Yet China has more problems than western democracies once you looks at it from the infiltered media.
This "technocrat" blab is one of the more predictable over-used responses when the innards of CCP come up for discussion (be it some notion of "democracy" definition)
We all saw for ourselves.... the results of the "technocratic" response in the crucial months leading to the Covid spread worldwide, namely:
A) suppression of scientists, doctors and citizen journalists exposing uncomfortable things for "technocrats"
B) selective internal lockdown while allowing international travel to continue (i.e knowing full well what was going on in those cities, but deliberately pushing for the world to suffer it too to "equalise")
C) Saving face being paramount, continued obfuscation and opaqueness in both allowing independent inquiry and associated unwillingness to accept responsibility for A and B.
D) The official/unofficial gaslighting and OCD spam-botting associated with all of this
The parallels with "technocratic" approach that was similarly used by Mao's regime in the "great leap" famine are all there including:
- Continued export of grain (face save) while the results of the policy were clearly known at that point
- Outside world unable to know just how bad the crisis effects truly were till years later
- True level of the carnage inflicted by it still unknown to this day (there are only estimates in the 10s of millions)
- Similar unacceptance to shoulder the blame, rather Mao image is vaunted....quite unlike say Stalin (who's grievous policies were to their credit re-visited by CCCP after his death and condemned by Kruschev admin)
Communism remember was the technocratic science of how a govt should operate. The extreme form of it (practiced by both Stalin and Mao) sought to export this "revolution" by force if needed to other countries, leading to outright abandonment of coexistance (that only subsequent admins fixed).
So while the effects are kept largely internal (and may all the innocents RIP), the world (at least) doesn't suffer for it and thus there can be at least coexistence.
This frays and degrades when that bound is violated and you have something like an exported virus caused by this "technocratic" incompetence (or worse).....much along the veins of an outright war.
In the end it becomes another disturbing chapter on the changing evolution of the totalitarian state as the 20th century progressed and 21st century commenced.
A certain totalitarian in purest form was dealt with (eventually after much delay) by conventional war that costed untold millions of the nuclear world had not arrived.
When the nuclear genie was let out of bottle, the other totalitarian (the one that was large part of vanquishing the former) was quick to learn it, deploy it and use it for perpetuation of that system. But the economic realm was kept pure and secure and insular (and heavily flawed). This was what ultimately led to its demise.
Now we have a totalitarian legacy in the last remaining major power that continues to stand by such approach politically (i.e whenever you have a one-party state by basic law). But it has evolved into a more quasi-totalitarian realm having survived politically to the 21st century and integrated economically (both practically and somewhat ideologically in the this realm, while separating its effect from the political one as far as possible).
This economic integration was quite deliberately allowed (by democracies that saw through totalitarian threat 1 and then 2) by both pure greed and the promise such coffers of greed would somehow bring a non-totalitarian reform.
The delay, outright stupidity (of this assumption), inertia from all that... and thus lower intensity in dealing with such (compared to the previous two) is and will be protracted and far more complicated (given the realities that enable it). But arguably remains just as important to do so, and by every democracy.
Much is already in flux now though (and this decade will be first to bear a real testament to it IMO), the rest of world is waking up more intensely quite literally by the intense effect of this "technocratic" process w.r.t contagion release and culpability.
@Anmdt @ABee @UkroTurk 🚬 @Zapper @Jackdaws @crixus @AlphaMike @Madokafc et al.