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Chief of Army, General SM Shafiuddin Ahmed said yesterday that process to procure SAM, new assault rifle, tank simulator, more NVG, Oerlikon GDF-009 with Skyguard 3 fire control radar and AGL is on. Tank simulator is probably for VT-5 tank.

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Bangladesh Army received their MaxxPro MRAP vehicles from USA today.

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Major Mohammad Sadiqur Rahman, Engineers

Volume 23, Issue 26, October 2017


Riverine Engineer (RE), Battalions, are of a kind of engineer unit which is responsible for the transportation of troops and equipment through inland water channels, keeping these operational and safeguard them in all aspect. At present Army Training and Doctrine Command (ARTDOC) has published a draft General Staff Training Pamphlet (GSTP) named "Riverine Engineer Battalion in Battle", where they entrusted RE Battalion with the responsibilities of guarding major river channels with physical employment and execution of various riverine operations. In this paper initially, the current mission, roles and capabilities of RE Battalions are discussed with an overview of existing resources and training standard.

Parallel, the essence of the draft GSTP "Riverian Engineer Battalion in Battle" an initiative by ARTDOC is discussed. In the process of analysis, the conflicting areas were found out, where the probable areas are focused regarding resources, training standard and policy matters, which need modifications to comply with the suggested operational guideline outlined by ARTDOC. Finally, the challenges for RE Battalions are discussed due to the conflicting areas followed by probable mitigation methods. Addressing the conflicting issues will ease the pave the way for the RE Battalions to meet the desired operational capabilities.


Riverine Engineer (RE) Battalions are of a kind of engineer unit which is responsible for the transportation of troops and equipment through inland water channels, keeping them operational and to safeguard them in all aspect. The raising of RE Battalions was basing on the requirements regarding task, place and time. So, the most important fact about these RE Battalions is, each of these battalions is identical in its mission, role and capabilities.

Surprisingly, since its raising no set operational guideline was published in black and white for the employment and tactics to be followed by RE Battalions. Various draft concept and experimental design were working principle of RE Battalions. With the advancement of world military environment, it is felt correctly to have a prescribed guideline for a smooth functioning of the activities of RE Battalions. It will also work as the pivot for further expansion and improvement in this sector. Since long various efforts were taken to materialize it and finally the relentless endeavour by ARTDOC made it a success.

It is an excellent initiative by ARTDOC to bring out the draft GSTP for RE Battalion. It has given a visible shape in context to RE Battalion’s tactics and operational capabilities. Now, RE Battalion has got something of their own, authenticated and within a specific framework to pursue further for necessary improvement. At this point, it is important to evaluate it, whether with the existing resources and training, if RE Battalions are accomplished by following the guideline set by ATRDOC through their draft GSTP. Considering this, it is necessary to take an insight to the initiative taken by ARETDOC to enhance the operational capabilities of RE battalion.

At the beginning of this GSTP, the employment fundamental of RE Battalion is discussed in brief. So far, the sense of this employment was perceived in expert's mind basing on their experience. The research work by ARTDOC has formulated that in black and white with necessary modifications. In the subsequent chapters, it discusses different forms of defensive and offensive operations with some other employment of RE Battalion. In all of these aspects, the content of the theory and employment principles are derived from an extensive research work by a group of expert officers. The previous experience and guidelines from other military forces of other countries were taken as the base line. In all these operational guidelines, the basic and most required functional structure is described. Now the question comes whether with the existing equipment and the training can RE Battalions meet the expectations.

A detailed study is done in this paper to justify compatibility of RE Battalion to comply with the prescribed guideline with its existing resources. Finding out the grey areas and formulating recommendations to overcome those also come under Writer's effort through this paper. It is envisaged that the suggested measures will accelerate the materialization of ARTDOC’s initiatives in attaining operational capabilities of RE Battalions.

Assigned Role and Present State of RE Battalion

Raise of RE Battalion.

The necessity of incorporating RE Battalion in operational frame work of Bangladesh Army was felt after the independence. Basing on the requirements the battalions were raised chronologically. To support counter insurgency operation 5 RE Battalion was raised at Chittagong Hill Tracks under operational framework of 65 Infantry Brigade of 24 Infantry Division. Beside that, to guard the major approach towards Dhaka 7 and 11 RE Battalions were raised at Postogola under 14 Independent Engineer Brigade. Again, after construction of Bangabondhu Bridge 10 RE Battalion was raised at BHUAPUR under 98 Composite Brigade of 19 Infantry Division.

Mission and Capabilities Before Publication of Draft GSTP by ARTDOC.

a. Mission. Transportation of troops, stores and equipment in support of own troops and formations.

b. Capabilities. Capabilities of RE Battalions are as follows:

(1) Transportation of troops up to one infantry battalion, a battery of field artillery and a field company engineers at one time.

(2) Protection of convoys during riverine moves.

(3) Guard major ferries in own Main Supply Route (MSR) by physical deployment.

(4) Operate ferries in own MSRs with integral and civil resources.

(5) Reconnaissance and survey of water channels for transportation of own troops, stores and equipment.

Mission and Capabilities According to Draft GSTP by ARTDOC.

a. Mission. The mission of a RE Battalion is to conduct riverine operations and transportations within Area of Responsibility (AOR) (ARTDOC, 2015).

b. Capabilities.

(1) The capabilities of the RE Battalions are (ARTDOC, 2015):

(a) Guard major river approach by offensive patrolling.

(b) Protect the flanks of the formation along inland waterways.

(c) Clear enemy opposition along inland waterways.

(d) Deploy and operate major ferries in own Main Supply Routes (MSR).

(e) Oppose enemy major river crossing operations.

(f) Transport one infantry battalion group at a time along inland waterways.

(g) Conduct reconnaissance and survey of water channel to facilitate own operations.

(h) Protect convoys during riverine move.

(j) Defend a particular sector in the internal waterways in an emergency.

(2) In addition to the above capabilities specified in the Table of Organization and Equipment (TO&E), a RE Battalion may carry out followings (ARTDOC, 2015):

(a) Carryout dredging at limited scale with integral and civil resources to keep navigational route or channel open for operation of own forces.

(b) Conduct transportation at limited scale along coastal belt in fair weather condition when duly equipped with sea worthy water crafts.

(c) Defend a particular bridge with a view to maintaining its land integrity


As per the ‘Table of Organization and Equipment (TO&E)’, RE Battalion consists of Battalion Headquarters (HQ), Two Rifle Companies (10 RE Battalion has one company only), One HQ Company, One Transportation Company, One Riverine Support Company (10 RE Battalion only) and One HQ Company (ARTDOC, 2015).


There are variety of weapons in the RE Battalion, which can provide covering fire, assault capability, close quarter fighting capability, limited anti-tank protection and limited anti-aircraft protection. The weapons may be categorized as follows (ARTDOC, 2015):

a. Personal Weapons. Every soldier, except those specified, in a RE Battalion carries a rifle/ pistol/ sub machine gun (SMG) or Light Machine Gun (LMG).

b. Support Weapons. They are classified into following categories:

(1) Heavy Machine Gun (HMG).

(2) Anti-aircraft Machine Gun (AAMG).

(3) Company Mortars (60 mm Mortars or Equivalent).

(4) Anti-tank Weapons.

(5) Surface to Air Missile (SAM).

c. Battalion Mortars.

Water Crafts.

The RE Battalion possesses water crafts of varying speed and capacity. The water crafts are categorized into four categories as follows (ARTDOC, 2015):

a. Type-A. These are primarily Landing Crafts Tanks (LCT) or Landing Crafts Utility (LCU) capable of carrying tanks, Armoured Personnel Career (APC), artillery guns, engineering equipment, infantry men, mechanical transports and other equipment.

b. Type-B. These are generally Troops Carrying Vessels (TCV). RE Battalion is authorized with four vessels Type-B (TCV).

c. Type-C. These are generally command vessels and Landing Crafts Vehicle and Personnel (LCVP). RE Battalion has three command vessels and two LCVP as vessel Type-C.

d. Type-D. These are basically assault river crafts and designed to carry infantry men of RE Platoon. Each RE Platoon is authorized with two vessel Type-D/assault river crafts.

Equipment. Apart from different types of water crafts a RE Battalion is authorized with different other crafts and equipment (ARTDOC, 2015):

a. Reconnaissance and Survey Crafts.
b. Salvage and Recovery Craft.
c. Track Dozer, Dumper and Excavator.
d. Dredger. e. Broad Keel Barge (BK Barge).
f. Motor Tug.
g. Speed Boats / Tri Shark Boats with Out Board Motors (OBM).

Training. The existing training system of RE Battalion is described below (Sadique, 2015):

a. Individual Training. Individual training of RE Battalion can be divided in following ways (Sadique, 2015):

(1) Officers Training. (2) Troops Training. (3) Specialized Training.

b. Group Training. Training of RE Battalion as a group can be summarized as under (Sadique, 2015):

(1) Winter Training (WT). (2) Summer Training (ST). (3) Joint Training. (4) Unit Training.

c. Equipment Training. No training on specific vessel or any specialized equipment is carried out in RE Battalion. If new vessels are introduced, the manufacturing teams carry out a short training once to orient with the functions.

Initiatives by ARTDOC

Basic Employment Opportunities of RE Battalion (ARTDOC, 2015) (Sadique, 2015) are as follows:

a. Protect and guard all riverine approaches by offensive patrolling. The combination of integral resources and the infantry or supporting arms should be considered.

b. Selection of important chock points of the river and guard those approaches by physical occupation. Establishment of river blockade using water obstacles with integral resources or, in conjunction with infantry and supporting arms.

c. Protect the flanks of the formations along inland water ways by offensive patrolling or by occupying some selected entry points originating from river banks with integral resources or in conjunction with infantry and supporting arms.

d. Clear enemy pocket of resistance with in riverine AOR with integral resources or conjunction with infantry or supporting arms.

e. Selection of alternative MSR within divisional AOR.

f. Maintain MSR by operating major ferries with integral and civil resources and keep the life line open.

g. Deter enemy major river crossing operation by integral or transported forces.

h. Transportation of formation reserve from one sector to another as the situation develops.

i. Select various key point installations (KPI) along riverine approaches like important bridges and installations, and guard them from possible enemy hostile actions.

j. Transportation of critical assets and war materials from one formation to another.

Battalion Group.

May be comprised of following:

a. A RE Bn.

b. A battery of field artillery in direct support.

c. A detachment of Anti-tank Guide Missile (ATGM) from division support battalion.

d. A detachment of SAM from Air Defence (AD) artillery regiment.

e. A detachment of military police for traffic control during transportation of unit/ brigade.

f. Relevant logistic elements including forward repair and recovery team (FRRT) if the unit provides transportation.

g. An additional infantry company or more may be allotted in case the task is beyond the capability of the RE Bn.

h. Additional AD elements during transportation of unit/ brigade/ division as necessary.

Company Group.

It may include:

a. One RE Company of RE Bn.

b. One or two Forward Observations Officer (FOO).

c. Battalion mortar platoon or a section or one or two Mobile Fire Controller (MFC).

d. Detachment of ATGM.

e. Detachment of shoulder launched SAM.

f. Water crafts from Transportation Company as per the operational requirement.

Status of Operational Command. RE Bn are vital assets of army, which are only handful in numbers. Hence, their employment will mostly be centrally controlled by Army Headquarters (AHQ).

Analysis of the Existing Equipment

To do the necessary analysis on this issue, the necessary survey is done, and data is collected through various interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Therefore, it is quite evident that RE Battalions still lack behind regarding the existing resources and equipment to comply with the prescribed operational guideline by ARTDOC. Details are discussed in the subsequent paragraph.
  • The inclusion of Surface to Air Missile (SAM). Surface to Air Missile (SAM) is included with each vessel type A for better AD protection.
  • Modern Survey and Communication Equipment. In the draft GSTP, the use of sophisticated survey and communication equipment are shown in the use of RE Battalion.
  • Dredgers and Other Engineering Plant Vehicles. Even in the earlier TO&E, RE Battalion was equipped with one dredger and one dozer only. In the new GSTP, the battalion is entrusted to use dredging equipment and other heavy plant vehicles.
  • Obstacle Materials for River Blockade and Water Mine. According to the draft GSTP, RE Battalion is expected to establish river blockade. For this, they are suggested to use water mines, under water explosives, electric photo sensor and other relevant elements.
  • ATGM Detachments from Division Support Battalion. According to the draft GSTP as they formulated a battalion group for the RE Battalion, one ATGM detachment from Division Support Battalion.
Limitations of Water Crafts in Their Employment.

a. Reduced Performance of the Vessels. There is no recent inclusion of river crafts in the RE Battalions. The age-old vessels have lost their working performance as desired.

b. Draughts of the Vessels. The water level of inland water channels changes round the year in Bangladesh. In most of the cases during summer it reduces drastically and dose not allow any high draught vessel to ply over.

c. The need of High-Speed Vessels. The existing vessels are old and with the low speed with poor manoeuvrability is poor. The battalions need to be equipped with more high-speed assault and command vessels.

Analysis of the Training System
  • Inadequate Training Facilities. So far RE Battalion was entrusted with the transportation role only. Even then in limited scale various training was conducted to formulate RE tactics and employ the battalion in operational requirements. But as the new operational guideline by ARTDOC has formulated now additional training is a must for successful employment (Hasan, 2016).
  • Training on Special Equipment. According to the draft GSTP, ARTDOC has proposed various new equipment or increased the number in the authorization. So, it is now important to conduct separate training for this particular equipment.
  • Training on Other Issues. Except for the equipment, there are also some other new concepts are incorporated to RE Battalion through the draft GSTP which needs additional training. Important amongst them are listed below:
a. In the existing TO&E, RE Battalion has reconnaissance and survey section, dredging section, recovery section but on the ground, these are not activated in the present units. Special training is required to incorporate those according to the new guideline (FGD).

b. According to the draft GSTP, RE Battalions are also expected to guard major river approach and the area. But to go for it with the held resources separate training is required (Shafi, 2016) (FGD).

c. The draft GSTP also suggested the employment of RE Battalion in counter insurgency operations. But so far, no formal training is conducted in this aspect. So, this should be practiced in a unit environment through various training sessions, and separate training should be conducted for implementing these on ground (Hasan, 2016).

d. The blending of unconventional troops with conventional is very important. Necessary training is required in this aspect (Hasan, 2016).

e. As RE Battalion is also entrusted with various rescue and relief operation and disaster management operations, the members need to be trained on this aspect (Rahman, 2016).

f. RE Battalion is going to be operated in the joint environment in most of the cases. So special training is required to master the troops to operate in the joint environment (Hasan, 2016).

Challenges on the Employment of RE Battalion
  • Extended Area of Responsibilities (AOR). In the draft GSTP "Riverine Engineer Battalion in Battle" RE Battalions are expected to guard major riverine approaches and safeguard those by destroying the enemy from these areas. As the rivers are always extended, and the total riverine area within a divisional AOR is quite extended, so the area of responsibility become overextended for the RE Battalions (Hasan, 2016).
  • Inadequate Bayonet Strength. Out of total 798 personnel of RE Battalion, only 443 are combat personal.
  • Limited Combat Crew. According to the TO&E of RE Battalions, the vessels are mostly operated by civil crews with few military personnel. Therefore, to employ this civil crews without operational knowledge is a big challenge.
Challenges on the Equipment and Vessels of RE Battalion
  • Challenges from Equipment. The old model survey and other equipment of the RE Battalions are a big challenge. The expectancy and the performance of these equipment are slower than the modern equipments.
  • Limited Obstacle Laying Capabilities. As it is already discussed, at present RE Battalions do not possess mechanical mine layer or mine breeching equipment.
  • Limited Protection of the Vessels. The absence of modern anti-air defence gun and other modern weaponry makes the vessels less protected from air attack.
  • Limited Underwater Operational Capability. As per as the role and capabilities are concerned RE Battalions are not capable of operating underwater. They do not have any underwater protection capability too. The absence of scuba drivers and underwater demolition equipment has reduced their third-dimensional operational capabilities.
  • Lack of Indirect Fire Support. According to the present organisation of Bangladesh Army, RE Battalions are not authorised with any integral indirect fire support.
  • Reduced Reconnaissance Capabilities. There is only one Reconnaissance, and Survey section is authorised in the TO&E of RE Battalions. In the draft GSTP, ARTDOC has magnified the operational tasks for RE Battalion. With this limited capabilities, they are likely to fall short in operating in a huge area (Shafi, 2016).
Challenges on Present Training System
  • Lack of Trained Officers. At present, there are no specialized courses for the officers of RE Battalions except the navigation course conducted by Bangladesh Navy. But this is also tiny in number. Again, these officers are not permanent for RE Battalions, and their employment is not guaranteed.
  • New RE Tactics. In the draft GSTP, ARTDOC has introduced new tactics and operational guideline for RE Battalions which are completely new to the troops of RE Battalions. But, these are not yet included in the training curriculum of any RE training module.
  • Lack of Information on River and Channels. RE Battalions doesn't do the regular survey and preserve information on the rivers and channels within the AOR. The members are not also trained and employed to do the same. Thereby, the information is not updated always.
Challenges in Implementing RE Tactics

To operate in the riparian arena, modern reconnaissance crafts, armoured troops career, patrol boats, command vessels and other various types of vessels are required. But at present these are not in the TO&E in full scale. To establish river blocked, conduct riverine assault or effective defence, RE Battalion needs amphibious vessel, hovercraft, mine layer and sweeper, assault boats etcetera. In the absence of this, conduct of riverine operations is a challenge for RE Battalions.

Suggested Mitigation through Training
  • Specialization Courses for Officers. Specialization courses related to navigation and RE operations should be conducted for the Officers (FGD and Survey).
  • Unit Level Cadre for the Troops. At the unit level, separate cadre should be conducted for the troops on modified RE tactics and their operationalization (Survey).
a. Specialized Training on Modern Equipment and Vessels. As various modern and specialized electronic equipment are included in the TO&E of RE Battalion, necessary training should be conducted to grow operators and make those effective (Survey).

b. Training on RE Tactics in Summer and Winter Training. As ARTDOC has incorporated new operational guideline for the RE Battalions, it should be practiced in Summer and Winter Training (Survey).

c. Joint Training with Other Arms and Services. RE Battalions need extensive practice and training for necessary harmonization and coordination between various arms and services.


With the advancement of world military environment, it is felt correctly to have a prescribed guideline for the smooth functioning of the activities of RE Battalions. It will also work as the pivot for further expansion and improvement in this sector. Since long various efforts were taken to materialize it and finally the relentless endeavour by ARTDOC made it a success. It is a praiseworthy initiative by ARTDOC to bring out the draft GSTP for RE Battalion. It has given a visible shape in context to RE Battalion's tactics and operational capabilities. At present four RE Battalions are deployed in three different location with different tasks. So far RE Battalion was entrusted with the transportation role only.

But the draft GSTP has given a new shape to it. The mission, role, and the capabilities are changed, new employment criterion is found out, and the fundamentals of battle is described through this draft GSTP. Many of the concepts came up new and resources are grouped. ARTDOC has proposed the new mission, roles, and capabilities, now RE Battalions are to guard major riverine approaches physically, including protect the flanks and launching an offensive on the enemy along the water channels. To guard all the riverine approaches with few RE Battalions is a big challenge.

The lack of training on the new operational concept and age-old vessels and equipment has aided in the issue. Again, in their new operational employment, many of the new special weapon and plant vehicles are included with the RE Battalions. As most of them are absent in their TO&E, the expected employment is at stake. There is a lack of expert operator and required manpower also to fulfil the expected mission. The members of RE Battalions are not trained on the special equipment and tasks. Through the draft GSTP, ARTDOC has proposed various riverine operations and tasks. But the troops are not trained on these aspects. So, it is critical to arrange necessary training to fulfil the requirements. It is important to notice here that, a suitable policy is also important here to implement the prescribed guidelines by ARTDOC.

To separate training should be introduced at all level which will include the training related to new employment. The riverine tactics should be practiced in all types of collective exercises. In the case of creation of battalion groups, joint training should be conducted to reduce the understanding gap between the members of different units. To allow the vessel to ply over shallow depth, deep draught vessels should be used.

Vessels with fast moving capability, light, and modern equipment fitted shall be most demanding for RE Battalions. Flourishing the Army of any country is a major monetary concern, and it takes quite long to come up to a workable state. Introducing new concept of operation links major refurbishing in many corners. It is indeed a challenge for Bangladesh Army to establish the concept and to operationalize it by introducing modern equipment, vessels, and growing required manpower. The suggested mitigations of the conflicting areas will be able to aid RE Battalions in attaining their operational capabilities.

  • Division and Brigade should organize various exercises, training and demonstration on riverine operations in each year.
  • Armed Forces Division (AFD) should organize joint exercise including Army and Navy in each year.
  • Riverine Tactics should be taught and exercised in Engineer Officers Basic Course and Junior Command and Staff course (JCSC) for learning riverine operations in detail in the context of Bangladesh.
  • Engineer Directorate should formulate a Board of Officers for examining, suggesting, and implementing the modification of existing watercraft and vessels as far as possible to meet the new capabilities guided by ARTDOC.
  • Engineer Directorate should refurbish the TO&E of RE Battalion and include all necessary modern vessels and equipment

Books/Other Publications

  • GSTP ‘Engineers in Battle’, Bangladesh Army
  • Draft GSTP ‘Riverine Engineer Battalion in Battle’, Bangladesh Army
  • Islam, M. Nurul (2009), An Introduction to Research Methodology: A Handbook for Business and Health Research (reprint), Dhaka: Mullick & Brothers.
  • Abul Hasnat Mohammad Sayem, psc, Major (2008) ‘‘Evaluation of Concept and The doctrine of Riverine Engineer Battalion'' Commandant's Paper, DSCSC.
  • Mohd Abdus Salam Talukder, psc, Major (1992) ‘‘The Concept of Riverine Warfare in the Context of Bangladesh’’ Dissertation paper for Masters in Defence Studies, DSCSC.
  • Md Hasan uz Zaman,psc, Major (2005) ‘‘Requirement of a Riverine Force For Bangladesh Army'' Commandant's Paper, DSCSC.
  • Md Monzurul Islam, psc, Major (2010) ‘‘Concept of Riverine Warfare in the Context of Bangladesh’’ Individual Research Paper for Masters in Defence Studies, DSCSC.
  • Md Rafique Ullah, psc, Major (2000) ‘Riverine Warfare: Concept in the context of Bangladesh’ Dissertation paper for Masters in Defence Studies, DSCSC.
  • Md Wahidul Islam, psc, Major (2004) ‘‘Riverine Warfare: a Viable Concept in the Context of Bangladesh'' Dissertation paper for Masters in Defence Studies, DSCSC.
  • Reza Asif, psc, Major (2007) “Riverine Infantry: A concept with potentials for Bangladesh Army.” Bangladesh Army Journal, 34th Issue
  • Rahman Muhammad Naquber, psc, Lieutenant Colonel, (December 1988), Bangladesh Inland Waterways - How to Turn then into Defence Paradise. Bangladesh Army Journal, 13th Issue.
Conference Papers/Presentations
  • Army Headquarter project study (2008), Changes needed in concept, doctrine and tactical methods of Riverine Engineer Battalion. 14 Independent Engineer Brigade, Dhaka.
  • 14 Independent Engineer Brigade study period (2009), Potential of Riverine Battalion in light of new organization, existing assets and modalities to explore those potentials. 11 Riverine Engineer (RE) Battalion, Dhaka
Interviews/ Discussions
  • Brigadier General ASM Mahmood Hasan, psc - Brigade Commander, 14 Independent Engineer Brigade. On 27 November 2016.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Kamal Uddin, psc - Commanding Officer 5 RE Battalion. On 15 November 2016.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Mir Sarwar Hossain Chowdhuri, psc- Commanding Officer 7 RE Battalion. On 14 November 2016.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Sayed Obaidullah Hel Shafi, psc, Commanding Officer 11 RE bn. on 15 November 2016.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Saifur Rahman, psc, Commanding Officer 10 RE Battalion on 6 November 2016.


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You can launch 3 different types of missiles with those launchers. 122mm/230mm unguided, 122/230mm GPS/INS guided, 122/230mm GPS/INS+laser-guided (can engage mobile targets). And if you combine this capability with tactical or even lighter UAVs which can send target information/coordinates back to the HQ and/or paint them up with laser designators(for laser-guided missiles) you will have a very modern cost-effective system second to none. I hope they serve well for our Bangladeshi brothers.

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Bangladesh is participating in the International Army Games- 2021.

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Isa Khan

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Chief of Army Staff General SM Shafiuddin Ahmed has been adorned as the eight ‘Colonel Commandant of the Bangladesh Armoured Corps’ in a military ceremony held at the Shaheed Lt Badiuzzaman parade ground of Armoured Corps Centre and School at Majhira Cantonment in Bagura on Wednesday.

Senior commander and senior master warrant officer of Armoured Corps adorned the Chief of Army Staff with the rank badge of ‘Colonel Commandant’ of the Armoured Corps.

Through this ceremony, as the ‘Colonel Commandant’, the Chief of Army Staff took over as the Guardian of the Armoured Corps in accordance with traditional military policy.


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