Boğaziçi Protests



Olcay Çelik, one of the writers of Atılım Newspaper, who has been working hard since the first day of the events, answers your question:


Btw, one of the latest photo of Cihat Dursun is as follows:

What's the point ? Let's google from which universities people become mountain rats.... then bomb the universities?

Öcalan studied in Istanbul and Ankara university, so we are going to say everyone who graduated from those universities, are PKK rats?


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What's the point ? Let's google from which universities people become mountain rats.... then bomb the universities?

Öcalan studied in Istanbul and Ankara university, so we are going to say everyone who graduated from those universities, are PKK rats?

Bro, the problem here is that PKK sympathizers, far left Marxists and anti- Turk elements have infiltrated the Institution so hard that even in their letter towards Erdogan which (I may be wrong) was supported by the professors, student organizations etc it reeks of HDP/PKK propaganda. A small but very loud minority whose whole existence is based on hurting Turkey.

Of course that most of the students there are in no way terrorists or hate their country but a drop of shit is enough to spoil the whole jar with honey. Still I love the honey and want all the best for it and I support it against the big corrupt bear that wants to eat it but the pile of shit should be cleansed out with all means necessary.


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Gezi turned into a violent shitstorm because PKK sympathizers infiltrated those protests, now the exactly same is happening and Goverment knows how to use it for their favour. Those students also are not the brightest, from the first second they had to distance themselves from those PKK/DHKPCist lowlifes, but they instead send such a letter. It's like a penalty without goalkeeper from AKP's perspective, bravo.

Turkish communist and socialist are a different kind of retards, seriously i don't know what they smoke but how can a Turk become such a traitor to his own nation and people for some heroin junkies living in caves?

Kendini devrimci sanan mayin esekleri, aq. Karl Marxin kitaplarini okuya okuya iyice gaza geliyorlar.


Bro, the problem here is that PKK sympathizers, far left Marxists and anti- Turk elements have infiltrated the Institution so hard that even in their letter towards Erdogan which (I may be wrong) was supported by the professors, student organizations etc it reeks of HDP/PKK propaganda. A small but very loud minority whose whole existence is based on hurting Turkey.

Of course that most of the students there are in no way terrorists or hate their country but a drop of shit is enough to spoil the whole jar with honey. Still I love the honey and want all the best for it and I support it against the big corrupt bear that wants to eat it but the pile of shit should be cleansed out with all means necessary.
If some of protestors are related with some groups, it doesn't change the fact that protestors just use constitutional rights. İt doesn't make all protestors terrorists.

Suddenly some terrorist pictures have been appeared, what does it has to do with students' demands?

Özel Harekatın bastığı bir evde Türk bayrağı asılıydı. Gözaltına alınanlardan biri türbanlıydı. Hükümet cenahını çıldırttı. Şimdi sulandırmak için her türlü boku atacaklar.


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If some of protestors are related with some groups, it doesn't change the fact that protestors just use constitutional rights. İt doesn't make all protestors terrorists.

Suddenly some terrorist pictures have been appeared, what does it has to do with students' demands?
If the normal students don't distance themselves from those troublemakers how does it look from the outside?


If the normal students don't distance themselves from those troublemakers how does it look from the outside?
All students have right to protests
, it's their choice. They shouldnt care about trouble makers. They just don't want appointed rector.


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All students have right to protests
, it's their choice. They shouldnt care about trouble makers. They just don't want appointed rector.
Then don't cry when Police beats the crap out of you because you can't say "piss off" to PKK sympathizers.


Then don't cry when Police beats the crap out of you because you can't say "piss off" to PKK sympathizers.
Were The Students beaten by police due to They couldnt say piss of to Pkk sympathizer?


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Dear all members;

Please do not share images of illegal terrorist organizations while showing examples. We will not allow such illegal images to be posted.



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Were The Students beaten by police due to They couldnt say piss of to Pkk sympathizer?
They were beaten because they were mixed with those PKK sympathizer and couldn't or didn't want distance themselves from those troublemakers.


They were beaten because they were mixed with those PKK sympathizer and couldn't or didn't want distance themselves from those troublemakers.
They had been beaten before they were stamped " Pkk sympathizer"

Bosanski Vojnik

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These protesters are either heavily infiltrated by PKK or deceived by their globalist handlers/funders. Universities can always be a problem for the state because of the so called "fraternal" connections they have with other Universities around the world. It is an easy way for outside powers to run covert operations aimed at destabilizing the country.

Also Turkish commies are biggest scum of earth. I nearly had a punch up with one in Netherlands some time after peace spring operation. They are also clever with words in order to deceive Turkish secularists so that they can be on their side. Mark my words even tho they claim to only be against Erdogan and his "Islamist rule" the reality is that they want cancelation of everything that represents Turkish Nationalism form Ataturk to Alparslan Turkes, Enver Pasha etc..

Also Erdogan is not an Islamist by any stretch of the imagination. Sure he has his negatives but as far as I know he has not attempted to cancel Ataturk which is what leftists, commies and PKK ultimately want. Also Calling RTE an Islamist is pure Western trash propaganda because Erdogan's political ideology is something best described as "National Islamic conservatism".

Erdogans best political move was making an alliance with Bahceli & MHP. Some people might say it he was just being pragmatic however it has allowed more nationalistic into mainstream & elite discourse. Which is important because every nation state needs some form of Nationalism in times of crisis and represented a break from Globalist traitors like Davutoglu & Gul who basically wanted Turkey to become a puppet of Gulf countries.

Anyway back to these protests now the problem with young people is that they are easily malleable and have a want and desire to be liked by others. So when they go on a student visit to another country and when a German/British/American/French/ professor or student group tell them about all the "awful things" Erdogan, Turkish Army, Gendarme etc.. are doing to Kurds the end up believing them because they want to "fit in" or be liked by their peers abroad.

Brainwashing phase then kicks in (famous saying "when a lie gets repeated 100 times it becomes the truth") and eventually they bring that shit home and start protesting against their own country for the sake of others.

Turkish commies & leftists are being used by outside powers who hate Turkey in order to destabilize the country. They are fully aware that Turkey is a macho society and that Erdogan has plans to create government incentives to increase birth rates so they use leftists, commies, student protesters, feminists & lgbt groups to undermine this.

Western Nations probably don't have plans to military invade Turkey but they would like to install puppets who will weaken the National Character of the Turkish Republic, cancel historical Turkish patriots just like they are doing in US & other Anglosphere countries right now and give some sort of Autonomy to the Kurds. Not enough for full independence but enough to make Turkey firmly under the boot of globalists as the nation would be far too weak to protect its interests from North Africa ,Mediterranean, Balkans, Mid-East & Kavkaz.

They probably want Turkey to sit quietly and do nothing as Turkmen get ethnically cleansed from Mid East, To withdraw military from Northern Cyprus so Greeks can take over the whole Island, severe ties with Azerbaijan so that NK becomes part of Armenia again and hand over all natural gas & oil reserves in Turkish sea water to foreign nations. Any one of these events who be a huge problem for Turkey.

This is how they want to destabilize and weaken Turkey


These protesters are either heavily infiltrated by PKK or deceived by their globalist handlers/funders. Universities can always be a problem for the state because of the so called "fraternal" connections they have with other Universities around the world. It is an easy way for outside powers to run covert operations aimed at destabilizing the country.

Also Turkish commies are biggest scum of earth. I nearly had a punch up with one in Netherlands some time after peace spring operation. They are also clever with words in order to deceive Turkish secularists so that they can be on their side. Mark my words even tho they claim to only be against Erdogan and his "Islamist rule" the reality is that they want cancelation of everything that represents Turkish Nationalism form Ataturk to Alparslan Turkes, Enver Pasha etc..

Also Erdogan is not an Islamist by any stretch of the imagination. Sure he has his negatives but as far as I know he has not attempted to cancel Ataturk which is what leftists, commies and PKK ultimately want. Also Calling RTE an Islamist is pure Western trash propaganda because Erdogan's political ideology is something best described as "National Islamic conservatism".

Erdogans best political move was making an alliance with Bahceli & MHP. Some people might say it he was just being pragmatic however it has allowed more nationalistic into mainstream & elite discourse. Which is important because every nation state needs some form of Nationalism in times of crisis and represented a break from Globalist traitors like Davutoglu & Gul who basically wanted Turkey to become a puppet of Gulf countries.

Anyway back to these protests now the problem with young people is that they are easily malleable and have a want and desire to be liked by others. So when they go on a student visit to another country and when a German/British/American/French/ professor or student group tell them about all the "awful things" Erdogan, Turkish Army, Gendarme etc.. are doing to Kurds the end up believing them because they want to "fit in" or be liked by their peers abroad.

Brainwashing phase then kicks in (famous saying "when a lie gets repeated 100 times it becomes the truth") and eventually they bring that shit home and start protesting against their own country for the sake of others.

Turkish commies & leftists are being used by outside powers who hate Turkey in order to destabilize the country. They are fully aware that Turkey is a macho society and that Erdogan has plans to create government incentives to increase birth rates so they use leftists, commies, student protesters, feminists & lgbt groups to undermine this.

Western Nations probably don't have plans to military invade Turkey but they would like to install puppets who will weaken the National Character of the Turkish Republic, cancel historical Turkish patriots just like they are doing in US & other Anglosphere countries right now and give some sort of Autonomy to the Kurds. Not enough for full independence but enough to make Turkey firmly under the boot of globalists as the nation would be far too weak to protect its interests from North Africa ,Mediterranean, Balkans, Mid-East & Kavkaz.

They probably want Turkey to sit quietly and do nothing as Turkmen get ethnically cleansed from Mid East, To withdraw military from Northern Cyprus so Greeks can take over the whole Island, severe ties with Azerbaijan so that NK becomes part of Armenia again and hand over all natural gas & oil reserves in Turkish sea water to foreign nations. Any one of these events who be a huge problem for Turkey.

This is how they want to destabilize and weaken Turkey
Social media establishes the perception that events are experienced with a greater impact or distorting than they are about. But wasn't the first big leap of twitter in 2011, supported for this purpose? Anyway... The troll armies that used to cried as "TC bizi vuriyi, America help us", returned full time work again, but with Boğaziçi tags. But in real life it's not even close to that. In addition, the resulting letter and the political language used made it clear these events were manipulated by whom. Precisely for this reason, the thinking that all seculars in this country are absolute supporters of the protests just an illusion. At least after the protests were poisoned under direction of some 'organizaions'.

As an example, when u look at Turkish agenda on twitter now, You will see a freedom(!) fighter named Beyza.. She has been subject of campaign on Turkish social media by the protesters, but actually a member of the socialist revolutionary youth organization. She is not even a Boğaziçi university student. However, Yol Tv (another far-left broadcast profile close to pyd etc and run from Germany. During the Boğaziçi protests, they did a lot of disinformation work.) instantly shares the speeches of the lawyers of the relevant organization right now. As you see, tag work about this detaining continues on twitter, which as far as i can see that directing by mostly H.Kıvılcımlı linked Marksist-Leninist fractions supporters, as well as lots of lgbt supporter accounts carrying related emojis on account name.
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I think this video explains it pretty well. In turkish a thorough walkthrough since MKA established the first university.


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So, authorities were right, i would now appoint the dean and whole rectorate by state if i have the
power, autonomy comes with maturity and wisdom, those kids apprantly do not have either as they allowed to be stolel their lnitial cause by unpatriotic political subjects.
Now you can citate article were the protests are allowed by constitution, it is all you got :)
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