TR Airlines & Airports


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I hope it’s not Boeing. Too much issues with them at the moment.

Boeing was a company ran by engineers now its a company ran by shareholders who know fck all about planes.

In Australia most people are now boycotting Boeing.


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United States of America
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United Kingdom
I get what you’re saying about airlines and airports. It can feel like a bit of a circus sometimes, right? But honestly, I’ve had some pretty great experiences too. I recently found some awesome deals for flights in Africa that made traveling so much easier. If you’re interested, check out . It’s a lifesaver!
I think it’s all about finding the right balance. Some airlines can be a pain with long lines and delays, but others step up their game. And airports can be hit or miss; some are super modern and nice, while others feel like a maze. At the end of the day, I guess it’s just part of the travel adventure! Looking forward to hearing more about your travels.

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