EU, NATO call for de-escalation of tensions in northern Kosovo
The European Union and NATO urged Serbia and Kosovo on Sunday to de-escalate tensions in northern Kosovo after Pristina banned vehicles with Serbian license plates from entering the country.
"I spoke to @avucic of #Serbia and @albinkurti of #Kosovo about the need to de-escalate in the north of Kosovo. It's vital both Belgrade & Pristina show restraint & return to dialogue," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Twitter, referring to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, respectively.
“@NATO_KFOR's mandate remains to ensure a safe & secure environment & freedom of movement for all," he added.
The Kosovo Force, or KFOR, is a NATO-led peacekeeping mission operating in Kosovo since June 1999 to build peace and stability in the area.
Meanwhile, EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell said in a statement that "Serbia and Kosovo need to unconditionally de-escalate the situation on the ground by immediately withdrawing special police units and the dismantling of roadblocks."
"Any further provocations or unilateral and uncoordinated actions are unacceptable," Borrell added.
To defuse the situation and agree on the way forward, the two countries must find solutions, Borrell said.
"The EU will actively support these efforts. Both Kosovo and Serbian leaders are fully responsible for any risks to the safety and well-being of local communities in both Kosovo and Serbia."
He also highlighted his close contacts with Stoltenberg, adding: "KFOR plays a key role in supporting regional stability in the Western Balkans."
Tensions between Kosovo and Serbia
The ban early Monday on vehicles with Serbian license plates has created tensions between Serbia and Kosovo.
Kosovo's Interior Ministry said vehicles with Serbian license plates are not allowed to cross the border and drivers would need to have a temporary plate.
The ministry pointed out that a free traffic circulation agreement signed between the two countries in 2016 expired on Sept. 15.
Temporary license plates were placed on windshields and rear windows of vehicles while original plates were covered.
Prime Minister Kurti said the decision was not aimed at Serbs in Kosovo.
"Our aim is not provocation or instability. Everything that is done is lawful. We are only implementing what is required of an expired agreement," he said.
But President Vucic said Pristina has violated every agreement up to now.
The former Serbian province of Kosovo declared independence in February 2008 and is recognized by more than 100 countries, including the US, UK, France, Germany and Turkey.
Belgrade, however, still claims Kosovo as a breakaway province.

EU, NATO call for de-escalation of tensions in northern Kosovo
Tensions rise after Pristina bans vehicles with Serbian license plates from entering country - Anadolu Ajansı

EU peacekeeping force begins ‘Quick Response 2021’ drill in Bosnia
The EU peacekeeping force (EUFOR) on Saturday began the "Quick Response 2021" military exercise in Bosnia and Herzegovina.Turkish soldiers serving in EUFOR, Bosnia and Herzegovina Armed Forces and Bosnia and Herzegovina Research and Protection Agency (SIPA) officials are participating in the exercise on the deployment and readiness of EUFOR's reserve forces.
In a statement, EUFOR Commander Maj. Gen. Alexander Platzer said that they are hosting the largest and most comprehensive exercise of 2021, and the soldiers will gain great experience.
The drill will continue until Oct. 1 at Butmir base in Sarajevo.

EU peacekeeping force begins ‘Quick Response 2021’ drill in Bosnia
It is largest, most comprehensive drill of 2021 where soldiers will gain great experience, says EU commander - Anadolu Ajansı

By the Presidency of Kosovo Turkish Representative Committee; While serving in the Kosovo Force (KFOR), Hv.Eng.Asb.Bçvş. Hüseyin Kutlu's Martyrdom Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony was held at Dragaş and Kosovo Force (KFOR) Headquarters.