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Turkish Warship TCG Inebolu came to Beirut to tow a Corvette belongs to the Bangladeshi Navy. After the initial inspection Turkish warship will tow the Bangladeshi Corvette to Turkey where it will be repaired by the Turkish Navy.

News is unfortunality is Turkish ;

TCG İnebolu, Bangladeş donanmasına ait askeri gemi için Beyrut'a geldi

Türkiye'nin "TCG İnebolu" askeri gemisi, Beyrut'ta meydana gelen patlamada hasar gören Bangladeş donanmasına ait korvet tipi askeri gemiyi Türkiye'ye götürmek üzere Lübnan'a geldi.

TCG İnebolu, Bangladeş donanmasına ait askeri gemi için Beyrut'a geldi

Türkiye'nin Beyrut Büyükelçisi Hakan Çakıl, büyükelçilik mensupları ile Beyrut Limanı'na demir atan TCG İnebolu'yu ziyaret etti. Büyükelçi Çakıl, ziyaretin ardından AA muhabirine yaptığı açıklamada, "TCG İnebolu, 4 Ağustos tarihinde Beyrut'ta meydana gelen patlamada hasar gören Bangladeş donanmasına ait korvet tipi askeri gemiyi tamir için Türkiye'ye götürmek üzere geldi." dedi.
TCG İnebolu gemisindeki mürettebatın gemide oluşan hasarı denetleme çalışmalarını sürdürdüğünü aktaran Çakıl, denetleme çalışmalarının ardından geminin, TCG İnebolu tarafından çekilerek Türkiye'ye götürüleceğini kaydetti. Büyükelçi Çakıl, Bangladeş askeri gemisinin Türkiye'de Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığınca onarılacağını belirtti.
- Beyrut Limanı'ndaki patlama
Beyrut Limanı'nda 4 Ağustos'ta patlayıcı maddelerin bulunduğu 12 numaralı depoda önce yangın çıkmış ardından tüm kenti sarsan çok güçlü patlama meydana gelmişti. Cumhurbaşkanı Mişel Avn, patlamaya 6 yıldır Beyrut Limanı'ndaki bir depoda tutulan 2 bin 750 ton amonyum nitratın yol açtığını söylemişti.
Patlamada 182 kişinin hayatını kaybettiği, yaklaşık 6 bin kişinin yaralandığı ve onlarca kişinin kayıp olduğu açıklanmıştı. Lübnan resmi makamları, patlamaya saldırıdan ziyade "ihmalin yol açtığını" değerlendirmiş, bunun üzerine Lübnan sokağında sorumluların cezalandırılmasını talep eden protestolar yaşanmıştı. Protestolar sonucunda, Lübnan Başbakanı Hassan Diyab hükümeti 10 Ağustos'ta istifa etmişti. "


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The damage is minor and mainly on electronic equipment, the ship is in good condition overall and machinery is operational, the reason it is towed that control systems might have received damage and making is dangerous to sail unassisted.
TCG Inebolu is an offshore tugboat, the Bangladeshi corvette will be repaired by experts /workers dispatched from Bangladesh and UK.

Edit: The repair is beyond the damage, i think our guys have handled major overhaul meanwhile they got hands on :)
And looks like Bangladeshi isn't sensitive about secrecy, the ship had handled by Turkish.
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TCG Inebolu, briefly:
Commissioned in 1979 as tugboat of the US Navy
Retired in 1999 and chartered to a private company for 10 years
Transferred to the Turkish Navy
Refurbished /Modernized since the vessel was in bad condition due to lack of maintenance and aged equipment.

The ship was tasked in East Med to assist ships escorting MTA R/V Oruç Reis.



That's interesting because the Bangladesh Navy is very very interested in acquiring atmaca for their 6 new next generation frigates which will be built ingeniously all the way through from 2023 to 2030.



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Members of Bangladesh Navy have joined in alongside firefighters to help put out a fire that broke out at Beirut Port in Lebanon today.

The Bangladesh navy members were stationed on a ship adjacent to the port.

BNS Sangram, a vessel of Bangladesh Navy, started supplying water to fire trucks as they faced a shortage of water while dousing the massive fire, a source on the vessel said.

All 110 Navy members, who were on the ship, started working to put out the fire as well.

The fire broke out adjacent to the place where a huge blast took place last month.

"The navy ship with 110 members, who were on a peace mission, was stationed some 200 metres away from the fire," said the source.

We came to know the fire likely originated from a tyre, said expatriate journalist Babu Saha, who was some two kilometres away from the incident.

"Syrian workers were working on the port during the incident," he said, adding that Bangladeshi workers do not work inside the Beirut port.

Fire fighters continued working to douse the blaze till filing this report.


Michael Corleone

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The damage is minor and mainly on electronic equipment, the ship is in good condition overall and machinery is operational, the reason it is towed that control systems might have received damage and making is dangerous to sail unassisted.
TCG Inebolu is an offshore tugboat, the Bangladeshi corvette will be repaired by experts /workers dispatched from Bangladesh and UK.

Edit: The repair is beyond the damage, i think our guys have handled major overhaul meanwhile they got hands on :)
And looks like Bangladeshi isn't sensitive about secrecy, the ship had handled by Turkish.
Interior decoration and stuff related have all been damaged or broken

Isa Khan

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The second edition of Exercise Bongosagar, the bilateral exercise between Indian Navy and Bangladesh Navy, will be held in Northern Bay of Bengal on Saturday. It aims to develop inter-operability and joint operational skills by conducting a wide spectrum of maritime exercises and operations.

The naval exercise, which was first held in 2019, will see ships from both navies participating in surface warfare drills, seamanship evolutions and helicopter operations.

Giving details, the Ministry of Defence said the exercise will be followed by the third edition of the Indian Navy-Bangladesh Navy Coordinated Patrol (CORPAT) in Northern Bay of Bengal on October 4 and 5.

Under this, Indian Navy and Bangladesh Navy will undertake joint patrolling along the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL). The conduct of CORPATs has strengthened understanding between both the navies and instituted measures to stop conduct of unlawful activities, the ministry said in an official statement.

According to the government, Exercise Bongosagar and IN-BN CORPAT reflects the priority that Indian Navy accords to the Bangladesh Navy as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of SAGAR (Security And Growth for All in the Region).

Indian Naval Ship (INS) Kiltan, an indigenously built Anti-Submarine Warfare Corvette, and INS Khukri, an indigenously built Guided-Missile Corvette, are participating along with Bangladesh Naval Ship (BNS) Abu Bakr, a Guided-Missile Frigate and BNS Prottoy, a Guided-Missile Corvette. In addition to ships, Maritime Patrol Aircraft from both the navies and integral helicopters would also be participating in the exercise.

The Ministry of Defence pointed out that “India and Bangladesh have a close, long-standing relationship covering a wide spectrum of activities and interactions, which has strengthened over the years”. The people of India and Bangladesh also share close cultural bonds and a shared vision of democratic society and a rules-based order, it added.

This edition of Exercise Bongosagar assumes even greater significance since it is being conducted during Mujib Barsho, the 100th birth anniversary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.


Isa Khan

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The Bangladeshi naval ship BNS Bijoy, which was damaged in an explosion at Lebanon's Beirut Port on August 4, has returned to the Chattogram Naval base.

The ship arrived early in the morning today and anchored the BNS Issa Khan Naval Base, reports Somoy TV.

The Chief of Naval Staff and other senior officials will receive that ship.

BNS Bijoy was damaged and at least 21 members of Bangladesh Navy were injured in the powerful explosion in Beirut, which left more than 170 people dead and over 6,000 others injured.

BNS Shongram was sent as a replacement for the damaged BNS Bijoy on August 9, while the damaged ship was taken to Turkey for repair.

The warship of Bangladesh Navy had been participating in the peacekeeping mission of the United Nations since 2010.

The corvette "Bijoy '' had been working in the peacekeeping mission of UNIFIL as a member of the Multinational Maritime Task Force in the Mediterranean Sea to stop the entry of illegal weapons and explosives in Lebanon.


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