Just like KK uses the photo of Ataturk for nefarious means, in order to stir nationalistic, patriotic sentiments as if you are no more wiser then "pavlovs dog", i suspect him doing interviews with those books on show was to send a message too.
So yes you are right in one way i have such books, it makes sense to know what your enemies believe, however as a politician he knows he's in the business of cultivating public sentiment. A bit like that incident where erdogan stops on a bridge to stop someone committing suicide, then it turns out later the guy was an MIT agent. The public sentiment being cultivated was "look how good this man is he stopped to save someones life" thus he's a good guy, a good muslim. A good man is who should lead. No more then a publicity stunt.
These Politian's main business is all about the cultivation of public sentiment.
Just remember leading into these election KK took this photo to cultivate public sentiment, a way in sending a message to the PKK supporting terrorists, "look im on your side"
Turks need to wake up and wake up quickly, you are not low iq idiots to constantly be manipulated by these frauds and charlatans, you come from a people who conquered all tribulations.
You exist in Turkiye from a 1000 year struggle fighting crusaders to Ataturk kicking the european empires out at the end of world war one. You are a not a people to be so easily deceived and manipulated by these shitheads.