Boğaziçi Protests



Are you spoker person of Erdogan, are you an AKP official?

How do you know what government thinks?

If these kids are indeed terrorists, government is commiting a crime by releasing terrorists. But, oh. for government half of the country are terrorists.
You had better ask : Are you judge or prosecutor? Muppet prosecutors in courts are waiting to someone push the button.
I'm 43 years old and current outregous government remind me 90ies çillers-yılmaz's time .


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They are terrorist. See its very simple. Your mistake here is you generalize all the students. So I'm asking you. Can you say students are innocent? Or will you countinue to believe that all students are linked to terrorist organizations?

Edit: Btw this picture doesnt look from turkey. Propably from europe

These Öcalan posters are from Gezi Park events.

For one thing, I did not claim that all students are terrorists. If you read the article I shared, you will see student groups against the PKK there. I cannot accept the participation of terrorist organizations such as PKK / TKP / MLKP in innocent demonstrations. Anyone who wants them to participate in demonstrations is a terrorist.


The Post Deleter
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first of all we can not accuse any political party including AKP to pursue their political agenda and shape their discourse accoringly in this regard ministry of interior's attempt to label these students as terorist is wrong but in some ways understandale within this logic.

The main problem is the distinction between Governing party and State apparatus has disappeared conculs, judges, prosecutors and security forces are higly politisized and they are acting as if they are an extention of the ruling party. Without any check and ballance ruling political party is free to act as prosecutor, judge and the executioner. In a normal democracy it is not only other political parities duty to check and balance the ruling party but also it is the duty of media, judicial system and it is the duty of people itself with their constitutional right to protest and after 20 years all of them are gone this is the main problem.


Ulan o Boğaziçili ve ODTÜ'lü öğrenciler olmasa Türkiye fakirlikten sürünür.
Buğdayın biçip tezek yakarsınız.

Saldırdığınız o beyinlere , Türkiyenin en zeki çocuklarına it gibi muhtaçsınız.

Bu zulüm dolu günler de geçecek. Üniversitelere ve ülkeye tekrar özgürlük gelecek o zaman Hepiniz çil yavrusu gibi kaçacaksınız. Ülkenin direksiyonunu Putin'e ve Çine teslim ettiniz.


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And among the pics that you showed only 3rd one, includes a threat others are ordinary messages.

I looked at Bisak's twitter page and they also rejected Rector, like the rest of the students. So, i don't understand what was the problem.

But, you are right, whatever you are saying.

Are you spoker person of Erdogan, are you an AKP official?

How do you know what government thinks?

If these kids are indeed terrorists, government is commiting a crime by releasing terrorists. But, oh. for government half of the country are terrorists.
You need to review your posts. Because you say there are "Islamists" among the demonstrators. I don't remember calling them terrorists.


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These Öcalan posters are from Gezi Park events.
If you support akp, this is the last thing you should say. Because when this happened, government was busy with çözüm süreci. They passed all the terrorist from habur sınır kapısı and and our prime minister was singing "megri megri" with şivan perver. Hani there is a saying, "imam osurursa cemaat sıçar". this waving flags is nothing if we compare to what governemnt did back then.
When this happened all the gıvernment officials was complimenting öcalan. Öcalans letter was readen in public.
I did not claim that all students are terrorists. If you read the article I shared, you will see student groups against the PKK there.
You didnt but Süleyman soylu openly claimed that they are terroritst. Also president said the same thing. Bançeli said the same thing. You or me are not important actors. But important actors acts like they are facing terrörists here.
I cannot accept the participation of terrorist organizations such as PKK / TKP / MLKP in innocent demonstrations.
We also discussed that in this topic. Seperating terrorist organizations from studens is states job. Not students. Think like this. I'm normal student. Im protesting but then dhkp-c come and join the protests. What do you want me to do? Kill them? Fight against them? You cant make students responsible for this.
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For God's sake! Could someone waste someone start reading the story of the incident shared by innocent people attending the demonstrations?


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Being against the government does not require you to ally with the terrorists. This cannot be an excuse.
Dude you are drawaing circle. And we are where we started. You say you didnt say all students are terrorist. But now you say this . Nobody supporting terrorists.


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Erkek gibi konuştum. Ama dinlemeye niyetiniz olmadığı için sadece slogan atıyorsunuz. Ben orada masum insanları rektörü protesto hakkını da savundum. Ancak dinlemediniz. Şimdi ise kıvırıyorsunuz. Saçmalık


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Dude you are drawaing circle. And we are where we started. You say you didnt say all students are terrorist. But now you say this . Nobody supporting terrorists.
We don't draw a circle or anything. The definition is clear. The terrorist distinction is clear. It is clear who the innocent people are. Those who want PKK members to participate in the demonstrations are obvious. Those who do not want are certain. But you don't want to listen. The distinction is very clear in the article I shared. But you are too biased to want to read.


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They are lying or brainwashed. Progressive ideology (which is actually Westernised neomarxism) spreads through academia, which is extremely biased to the left. Academics exploit young students' naivety, gullibility and recklessness to impose their progressive political beliefs onto them and to turn a smaller number of them into political activists like you see in these protests.

Over time they gain total control of this institution, and when that happens a new phase begins. In Turkey this hasn't happened yet but you can see it already in the US and many other Western countries. In those countries, now that the progressives have total control of academia, speech that goes against progressive dogma is not allowed, not even by tenured professors, and in many universities if students want to get their degree they must complete mandatory courses where they accept progressive political ideology. These are the same people that used to call themselves "liberals" and pretended to care about freedom of expression - now that they're in total control, they don't allow anyone to say or do anything against them or their cancerous progressive ideology. These students' cries about free speech are nothing but rhetoric, even if some of the students themselves believe it (most are just pawns).

In much of the West this ideology has already spread from academia and taken over the media, corporate management, Big Tech, HR, administration, much of government, and even subcultures like knitting. Make no mistake, its end goal, explicitly stated in the academic literature it comes from, is to dismantle society and replace it (with them in power, ofcourse) through the same type of cultural revolution that happened in China.

Personally I'm not religious and I dislike authoritarianism, but everyone, including these students, would agree that there are some things that should not be allowed in a society. An ideology whose goal is to dismantle society and remake it into a totalitarian woke hellhole should absolutely be one of those things. And that's exactly what this is, no matter what they claim, no matter what lies or delusions they use to conceal this fact.

Ironically what you talk about actually happened to Turkey but it was done using the Islamic ideology. FETO an american owned entity played a big role in this. Just think of all the ideological subversion that was conducted against Turkey via western owned and financed islamist entities like FETO and their domestic proxies AK party.

We already had a similar communist takeover occur, it clearly went awol for the western financiers of such projects, but it already happened.

Hence why we saw the "islamists" do everything for the communist pkk, why we saw them flood Turkey with millions of refugees in which the Turkish taxpayer has to pay for and feed.

Turks are merely caught in a Hegelian dialectic. Left wing marxist nonsense or right wing islamist nonsense, both will lead to the same nightmare. We need to go back to what it means to be a Turk. Honour, Justice, honesty, truth, things like this will lead us to salvation.

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Erkek gibi konuştum. Ama dinlemeye niyetiniz olmadığı için sadece slogan atıyorsunuz. Ben orada masum insanları rektörü protesto hakkını da savundum. Ancak dinlemediniz. Şimdi ise kıvırıyorsunuz. Saçmalık
Senin yazdıkların slogandan öte siyasi iktidarın medya organlarında sabah akşam yaptığı beyin yıkama malzemesi.
Millet bunları duymaktan bıktı artık.
Boğaziçi üniversitesi öğrencileri terörist değil tamam mı. Onlar bu ülkenin en aydın ve zeki insanları.

Bizler de ülkenin en değerli eğitim kurumuma siyasi hırs vesaikiyle çökmeye kalkan, Türkiye'nin en zeki ve çalışkan öğrencilerine terörist diyen zihniyete karşı o çocukların haklarını koruyoruz.

Siz Erdoğanın hiçbir hukuki tanımadığı bir siyasi ortam yaratmasını destekliyorsunuz , bizler gençlerin ona karşı haklarını destekliyoruz.

Boğaziçi'ne girmek beyin ister , bazılarında o beyin olmadığı için kuduruyorlar.


These Öcalan posters are from Gezi Park events.

For one thing, I did not claim that all students are terrorists. If you read the article I shared, you will see student groups against the PKK there. I cannot accept the participation of terrorist organizations such as PKK / TKP / MLKP in innocent demonstrations. Anyone who wants them to participate in demonstrations is a terrorist.
Nice attempt to change the subject, let's always change the subject when we are out of answers.


You need to review your posts. Because you say there are "Islamists" among the demonstrators. I don't remember calling them terrorists.
No, they are conservatives... Islamists are the ones who use religion for their benefit. To make money, to rape woman, to get power, to get votes. Like Adnan Oktar, Fethullah Gülen and RTE.


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These Öcalan posters are from Gezi Park events.

For one thing, I did not claim that all students are terrorists. If you read the article I shared, you will see student groups against the PKK there. I cannot accept the participation of terrorist organizations such as PKK / TKP / MLKP in innocent demonstrations. Anyone who wants them to participate in demonstrations is a terrorist.
What happened to them? Where they also jailed? If you can't seal off such provocateurs and beat the crap out of them, then you as Goverment should question your capabilities.


For God's sake! Could someone waste someone start reading the story of the incident shared by innocent people attending the demonstrations?
I didn't show you, fabricated stuff.. I showed you demonstrations and the talks of the protestors. You are showing everybody a fabricated article. Why would anybody needs to read it?


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And among the pics that you showed only 3rd one, includes a threat others are ordinary messages.

I looked at Bisak's twitter page and they also rejected Rector, like the rest of the students. So, i don't understand what was the problem.

But, you are right, whatever you are saying.
No, they are conservatives... Islamists are the ones who use religion for their benefit. To make money, to rape woman, to get power, to get votes. Like Adnan Oktar, Fethullah Gülen and RTE.

First, learn the definition of the club you said to be participating in the shows in the Bosphorus! Boğaziçi University Islamic Studies Club!
This club was labeled by the demonstrators. By being lynched, their academic careers were threatened to end!


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Ironically what you talk about actually happened to Turkey but it was done using the Islamic ideology. FETO an american owned entity played a big role in this. Just think of all the ideological subversion that was conducted against Turkey via western owned and financed islamist entities like FETO and their domestic proxies AK party.

We already had a similar communist takeover occur, it clearly went awol for the western financiers of such projects, but it already happened.

Hence why we saw the "islamists" do everything for the communist pkk, why we saw them flood Turkey with millions of refugees in which the Turkish taxpayer has to pay for and feed.
"Active Measures" Was widely used by USSR back in the Cold War. WPC spreading conspiracy theory about US government is filled with blood thirsty Jewish capitalist in 50s, US was made HIV in Camp Detrick, Maryland, etc.

Mainly using disinformations (false stories to degrading the reputation of their adversaries) but also using "useful idiots". Back in 60s, using leftists peace protester (Yippies, BPP etc). Operation Zarathustra in Germany using anti-semitist to create chaos. Operation SIG using Arabs by spreading Protocols of Elders of Zion to spreading anti-semitism.

So basically, both on the right or left was used. Right now, mainly Russia subvert using the far-right (QAnon, Trumpist) But doesn't mean they are not using the left (BLM Movement and Bernie's leftists).


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I didn't show you, fabricated stuff.. I showed you demonstrations and the talks of the protestors. You are showing everybody a fabricated article. Why would anybody needs to read it?
This is your opinion. The man writes down everything with his evidence. You say these are fabrications! You call them fiction! I guess that's what happens when it doesn't work
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