Perhaps faked a mapTake it for what it's worth..
View attachment 4553
I am very interested. Today, the Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan first released the map on the right, which you see in the photo. The map stood on the site for about 5-10 minutes. Then it was deleted, changed and the map on the left was published. What does it mean? The lands on the right have been liberated, not disclosed, or what? It is impossible to make a mistake in this size, because the map was worked out, the liberated areas were marked and so on. What are you joking about? The Prosecutor General's Office should make a statement to the public.
Hebib Müntezir
Mənə çox maraqlıdır. Bu gün Azərbaycan Baş Prokurorluğu ilk öncə fotoda gördüyünüz sağdakı xəritəni yayımladı. Xəritə hardasa 5-10 dəqiqə saytda durdu. Sonra silindi, dəyişdirilərək soldakı xəritə yayımlandı. Bu nə deməkdir? Sağdakı torpaqlar azad edilib, açıqlamırlar, yoxsa nə? Bu
is part of tactic
to confuse the enemy?