Algerian president hints at Syria's return to Arab League


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The thing is, I don't know what kind of state Syria is under Bashar, half of the population were either fled or dead, whomever left are either in Idlib or Kurdish controlled area. Whatever Syrians left in Assad controlled rule will despised him (as we've seen in Daraa) even more then they despised the Israeli's

Assad had manage what multiple Arab-Israeli wars have not manage to accomplish. Make your own citizens hate you more than the zionists. Whatever Assad manage to save , let's just call it Assad little fiefdom, where he rules on top of ashes.
Bashar is a Syrian, let the Syrians judge him.
Syria is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. We are tired of outsiders such as yourself coming to lecture us on who should rule Syria and such.
Syria will be reinstated into the Arab League this year regardless of what you or others think.
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Bashar is a Syrian, let the Syrians judge him.
Syria is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. We are tired of outsiders such as yourselves coming to lecture us on who should rule Syria and such.
Syria will be reinstated into the Arab League this year regardless of what you or others think.

how about the Arabs home the 10 million syrian arabs the Turks are feeding and protecting first.


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how about the Arabs home the 10 million syrian arabs the Turks are feeding and protecting first.
The Arab regimes, particularly the rich monarchies, are cowards and should have accepted the Syrian refugees much more. Bravo for Turkey to have accepted the bulk of the Syrian refugees when the Arab countries should have been the first to do so.

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The Arab regimes, particularly the rich monarchies, are cowards and should have accepted the Syrian refugees much more. Bravo for Turkey to have accepted the bulk of the Syrian refugees when the Arab countries should have been the first to do so.
no offense, but as you Think and you Say "Logical and Right things have to be DONE.
Like ->
"The Arab regimes, particularly the rich monarchies" and
"should have accepted the Syrian refugees much more"
First thing which I see and I understand that YOU are NAIVE!
You may ask Why?

I will anwser.
1. Offical people which are Presedents/Monarch/Dictators/Regime - "Never ever care about LOGIC or RIGHT things". Only Care how to use situation for Benefits which are calcuated to succeed.
2. Any Regime which is "Rich" is obsessed to become more and more rich. It is NOT other way around like GIVING or HELPING like refugees
3. You can just take a time and have a look resent history about ARAB countries.
- like with MONEY or POOR all time result is the same -> They DO NOT able to Evolve/Build to HIGHER Society
- like when other leave Arab country alone -> They DO NOT able fix OWN problems. Always some internal eruption happens .Then they Cry for help, just inviding others to come and fix thier problems "with expectations that invited will be GOOD with that country "
- like They always say "GOD said that or you deed will Send you in Hevean or With GOD Blessing ". I trying to say GOD gave all people Head and Mind -> When Arabs will start to be using this Mind to think -> make Plan -> work to achive-> Accept that there will be things which will make setback-> Use this product and Share with others. Only thing which is seen is "Talking Bla Bla and most of them feel good if foreign is happy/smale if arab do something or wanna be slave like"

4. Arabs Always "JUMP" Like they Should do THAT or They should NOT do that. !!!???
I mean First stop and think what is happend. Do NOT Say BIG words. You Society as other is known. DO NOT JUMP and give a advice when you do not understand REALLY, FACTS what, when, why this happending. Arabs did NOT showed to world that thier Society DID IT and they can able to help.
As I said only BLA BLA BLA .

But there are Societies that Act and DO! Also puting OWN Society in RISK and this trigger issue and WHAT we see!?
Those so called refugees Show Slobbery.


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Bashar is a Syrian, let the Syrians judge him.
Syria is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. We are tired of outsiders such as yourself coming to lecture us on who should rule Syria and such.
Syria will be reinstated into the Arab League this year regardless of what you or others think.
You talk as if the 10 year Syrian war doesn't explain Syrian judgement of him LMAO.

I don't mind Syria reinstated or not, I'm only pointing YOUR hypocrisy when it comes to some Arab countries.


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You talk as if the 10 year Syrian war doesn't explain Syrian judgement of him LMAO.

I don't mind Syria reinstated or not, I'm only pointing YOUR hypocrisy when it comes to some Arab countries.
I have great respect for your homeland Indonesia, yet I have no interest in its internal and external affairs whatsoever.

You're here playing expert on MENA affairs, yet you know zilch about the subject matter.


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I have great respect for your homeland Indonesia, yet I have no interest in its internal and external affairs whatsoever.

You're here playing expert on MENA affairs, yet you know zilch about the subject matter.
Dang, this has nothing todo with meddling of ' internal' affairs but more to do with common sense.

Yes, I hereby declare I know MENA better than you, because if I don't how could I point your hypocrisy in the first place ??


Nation of residence
United States of America
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Dang, this has nothing todo with meddling of ' internal' affairs but more to do with common sense.

Yes, I hereby declare I know MENA better than you, because if I don't how could I point your hypocrisy in the first place ??
You earned the title of "Indonesia Moderator", that is what you are. Stick to what you know and stop meddling in what you do not understand.


Nation of residence
United States of America
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Dang, this has nothing todo with meddling of ' internal' affairs but more to do with common sense.

Yes, I hereby declare I know MENA better than you, because if I don't how could I point your hypocrisy in the first place ??
The goal all along was to pulverize Iraq, Syria and Egypt and create artificial entities like UAE and Bahrein to recognize Israel. Kumbaya ! The plan worked.

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