I hope we don't make the whole project garbage by disclosing this confidential information. You know, according to some claims, many national projects collapsed because of us. SSB and interpol are calling us with red notice.

Joke aside, Nobody forgot How some guys were typing most pessimist comments about ongoing projects and making fun with defence projects and Turkish engineering capabilities in past. Old members can remember these a few famous guys. They were even making fun with renders or concept designs of the projects.
Now, These same gangs are trying to judge this forum and members' patriotism and accusing us to harm defence projects (?) because of posting an image shared
by AnadoluAjansı. They like behaving as if they know something that others don't know. These tactics used to make a premium in past, but now nobody cares. These bad-minded guys will be responded in same way.
They were acting like sole source of information and accusing anybody who were talking truths or expressing ideas about projects as "spreading disinformation" in past. Today, they lost being monopoly so they are angry and accusing other communities who speak about our great projects as "traitors, FETOcu" because I think they miss good old days. It was the days that they were silencing anybody who was speaking opposite or reacting to their most pessimist cheeky comments. I stopped counting the number of their mistakes/misinformations/disinformations that other members corrected, and/or time proved them wrong many times. I stopped counting How many times Turkish engineers proved them wrong by achieving success in many projects that they made fun, yet they don't give up their old arrogancy.
At present, we created a healthy discussion environment for all members and Turkish members are fed by a large number of reliable and quality information sources inside a productive discussion environment and nobody needs their condescending comments here so nobody gives a penny them in these platforms anymore. I think this is the reason of their anger or their perception operation for this fast growing forum. Let them vomit the sins. We know who they are and what is in their minds. Do not mind their efforts to be in the photo frame now for projects where they had spread negative perceptions in the past and told about the impossible. We know their fabric. They can't even be the last person who can judge our patriotism.