Boğaziçi Protests


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Can put that video aside. What do you think about Kayyums replacing HDP majors?

I don't care since this Party has not a single right to be in the Turkish Parliament. Banning them is a must and also possible offspring parties.


I don't care since this Party has not a single right to be in the Turkish Parliament. Banning them is a must and also possible offspring parties.
Okay, let's put constitution aside. We closed HDP. One month later HDK will be founded. Kurdish parties closed like 18 times before.

What are we going to do then?


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Okay, let's put constitution aside. We closed HDP. One month later HDK will be founded. Kurdish parties closed like 18 times before.

What are we going to then?
Banning every HDP deputy who made PKK or seperatist statements or have relatives in those terrorist groups.


Banning every HDP deputy who made PKK or seperatist statements or have relatives in those terrorist groups.
And what do we gain from that? Our problem is terrorism. PKK rats in the mountains. I personally don't care a bit what HDP officials say.
What upsets me when a soldier of ours gets martyred by PKK. Our problem is PKK not HDP, HADEP, or any Kurdish party.

We might think different on these issue, no problem. I say, give Kurds every kind of freedom. From study in Kurdish to larger autonomy in municapalities. In the meanwhile, go invade Northern Iraq, level Kandil mountain down, assasinate every PKK leader out there. Make it so that we won't lose a single soldier.

For me the problem is PKK alone. I don't care what HDP officials says.

KKF 2.0

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And what do we gain from that? Our problem is terrorism. PKK rats in the mountains. I personally don't care a bit what HDP officials say.
What upsets me when a soldier of ours gets martyred by PKK. Our problem is PKK not HDP, HADEP, or any Kurdish party.

We might think different on these issue, no problem. I say, give Kurds every kind of freedom. From study in Kurdish to larger autonomy in municapalities. In the meanwhile, go invade Northern Iraq, level Kandil mountain down, assasinate every PKK leader out there. Make it so that we won't lose a single soldier.

For me the problem is PKK alone. I don't care what HDP officials says.



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And what do we gain from that? Our problem is terrorism. PKK rats in the mountains. I personally don't care a bit what HDP officials say.
What upsets me when a soldier of ours gets martyred by PKK. Our problem is PKK not HDP, HADEP, or any Kurdish party.

We might think different on these issue, no problem. I say, give Kurds every kind of freedom. From study in Kurdish to larger autonomy in municapalities. In the meanwhile, go invade Northern Iraq, level Kandil mountain down, assasinate every PKK leader out there. Make it so that we won't lose a single soldier.

I say it, for me the problem PKK alone. I don't care what HDP officials says.
You don't care but they are the ones who who fueled the Hendek Operation, they are the mouthpiece of the mountaingoats, they are defending YPG statelet in Syria, they are PKK terrorists in suits and have seats in our Parliament. They are against the Turkish Republic in every point, yet a a recognized Party in our Turkish Parliament. That is nothing but stupidity on a really high level.

No Autonomy, no education in the Kurdish language, no freedom but integration. They can have some Kurdish lessons nobody would care, but not education.

This country was build with blood, the blood of our ancestors and martyrs, because they protest we should give some seperatist minded minority autonomy? If they don't like Turkey, they can take their stuff and piss off to Barzanistan.


You don't care but they are the ones who who fueled the Hendek Operation, they are the mouthpiece of the mountaingoats, they are defending YPG statelet in Syria, they are PKK terrorists in suits and have seats in our Parliament. They are against the Turkish Republic in every point, yet a a recognized Party in our Turkish Parliament. That is nothing but stupidity on a really high level.

No Autonomy, no education in the Kurdish language, no freedom but integration.

This country was build with blood, the blood of our ancestors and martyrs, because some seperatists protest we should give some seperatist minded minority autonomy? If they don't like Turkey, they can take their stuff and piss off to Barzanistan.
That approach didn't solve anything for us in the last 100 years. If we go by with that approach, our grandchildren will die from terrorism too.


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That approach didn't solve anything for us in the last 100 years. If we go by with that approach, our grandchildren will die from terrorism too.
No they will not, or do you see any Armenian and Greek terrorists now?


No they will not, or do you see any Armenian and Greek terrorists now?
No, because we dealt with it 100 years ago. If it was up to me. After Sheish Said Revolt, i would send them all to Syria or Iraq but Ataturk didn't do it (unfortunately imo), so today we need to deal with the situation. And we can't do a ethnic cleansing today.


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No, because we dealt with it 100 years ago. If it was up to me. After Sheish Said Revolt, i would send them all to Syria or Iraq but Ataturk didn't do it (unfortunately imo), so today we need to deal with the situation. And we can't do a ethnic cleansing today.
Still doesn't justifies autonomy fantasy or school education in Kurdish, show me one country in the world who would allow such things?

They either stop their seperatist dreams and integrate into the society, pay taxes and bills like any ordinary citizen or they continue with all that and treated equally.
A Kurd has not less rights than a Turk or Cerkez, Laz etc. they should stop playing the victim and stop creating a fantasy country with fantasy history out of their a$$es. They never had a country nor historical/cultural impact in this region.


Still doesn't justifies autonomy fantasy or school education in Kurdish, show me one country in the world who would allow such things?

They either stop their seperatist dreams and integrate into the society, pay taxes and bills like any ordinary citizen or they continue with all that and treated equally.
A Kurd has not less rights than a Turk or Cerkez, Laz etc. they should stop playing the victim and stop creating a fantasy country with fantasy history out of their a$$es. They never had a country nor historical/cultural impact in this region.
Okay, that's your view and it seems it won't change for the near future. I was saying the same thing as you 15 years ago, even tried to get into illegal organizations to fight against terrorists. We should talk this again like 5 years later,. If everything goes the same.


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Still doesn't justifies autonomy fantasy or school education in Kurdish, show me one country in the world who would allow such things?
Canada, Belgium, India, Pakistan, US, Spain, Switzerland, Sri Lanka....many more come to mind (local govt availability for primary, secondary school education in native tongue different to majority or plurality of larger country)

In the end it depends how you define nation and citizens.

Does it mean one language, or is there something beyond that...something deeper in being a Turkish citizen but not necessarily a "Turk"?

I don't want to comment on Turkey internal matter here too much, but there are parallels I have seen in my homeland (India) and where I am currently (Canada) up close, where there have been attempts to enforce one united language (at school and public use etc).

Both instances. this has actually pushed and given oxygen to separatist movements at various times....compared to making a larger thread of nationhood (though this often necessitates a federal govt, which is different to what Turkish constitution uses).

I can tell you right now if central govt of India tried enforce Hindi as only medium of instruction at school, my state (and possibly a huge chunk of south india in general) would have had massive separatist movements. Many parties at independence were already formed on this notion....and even with the initial status quo there was "anti-hindi" agitations in my state.

So instead a common vein of nationhood was found beyond just primary language...a compromise was made and political integration was made when regional parties started doing electorally better over time.

Tamil and Dravidian languages are complete different language family to Hindi (Indo-European family). Similar to how kurdish language is of this indo-european family whereas Turkish is Turkic family.

I chose to learn Hindi out of my own volition and circumstance....and even if I didn't (majority of Tamils do not) I would only identify as there is huge context to this nation beyond languages and internal river valley geographies.

Like Kurds, us Tamils are found in another country too (Sri Lanka).

The uni-language drive (and other related suppression efforts) made by SL govt after their independence (and bilingual system set up) was major part of the situation that lead to the horrific civil war there. It like Canada is now back to bilingual system. Canada had its own experiment with this a long time in various enforcing English in Quebec....and eventually had to admit defeat in order to nip such movements as FLQ in the bud as far as possible.

Also compare to the huge russification drive Soviet union did, the eventual result (combined with other factors) of USSR collapse.... and the lingering effects it has had in former soviet republics today w.r.t their language versus russian.

When you have a geography with different languages and even different language families, I feel its best to accommodate and find a solid basis of nationhood beyond just language. With such accommodation and genuine political integration and representation built over time, you then gain validity to crack down on any separatism as the larger population of the minority language people will feel secure...and clamp down on such things themselves.

@VCheng @Joe Shearer
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First of all:

1. The so-called 'Erdoganist' rector Melih Bulu was a student himself of this Robert College (now they call it Bogazici University). So he is not some potatoehead from outside.

2. Its not a Turkish university but a American higher education institution. Its like McDonald's in Turkey attacking traditional Turkish restaurants. It has no place in Turkey and should be closed a long time ago.

3. This school has produced thousands of:

- young libtards
- marxists with pink hair
- safe space zones
- satanists
- cancelculture twitterscreamers
- gaylord emo's with dark lipstick
- lesbians without boobies
- pro-abortus extremists
- anti-national fanaticals
- ultra atheists
- transgenders
- hedonist rockmusic-lovers
- nihilists
- Oprah Winfrey-supporters
- hardline vegetarians
- antifa terrorists

Erdogan is a very, very soft leader and should be replaced by a real dictator like Sisi, Kim Jung Un, Putin or Jinping to deal with these communist scumbags.


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Boğaziçi students talking about "blasphemy" even the conservative students protecting the rights of their friends who got arrested.

Yesterday, 159 students arrested in the university. Total arrests of the students exceed 200.


Indeed they arrest 200 'students' but only 15 out of them came from the The Robert College ('Bogazici University').

The rest were students from different universities and some were not even students at all but just antifa.



Indeed they arrest 200 'students' but only 15 out of them came from the The Robert College ('Bogazici University').

The rest were students from different universities and some were not even students at all but just antifa.
You can't enter a university if you are not a student of that university.


First of all:

1. The so-called 'Erdoganist' rector Melih Bulu was a student himself of this Robert College (now they call it Bogazici University). So he is not some potatoehead from outside.

2. Its not a Turkish university but a American higher education institution. Its like McDonald's in Turkey attacking traditional Turkish restaurants. It has no place in Turkey and should be closed a long time ago.

3. This school has produced thousands of:

- young libtards
- marxists with pink hair
- safe space zones
- satanists
- cancelculture twitterscreamers
- gaylord emo's with dark lipstick
- lesbians without boobies
- pro-abortus extremists
- anti-national fanaticals
- ultra atheists
- transgenders
- hedonist rockmusic-lovers
- nihilists
- Oprah Winfrey-supporters
- hardline vegetarians
- antifa terrorists

Erdogan is a very, very soft leader and should be replaced by a real dictator like Sisi, Kim Jung Un, Putin or Jinping to deal with these communist scumbags.
1-) Robert College is a highschool, Boğaziçi is an University.
Melih Bulu graduated from Kayseri Fen Lisesi than METU.

Robert College:
Boğaziçi University:

2-) Boğaziçi is state university.
Binaları, kütüphanesi, laboratuvarları, tüm imkanları ve personeliyle 118 dönümlük bugünün Güney Kampüsü 10 Eylül 1971'de tamamen Türk hükümetinin üzerine geçmiştir. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, yüz yıldan fazla Robert Kolej'in kampüsü olarak kullanılan alana resmi olarak kurulmuştur.

3-) Empty words.
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