The TriSula Air Defense System, which is being developed for Indonesia, will use the medium and high altitude air defense missiles that Roketsan will develop with the experience gained from Hisar and Siper.
As mentioned in the original article:Maybe they demand different specs from the missile. It is told the missiles will be new, thus we have no idea as of now.
But it is for sure Roketsan will be making just the missile itself. It is a good prestige to supply a tailored solution and definitely will worth the trouble in terms of demand and production. However, this contract causes a misunderstanding on Hisar and Siper and make people question "why not these but a new missile, is anything bad with Turkish missiles".
I don't think that missiles would be that different, nor the missile subsystems, the main difference will be TELs, links and radar systemsAs mentioned in the original article:
Trisula-O Missile System (OMS)
Trisula-O Weapon System (OWS)
Trisula-U Missile System (UMS)
Trisula-U Weapon System (UWS)
Wonder what is difference of "Missile" and "Weapon" system here. And why are they adopting O and U which referring to orta (mid) and uzun (long) ranges.
Just me trying to get this right thoughThe TriSula Air Defense System, which is being developed for Indonesia, will use the medium and high altitude air defense missiles that Roketsan will develop with the experience gained from Hisar and Siper.
They have different needs obviouslyJust me trying to get this right though
So instead of buying Hisars, Indonesia asked Roketsan to build for them a new unique AD system for themselves?
I think it is likely to be modified hisar rf and siper to meet indonesian requirement with a new name tag on it.Why not buy direct Hisar and Siper . they are aslo almost ready?
Did indonesia needs longer range ?
To be fair Hisar O looks big and its range is shorter to be medium SAM if its real range is as its told .
Embargoes and threat of getting embargoed has always been the number one problem for militaries whose country that is not aligned with either China or Russia but at the same time not necessarily part of the western world.Damm! It seems turkish defence industry truly became Noah's ship for muslim majority countries!literally from morrocco to Indonesia in the actual sense! nobody seems to wanna miss out!
Who would have thought something like that 20 years ago !
I should tell you guys, It is not just you who are experiensing something new and exceptional in a long time!
But I think in some sense, it is more or less every muslim country from morrocco to Indonesia!
No doubt that, the spectacular rise of turkish defence industry is a very positive development for the Republic of turkey as a nation state.
A comparative contemporary case like turkey can be found in other part of the world. I think it would be fair to say south korea also had a similar rise in defence industry like turkey.
However, unlike south korea, the rise of turkish defence industry having ( slowly but surely ) an unprecedented impact on the geopolitical and security power dynamics between North African, central asian, south east asian, middle eastern countries and the great powers. ( Especially the west )
Think about it, ten years ago if you wanna buy any world class strategic defence equipment from the west how much geopolitical and other compromise you needed to make to the great powrs for that!
Take for example KSA or other Gulf countries! They have the world's best weapons but they can't even do a shit with it ! Except serving western interests with it in expense of their very own interest. ( of course, very recently it is changing little by little )
Western power enjoyed more or less similar monopoly over mejority of muslim countries for a long time.
Except now it is started to change recently by the rise of turkish defence industry.
Now muslim countries can have highly sophisticated strategic equipments like, long range air defence, modern frigate, submarine ( and fifth gen fighter in the near future ) from a brotherly country.
Thus, we don't have to make unacceptable geopolitical compromise to the west anymore to get these strategically vital equipments! Or We don't have to give up a big chunk of our national resources to big western companies! Nor we have to live in constant fear that, they can cripple our strategic assets by simply cutting of the spare parts or just messing up the softwares, if we move slightly against their interest!
The more success turkish defence industry has from morrocco to Indonesia, the more century old western monopoly fades away.
If you loot at it in this broader sense, the extremely embargo happy behaviors of the most western countries would become more obvious!
For them, Strong turkish defence not just a 'strong turkey problem' on its own! but also, it creates hell of a lot more broader issues for them to deal with! They definitely fear that, an strong and cooperative turkish defence industry would fuel rise of some other 'unfriendly' defence industries around thee world in near future!
I know, the significance of the concept i am describing here maybe little difficult for turks to understand, given turkey has never been colonized nor it has been under such heavy monopoly. But for others, for the first time in hundred years they are having a chance to gain more control and sovereignty from the west over their own affairs, their own national security and geopolitical choices. And this is huge! Really really huge!
Of course, all of these giving birth to 'NEW TURKIYE' in great power's geopolitics given the amount of significant influence Turkiye is gaining through these strategic security cooperation with brotherly countries.
And of course, overall most of the muslim countries won't mind turkish influence for the same reason most of the west by and large don't mind US influence. ( which is, having more or less similar geopolitical amd geoeconomic interests )
Didn't Indonesia refuse to join the Turkish drone journey even though Ankara invited your politicians publicly?Embargoes and threat of getting embargoed has always been the number one problem for militaries whose country that is not aligned with either China or Russia but at the same time not necessarily part of the western world.
Personally I find it took Indonesia so long to choose Turkiye as it's weapons supplier. Consider their solutions are mostly NATO standard weapons.
Overall it's a nice trajectory going forward, I want to see munitions such as SOM, Kuzgun, Teber to be integrated with our upcoming and existing fighter jet.
I don't remember when we are invited, but here's what I know. Indonesian defense supplier has always been dominated by European companies (Thales, MBDA etc) and historically American (during the new order era, before the embargo).Didn't Indonesia refuse to join the Turkish drone journey even though Ankara invited your politicians publicly?
This is not entirely true, there had been talks between the two parties with defence minister Prabowo visiting Turkiye and its arms industry several times, its just it took so long for Indonesia from "showing interest" and the signing of deals. So long many have come to the conclusion that Indo-Turkiye cooperation will remain hot air, one huge skeptic of Indonesia signing major defense deals with Turkiye that I know is @Anmdt .Yes, it took long but honestly, I didn't thought even now indonesia suddenly will choose turkey for strategic procurement like long range air defence and tactical balistic missile.
I mean, with malasyia, there are already preconditions in place. and lot of engagement and mutual interest emerged from both parties ( turkey and malasyia ) in recent years
But with Indonesia we didn't saw similar activities taking place at that level ( at least out door )
Damm! It seems turkish defence industry truly became Noah's ship for muslim majority countries!literally from morrocco to Indonesia in the actual sense! nobody seems to wanna miss out!
Who would have thought something like that 20 years ago !
I should tell you guys, It is not just you who are experiensing something new and exceptional in a long time!
But I think in some sense, it is more or less every muslim country from morrocco to Indonesia!
Western power enjoyed more or less similar monopoly over mejority of muslim countries for a long time.
but, overall most of the muslim countries won't mind turkish influence for the same reason most of the west by and large don't mind US influence. ( which is, having more or less similar geopolitical amd geoeconomic interests )
I mean, not even superpowers like usa think, 'oh hey! we can just do fine on our own. so let's sell what we have got, and make tons of money! .' If it was the case lockheed martin would have allowed to sell f35 to everybody. Because that would have been good for business!
This is not possible for foundation companies (Aselsan, Roketsan, Havelsan, Aspilsan, TAI, etc.). However, we observe that these companies have established joint companies with the partner companies in the relevant countries. For example, Aselsan's JV in KSA. There many other examples.@dBSPL do you think at some point, prominent turkish defence companies should become multinational in allied countries like thales and leonardo has ?
Or should they remain turkish but develop strong cooperation with allied countries industries ?
Damm! It seems turkish defence industry truly became Noah's ship for muslim majority countries!literally from morrocco to Indonesia in the actual sense!
nobody seems to wanna miss out!
Who would have thought something like that 20 years ago !
I don't mind if the old man in ankara's palace woke some morning in his bed and mistake himself as a sultan for couple of moments!
Jokes aside No doubt that, the spectacular rise of turkish defence industry is a very positive development for the Republic of turkey as a nation state.
A comparative contemporary case like turkey can be found in other part of the world. I think it would be fair to say south korea also had a similar rise in defence industry like turkey.
However, unlike south korea, the rise of turkish defence industry having ( slowly but surely ) an unprecedented impact on the geopolitical and security power dynamics between North African, central asian, south east asian, middle eastern countries and the great powers. ( Especially the west )
Think about it, ten years ago if you wanna buy any world class strategic defence equipment from the west how much geopolitical and other compromise you needed to make to the great powers for that!
Take for example KSA or other Gulf countries! They have the world's best weapons but they can't even do a shit with it ! Except serving western interests with it in expense of their very own interest. ( of course, very recently it is changing little by little )
Western power enjoyed more or less similar monopoly over mejority of muslim countries for a long time.
Except now it is started to change recently by the rise of turkish defence industry.
Now these countries can have highly sophisticated strategic equipments like, long range air defence, modern frigate, submarine ( and fifth gen fighter in the near future ) from a brotherly country.
Thus, they don't have to make unacceptable geopolitical compromise to the west anymore to get these strategically vital equipments! Or they don't have to give up a big chunk of our national resources to big western companies! and more importantly they can alos get rid of the fear that, west can cripple their strategic assets by simply cutting of the spare parts or just messing up the softwares, if we move slightly against their interest!
The more success turkish defence industry has from morrocco to Indonesia, the more century old western monopoly fades away.
If you loot at it in this broader sense, the extremely embargo happy behaviors of the most western countries would become more obvious!
For them, Strong turkish defence industry not just a 'strong turkey problem' on its own! but also, it creates hell of a lot more broader issues for them to deal with!
They definitely fear that, an strong and cooperative turkish defence industry would fuel the rise of some other 'unfriendly' defence industries around thee world in near future!
I know, the significance of the concept i am describing here maybe little difficult for turks to understand, given turkey has never been colonized nor it has been under such heavy monopoly. But for others, for the first time in hundred years they are having a chance to gain more control and sovereignty from the west over their own affairs, their own national security and geopolitical choices. And this is something really special! that feeling!
Of course, all of these giving birth to 'NEW TURKIYE' in great power's geopolitics given the amount of significant influence Turkiye is gaining through these strategic security cooperation with brotherly countries.
but, overall most of the muslim countries won't mind turkish soft power influence for the same reason most of the west by and large don't mind US influence. ( which is, having more or less similar geopolitical amd geoeconomic interests )