Historical Combat, War, Geopolitics History and Analysis


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China and india are spamming hydropower, solar and nuclear projects and europe being retards they are fumbling around with their ego.

The reality is that the only big region that has reduced its emmissions in the last 30 years is Europe. Also, the EU has increased its renewable power generation at a very fast pace in the last two years, in order to replace the gas imported from Russia. The EU is the global leader when it comes to renewable energy as a share of its energy mix, and it is slowly phasing out coal, while China and India keep increasing their coal capacity.

Russia for all its short comings is not a preachy bastard who tells the world "how they are saving the world" every day.

Yes, they are just bombing their neighbors and killing people, while trying to annex territories. I gues preaching about saving the world is much worse than invading a country in your opinion.


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Yes, you are right about that. Both countries made big progress in this regard in the last 20 years. Maybe they should do the same when it comes to coal-powered energy, and they will start to move to a more sustainable path going forward.

But the African problem remains and the global population is still growing, so the per-capita argument doesn’t stand because the current world population is too large to have a per-capita energy consumption equivalent of developed countries.

Increasing the global per-capita consumption of energy should come only at the same time with a decreae in population and a qualitative increase in the energy mix. Right now, developing nations are increasing coal energy at unsustainable levels, and this should be addreessed.

"The African problem" ???????

What is the African problem?


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"The African problem" ???????

What is the African problem?

The excessive birth rate and population growth. While all other regions of the world have a relatively stable population (some are still slowly growing, while some are even decreasing), Africa continues to grow its population at an unsustainable rate.

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