I have to check, but from memory Aselsan was tasked to upgrade the M60 tanks (all upgraded and delivered) and BMC was tasked to upgrade the Leopard 2A4, which is thus far a big nothing except the showing of a prototype.
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Is there is a contract ? BMC introduced a prototype but no contract yet have been received
We can see who the real joke is;
Please stop this madnessRumor is that the BMC is planning on recycling inactive Leopard 2A4 turrets as a result of Leo-Tay (a.k.a the Frankenstein) project. M48s under Naval Infantry Command are to be upgraded to Leo48 status.
News is evaluated as BMC’s commitment to environmental protection!
I prefer Aselsan developing an unmanned 105mm turret like Cockerill 105mm and marrying it to M60A3 or Leo1s.. and some side armor.. absolutely a new tank.. may be even adding local or hybrid engine to them could be an option.If the Leotay can prove itself as a stop gap if not supplement the Turkish tank force. I would support it 100%.
A lot of the shitbox tanks like the M60 and M48 will get their well deserved retirement.
Altay, Leotay, M60 Sabra along with the Kaplan Medium Tank. Now you have a formidable tank force.
Another long winded project. But it is at least a start.![]()
Altay tankının motoru için Güney Kore ile imzalar atıldı
Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Güney Kore ile Altay tankı motoru tedarikine ilişkin niyet beyanının bugün imzaladığını duyurdu. Altay tankı için güç grubu temini noktasında şu anda 2 projenin aynı anda devam ettiğini belirten Savunma Politikası Analisti Turan Oğuz anlaşmayla ilgili...www.milliyet.com.tr
However it is important that after the initial 8-12 month testing period, the company that will undertake the responsibility of building the tanks will have to be very proficient.
So, first we will receive a number of representative engines (prototypes). These will be tested for 8-12 months. Upon approval a quantity of engines will be purchased to build Altay Tanks until our indigenous engine is ready.
It is expected that first 40 (T1) tanks will be with South Korean engine/transmission.
In order to fit these Korean engines in to current Altay body some changes will have to be made to the design.
Question: why did otokar design altay with ammo compartment in hull? Why not like abrams 90% of ammo in turret bustle?This is what stabilization is
Leotay prototype has no stabilization when it was demonstrated. The turret is welded to the bottom part. There are gears between the turret and the bottom part that makes them turn independently. You can find such a solution in older tanks that don't have real stabilization and fire on the move capability. It is good for the show (göz boyama).
No official contract is signed with BMC for Leo2a4 mod because SSB knows BMC has no capability to modernize and trying hard to gain capability. To give them space to gain the ability to upgrade Leo2A4s SSB postpones the official contract. Meanwhile satisfying very urgent needs with another modernization package. This is a similar strategy to waiting for BMC to design its own 8x8 vehicles. You will see that after BMC completes 10000 km tests and live-fire tests of its 8x8 armored vehicle things will gain pace.
For the past 5 years, we are waiting for BMC to design an 8x8 armored vehicle.
For 3+ years to gain the capability to upgrade Leo2A4 tanks
For 5 years to gain the capability to produce Altay.
BMC is working on upgrading Leo2s since 2018. This is a picture from early 2019. People think BMC has just kicked off the project. 3+ years have passed with no modernized tanks in sight. Not even a fully working prototype.
This is a mobility test those bricks are simulating the weight of the add-on armor.
So why did BMC push for Leotay? According to upgrade terms BMC has to remove the old hydraulic-based turret stabilization of Leo2s and replace them with a fully electrical turret. BMC just couldn't do it. It is a big work. Only FNSS, Otokar and Aselsan has that ability. Altay turret is designed as an electrical turret from scratch and blueprints were ready. It is not a bad decision but it is pushed to gain time since they couldn't show an upgraded Leo2A4.
Do you guys think Erdo just fired Ethem and Talip from BMC for the sake of firing someone? If there is no failure why Ethem and Talip are fired and why do Qataris push their complaints as far as to Erdo?
BTW I'm hopeful from 2022.
Altay is designed taking into account the requirements of the land forces. You should ask that question directly to land forces. Every term and requirement was written in the design contract(from the thickness of the armor to acceleration rate, how much ammo is going to be carried, what will be the pressure of the tracks everything you can think of) and the tank is accepted after the tests that made sure that every term under the contract is satisfied and then the prototypes and data package is delivered to the SSB so you should ask those questions to SSB and land forces. It is not the fault of the Otokar. Otokar delivered what SSB and land forces wanted.Question: why didnt otokar design altay with ammo compartment in hull? Why not like abrams 90% of ammo in turret bustle?
Do you know why the army want ammo in the hull?Altay is designed taking into account the requirements of the land forces. You should ask that question directly to land forces. Every term and requirement was written in the design contract(from the thickness of the armor to acceleration rate, how much ammo is going to be carried, what will be the pressure of the tracks everything you can think of) and the tank is accepted after the tests that made sure that every term under the contract is satisfied and then the prototypes and data package is delivered to the SSB so you should ask those questions to SSB and land forces. It is not the fault of the Otokar. Otokar delivered what SSB and land forces wanted.
Probably because they were writing the requirements for an MBT for the first time. Armor thickness was also less than ideal. The tank had no capability to launch barrel-fired laser-guided missile capability. No periscopic sight and situational awareness system. This is why Otokar offered an AHT version in IDEF 2017. AHT was production-ready in 2017.Do you know why the army want ammo in the hull?
I think the army was ignorant about 1991 gulf war, 2006 hezbollah israel war and even early years of syrian civil war. It is bad no one questioned the requirements after seeing soviet tanks blow up by ammo explosion. I think only after turkish leopard blew up in syria did they change requirements which are to be used in altay T2. They should have known risk of ammo in hull long time before...Probably because they were writing the requirements for an MBT for the first time. Armor thickness was also less than ideal. The tank had no capability to launch barrel-fired laser-guided missile capability. No periscopic sight and situational awareness system. This is why Otokar offered an AHT version in IDEF 2017. AHT was production-ready in 2017.
IDEF Özel Dosya Bölüm 2: Otokar, AHT Sürümü ile ALTAY’ı Güncel Tehditlere Hazırlıyor | savunmahaber.com
MSI Dergisi’nin 146, 147 ve 148’inci sayılarında yayımlanan ve IDEF 2017’ye ilişkin haber ve değerlendirmelerin yer aldığı yazı dizisinin ikinci bölümündeki “Otokar, AHT Sürümü ile ALTAY’ı Güncel…www.savunmahaber.com
Another long winded project. But it is at least a start.![]()
Altay tankının motoru için Güney Kore ile imzalar atıldı
Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Güney Kore ile Altay tankı motoru tedarikine ilişkin niyet beyanının bugün imzaladığını duyurdu. Altay tankı için güç grubu temini noktasında şu anda 2 projenin aynı anda devam ettiğini belirten Savunma Politikası Analisti Turan Oğuz anlaşmayla ilgili...www.milliyet.com.tr
However it is important that after the initial 8-12 month testing period, the company that will undertake the responsibility of building the tanks will have to be very proficient.
So, first we will receive a number of representative engines (prototypes). These will be tested for 8-12 months. Upon approval a quantity of engines will be purchased to build Altay Tanks until our indigenous engine is ready.
It is expected that first 40 (T1) tanks will be with South Korean engine/transmission.
In order to fit these Korean engines in to current Altay body some changes will have to be made to the design.
I was worried about how much they’d have to spend on changing the hull. But if the weight is cause for concern perhaps it could be solved by changing the turret to an unmanned type.View attachment 34078
As far as I know, Hyundai Rotem designed the engine room the same as K2 when developing Altay's prototype.
The body of the BMC version of Altay will not be very different in design inside the chassis just like the Otokar version of Altay.
The engine room of the K2 tank has 1000mm of free space. I think the engine room of the Altay tank will be bigger than the K2 tank. It is not an important problem to redesign Korean power packs to suit Altay. The problem is that we don't know what will happen if put a 5400kg Korean power pack(Engine + Transmission + Cooling device) in a heavier Altay tank than K2.
But it started in 2011 and altay prototype reveal was in 2013. They should have went back to drawing board to implement latest lessons.There were no Syrian civil war
Doesn't matter, separation of ammo and crew is must for crew survivability and repairability of tank after penetration. Abrams is much better in this than any other tank... Turkish army should be aware of these big advantages of Abrams ammunition layout and storage... not looking at leopard...Land forces always thought that the tanks will be utilized on the field and open terrain and the Hizbullah-Israel conflict is a special case so they wanted good mobility, good firepower, and decent protection.
Not Otokar also. Only blame TSK. Otokar implemented the demands of the TSK. TSK was a blindly fan of German Leopard-2's. When the TSK experienced modern tank warfare in Syria, there was a sudden enlightenment!Blame is not on BMC but on army and Otokar... BMC is now forced to correct bad design while they have poor experience...