave in a similarly degenerate manner as Iranian royalists or Armenians.

Partly sad, party funny tbh.

Well isn't there any fault of mullahs here? In their country, they can not live their way of life, even get sentenced to death. It's the mullahs turning people hostile.


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Approx. 1.5 million votes have been cast so far in foreign countries. According to ballot box polls, Erdogan leads.

The opposition is leading by several percent and is closer to winning the first round. Erdogan closed the gap a lot but winning more votes will be extremely hard as there is little time left and people decided their votes and won't change their decision at the last second.

There is a good chance (IMHO %65/%35) that the elections will go to the second round.
If elections go to the second round either İnce or Ogan will be a kingmaker. One of the two will hold immense bargaining power.

Above all else 24 hour is a big time in Turkish politics. Everything can change overnight.


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Today (yesterday) around 21:00 (22:00 TSI) in Amsterdam, immediately after the end of the voting process -according to eyewitnesses- a group of 30/40 PKK terrorists entered and attacked our citizens.

I don't know how many times this has happened this week, but Turkish voters are intimidated in many electoral point in Europe. Similar things will happen in the country on election day.

Anyway, Kurdist angry youngs are the reality of this country ağbi, we have to accept. And the fact that there are some bad people among them does not make the organisation and its party bad, there are also very good people among them. Demirtaş and all his comrades in arms should be released. They should be replaced by members of the criminal network and terrorist Ülkü Ocakları.


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Why is party spokesman Öztrak demonising the Turkish police by saying police protected attackers? Moreover, the photo he showed to the media as proof of his argument is from terrorist Demirtaş's social media account and is from a very unrelated incident from 8 years ago. Why is Chp resorting to a post-truth method on an issue where it is so right?

In the meantime, in order to protect the Hdp members who attacked Sinan Oğan's campaign vehicle, there are people on social media who have lost their minds enough to claim that this incident was fabricated to exonerate Akp.


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Fetö accounts on social media are now trying to make an agenda by circulating the sex tape of an Israeli soldier, which they claim belongs to Ince. There really is no limit to meanness. I cannot share the link but you can find it on twitter. Unfortunately, a large number of idiotic people are taking this bait.


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Lol, what do you know about the system in G7 and western countries and thinking they are the paradise?

Many Turks just never know how many Tax and health insurance they have to pay in the developed countries and how corrept of the goverment
I wanna see your comments in a couple years once you spent all the foreign currency that you earned in UK and Japan. 😁


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I have endless respect for those who see what RTE has done so far and the point he has dragged the country to, and say that instead of continuing with this, let this KK team come, we will still fight for what we know is right. I know their voices will be lost, but they are people who have not lost their own truths. They were left without a choice, and they see everything very well.

But those who started to blindly defend this created distorted alliance model, the tricky things they fed with ambiguous expressions or the things they made one say one thing and the other another in the squad-sized presidential delegation, like a weather vane, those who yesterday were in one place and today they are turned in another directionl, the size of the deceit they ate is even bigger than that of the AKP voters they call ignorant-headless. They have been shaped in a similar way to the way they shaped the Akp's masses while preparing its power. Therefore, my opinion in the first message I wrote in this thread has not changed. There is no difference between the one who is leaving and the one who is coming. What is put in front of us is the Akp of 2003.

If God gives us life, I want to talk about the post-election period after the election. I believe I've shared most of what I wanted to say so far. Therefore, this is my last message before the elections. May God protect our state, let's not have a disaster on election day. Personally, if it goes to the second round, I will not go to the polls, and in the first round, I will give my vote to Oğan, even though I know that it will not change anything for today. I wish you ease in your election and patience in this tense process. If there is anyone I have upset and strained their nerves, let them forgive me.


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I have endless respect for those who see what RTE has done so far and the point he has dragged the country to, and say that instead of continuing with this, let this KK team come, we will still fight for what we know is right. I know their voices will be lost, but they are people who have not lost their own truths. They were left without a choice, and they see everything very well.

But those who started to blindly defend this created distorted alliance model, the tricky things they fed with ambiguous expressions or the things they made one say one thing and the other another in the squad-sized presidential delegation, like a weather vane, those who yesterday were in one place and today they are turned in another directionl, the size of the deceit they ate is even bigger than that of the AKP voters they call ignorant-headless. They have been shaped in a similar way to the way they shaped the Akp's masses while preparing its power. Therefore, my opinion in the first message I wrote in this thread has not changed. There is no difference between the one who is leaving and the one who is coming. What is put in front of us is the Akp of 2003.

If God gives us life, I want to talk about the post-election period after the election. I believe I've shared most of what I wanted to say so far. Therefore, this is my last message before the elections. May God protect our state, let's not have a disaster on election day. Personally, if it goes to the second round, I will not go to the polls, and in the first round, I will give my vote to Oğan, even though I know that it will not change anything for today. I wish you ease in your election and patience in this tense process. If there is anyone I have upset and strained their nerves, let them forgive me.
Good good, you already got the opposition mindset.
Lets change the roles for at least 5 years, there is nothing to lose, we already lost everything mate.
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funniest thing i've heard in years

These 'ulku ocaklari' are no ulkucu. real ülkücü wouldnt vote for a party that brought PKK into the parlement, hudapar, flooded the country with afganis pakis and syrians. They are islamists in reality. A real ülkücü would be ashamed to be in bed with AKP. Gercek milliyetçiysen gidersin Sinan Ogana/ Umit Özdag yada alternatif olarak meral aksenere verirsin.

I am also in favour of banning these wannabe 'grey wolves', after the events of yesterday. Wearing three hilal flags doesnt mean you love your country.


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I Dont like it
The Baykar brothers are top engineers and not politicians
Moreover it will create rumors about favouritism for Baykar

And which one of the brothers will be the politician?
If such a move is true, then this is bad
It will create rumors? 😂
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