towards the end. the way the soldiers are carried, just needs one machine gun and it will be a massacre.
I would love to see an updated map, but either there are no advances or Azerbaijan has pretty good discipline.
It seems Azerbaijan no longer share the progress.
It seems Azerbaijan no longer share the progress.
Because it appears there are none. All previous attempted assaults were repelled by the Armenians with the Azeris suffering heavy casualties. The Armenians are well entrenched and holding the heights. The Azeris might attempt repeated assaults given they think having depleted or at least greatly reduced the Armenian capabilities with the recent drone strikes.
What do we think about the S-400? Well let me explain brother.I am thinking about the future market of Russian ADs . They will definitely loose market. Though UAVs or ADs need expert and competent hand to properly utilize but the recent failure of Russian ADs draw a big question mark to future customers. Perhaps western arms dealers are smiling and enjoying the humiliation of Russian ADs.
If I could know what the Turkish brothers are thinking about their S-400 systems .
Can we assume that progress isn't being reported to public or to the world to prevent any untimely pressure ? Also to not reveal strategies and such.
Armenia may be incapable of reporting enemy troop movements, which could explain all their hysteria.
Its clear that they advanced some lines but maybe 1 km or so , so major settlements taken i think. They will announce it later today. Lets wait and see.Because it appears there are none. All previous attempted assaults were repelled by the Armenians with the Azeris suffering heavy casualties. The Armenians are well entrenched and holding the heights. The Azeris might attempt repeated assaults given they think having depleted or at least greatly reduced the Armenian capabilities with the recent drone strikes.
Well the Armenians could use this to bring international pressure on Azerbaijan though.
I never like these propaganda rats anyways. Note the lovely mix; Russian, Armenian and Frenchwell done Azeri artillery
Well the Armenians could use this to bring international pressure on Azerbaijan though.
Tbh they will always sell unless China get replace them which i dont see happening.Well, thats how you not sell your products in the future...