Whoever is the original poster,is better provides a raw format so we can translate it.
MKE's situation is a fact, there has been some promising corrections in the last year but looks like they have fallen back into old times.
MKE reached the next level of incompetency, that Company has to be rebuild from scratch...
MKE's situation is a fact, there has been some promising corrections in the last year but looks like they have fallen back into old times.
I am more skeptic about the twitter account, than MKE itself.
MKE's situation is a fact, there has been some promising corrections in the last year but looks like they have fallen back into old times.
I am more skeptic about the twitter account, than MKE itself.
My comments on the twitter account was not related to the news.![]()
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BMCMy comments on the twitter account was not related to the news.
It is for sure, the time has come to transfer MKE to TSKGV and semi-privatize.
What i worry all these "mismanagement" are controlled, a result of an effort to privatize MKE, selling it to some "partner" who is seeking to grow in defense industry.
Nurol Makina delivered the first party 4×4 Tactical Wheeled Armoured Vehicle Ejder Yalçın to Hungary.
According to the development announced by Hungary, the first party received yesterday (21 December 2020) consists of 10 vehicles. Ejder Yalçın, equipped with German-made sensor and communication systems in line with the needs of the country, was called Gidrán.
In total, 300 Ejder will be produced. According to Hungarian media reports, the first 40 vehicles will be produced in Turkey and modified according to domestic needs. The rest will be held in Hungary with the participation of engineers from the German defence firm Rheinmetall.
It is also claimed that the derivative of the Yörük 4×4 Tactical Wheeled Armoured Vehicle developed by Nurol Makina will also be produced in Hungary.
Rheinmetall Hungary and HT Division Zrt will form a joint organisation with an unnamed foreign investor to develop and produce military vehicles in Hungary, according to a Hungarian media report. The unnamed foreign investor was claimed to be Nurol Makina.
Another product has been successfully made locally. The S-Band Blade Antenna by Teknokar.
Isn't both counties cooperating together in development of satellites?Temel Kotil announced that TUSAŞ will export satellites to Argentina and they have made offers in the field of surveillance and communication satellites.
TUSAŞ CEO’su KOTİL: “Arjantin’e uydu ihraç edeceğiz” | SavunmaSanayiST
TUSAŞ CEO’su Prof. Dr. Temel KOTİL, TİM tarafından düzenlenen 8. Türkiye İnovasyon Haftası'nda konuştu. Temel KOTİL, Arjantin'e uydu ihraç edeceklerini açıkladıwww.savunmasanayist.com