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First of all i don't have a iman-meter or nationalist-meter. I can't say who has loves his country how much and i don't have the right to do so. If i did i would be like an AKP supporter that i hate.

That's why i always try to say, "I believe" when i construct those kind of sentences.

I believe people from Germany whom supports this government, loves to see our economy getting destroyed, so they can come and buy whatever they want, live like kings and return back to Germany.

Well I can confirm that life is easy in Turkey when you earn German salaries but once you talk to people that have no German income of relatives in Europe sending them money, you realize how things have changed in the last few years.

Two days of work for me are more than the minimum wage in Turkey per month.


3 1,807
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Always taking stats from western U think that they will shoot in their leg? All countries which aren t not with their vision are seems like corrupt,without freedom etcc..just for justify their acts against this countries..they are the first which make state attempt (africa..) ,revolution (middke east and north africa and turkey..) war everywhere in the world..and U continue like in early 1900s to suck their culture,them...shame on U..We are turk and we have to be proud and together behind our rullers..and if we don t be ok with them U have democraty and can vote for chage...but in democraty U have to approve the whole vote unless U are dictat... lots of U are just by brainwashing against akp by lyies of opposition...if just a moment turkey could be ruled by opposant U will understand so,that we all will be bitches of western...what have done eko in istanbul since he comes? Just do ridicoulos non achievement congress..shame on us! If other countries saw taht they laugh on us..but lots of U can t be ashamed because usually listen opposant which always lies respect of themselves,like i think for who join them who can t say ohhh U lie! Lot of mouth against governement but nothing against ashamed opposant...
Have you ever think that what if your brain is the washed one / manipulated by a man / a group who are worshipping to corrupt money rather than caring your future. A great manipulator always knows best way to manipulate someone or society , uses fears of the crowd to manipulate them by creating a common enemy or reminding historic traumas. In Turkey's case, it is west is trying to divide our country.. so everyone opposes to manipulator or those who are thinking/living/acting different are traitor.. collaborator of enemies but your guys are angels who are working day and night without filling their pocket's with poor citizen's money.

***Also stats used by western or international institutions are also taken from Central Bank of Turkey, TUIK etc.. they don't made it up their source is Turkey too.. But They won't distort it when publishing. If you go TCMB website, numbers are same for macroeconomic figures.


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Have you ever think that what if your brain is the washed one / manipulated by a man / a group who are worshipping to corrupt money rather than caring your future. A great manipulator always knows best way to manipulate someone or society , uses fears of the crowd to manipulate them by creating a common enemy or reminding historic traumas. In Turkey's case, it is west is trying to divide our country.. so everyone opposes to manipulator or those who are thinking/living/acting different are traitor.. collaborator of enemies but your guys are angels who are working day and night without filling their pocket's with poor citizen's money.

***Also stats used by western or international institutions are also taken from Central Bank of Turkey, TUIK etc.. they don't made it up their source is Turkey too.. But They won't distort it when publishing. If you go TCMB website, numbers are same for macroeconomic figures.
For macro stats ok...but what about rates go up/economics matters after gezi,endek,19/25,state attempt,us/turkish crisis 2018,etc...because ok turkey don t obey to the western imperialism..turkish interventions in syria,libya,irak,karabag,mavi vatan,in turkey against agents,pkk...? You only look at Ur pockets ? In this form you act for who wanted Turkey trash...!
For potatoes,oinions lots of people sold themeselves... lies and fears we see who usually practice this...


I did though. You raised the question of whether Turkey will have to sacrifice it's foreign influence in order to improve relations with the West. I pointed out that no, this is not the case and fear-mongering over it is silly.

Presumably screwed over his, his family's and his friends' financial futures. It is obviously not OK to threaten people's lives here but I would be surprised if @Sinan's sentiment is not becoming more and more common among the average Turk.

Reminds me of something George Friedman once wrote regarding people living through the Great Depression - how many aspiring lawyers, scientists, doctors and so on, were condemned to a life of poverty that they never managed to climb out of.

I predict if things do not get better, Erdogan will be assassinated by next year (or at least an attempt will be made). If there are no early elections, some people will simply not have the patience to wait until 2023.
I think he can answer for himself don't you think?


4 2,709
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For macro stats ok...but what about rates go up/economics matters after gezi,endek,19/25,state attempt,us/turkish crisis 2018,etc...because ok turkey don t obey to the western imperialism..turkish interventions in syria,libya,irak,karabag,mavi vatan,in turkey against agents,pkk...? You only look at Ur pockets ? In this form you act for who wanted Turkey trash...!
For potatoes,oinions lots of people sold themeselves... lies and fears we see who usually practice this...
Another one complaining about the "West" yet lives there. If west is too bad return to Turkey and see the real stats there.
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4 2,709
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Why have i to go to turkey to see what happen...1st we are in west to take back a part of what you have robed for being,oil,gas,uranium,diamonds etc...from countried that you have colonized unless what Ur economies where so powerless..Ur countries for a lot live on imperializm,war ...U have the same replies always go/come in arguments..for my part i will live in turkey after taking what i have to for living and spend it in my country...dont forget that lot of our income we spend it in Turkey by holidzys or rent...we support more turkish state than lot of people which live in and cry to their master about their own is for this that lot of rurks who live abroad said that kind of people are traitors...
I born and lived nearly my entire life in Turkey, I know the situation I know the struggle people are dealing. You are demonizing west and praising akp. So you will return back to Turkey when you would be eligible to get your pension in euros and live an easy life in Turkey, right? Sorry but this is hypocritical.


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You still work in a country with laws and worker unions and economic stability.

This is a thread about Turkeys economy and even Danish news are mentioning that the economic woes of Turkey is so bad that RTE can't distract it with foreign blaming.

I still stand by what I wrote, let only those living and paying tax in Turkey be allowed to vote.


4 2,709
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Just by our holidays and with our house/appartements we pay as much as or more tax than U...and U are not turk with money but with earth and şeref not with blzm8ng our state and crying to western who are responsible of lot of matters...have U a child brain like lot of people who dont see how economy react with crisis that they made...i repeat me again for blind eye economy react with gezi,hendek,syria/lybia/irak interventions,state attempt,mavi vatan,feto...? U only see at Ur pocket have no geopolitical vision and can t understznd what s happen in they did against abdul hamid,menderes,ozal, make the same now and obey to Ur foreign master agzinst who we who live in western every day criticism for their despotism,imperialism,intervertionism...but U can t see that because only want erdogan go and western puppets comme like in ibb which has been the moqt ridicoulos people with no building show and having doing nothing from 2 years and that will go for the rest of his mandat because his masterd dont allow him...learn what happen in our country and after be critical....
This is really fun (and painful to understand each sentence) to read. You are claiming you are paying more tax than others especially the ones in Turkey. Why? Because TL become a rubbish. You claim to be having masters degree in economics, yet you are not aware how things work, why is now TL losing power. Yeah it's all plan of the evil west. The value lira lost during Gezi is peanuts compared the loss due to recent events especially the frequent change of president of Central bank and their dumb decision about interest rates. Lets see what you reis says about dis gucler.

"who we who live in western every day criticism for their despotism,imperialism,intervertionism"
Hey come on why are you still living there?


Significant I think.

To qualify for financial aid you have to be a developing country, not a developed country.

Turkey was previously classified as a developed country.

I wonder if this is part of Erdogans strategy, the billions are worth so much more in lira now as well. If he takes control of the money AKP will have funding to last a long, long time last 2023. Erdogan does love handing construction projects to his friends as well. He could use it to show how only AKP is developing the municipalities through building roads e.t.c, while CHP struggles with budget. This is something AKP has been accused of before, using state funds in a partisan way.

The money is a LOAN. Lira depreciates, debt increases.

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@everyone thread is about the economy of Turkey, not your personal spending and not about anything else. Lets stick to the topic and be civil.


4 2,709
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I still live here because people like U sold turkish culture and power to west (young turkish,chp for more 20 years,state attempt by army....),to bring back what people like U give to them ...
Why i pay more tax than U because in 2 month i spend more than U in one year..!
Turkish lira when is down it occurs more exportation even if we spend lot of money by importing oil,gas but energy economy have done since 20 years...before that who have done something? Solar,wind,geothermy,gas negociations,tanap etc...
Turkish lire have been down more and more at each this evenments that U and people like U sustain go learn how evolve at gezi,19/25 aralik,darbe,trump trust,hendek,pkk s war,lybia/syria/irak/east med ....and after learning western actions on our eco omy U can be credible... lots of people like U who cry h1ve in their home more technological goods thzn us in europe with what U ezrn not with credit ..the big part of turkish debt (which isnt lot compare western countries) is private because of U live above how U can...
You are still there because life is easier there. "U sold turkish culture and power to west".
Plese stop selling me BS.
"before that who have done something? Solar,wind,geothermy,gas negociations,tanap etc..."
Yes because this has nothing to do with the advancement of the technology, right?

'turkish lire have been down more and more at each this evenments that U and people like U sustain go learn how evolve at gezi,19/25 aralik,darbe,trump trust,hendek,pkk s war,lybia/syria/irak/east med ....and after learning western actions on our eco omy U can be credible'
sure body, nothing to do with economical mismanagement.

"lots of people like U who cry h1ve in their home more technological goods thzn us in europe with what U ezrn not with credit ..the big part of turkish debt (which isnt lot compare western countries) is private because of U live above how U can..."

This is a lie, there is equal or more tech items in west. People require to work less to get same item. If people do not get credit, they would not be able to get anything. Most of the Turkish people are dependent on the credits. Because otherwise many things not affordable. Even supermarkets in Turkey are giving credit for most basic stuff.
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All personally directed posts will be deleted. Stay on topic. That is Turkish Economy. NOT politics. Definitely not aggressive name calling.


4 2,709
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If u dont understand and only repro1ch that to me it only show Ur point of personnal spending is just to show that people who cry against turkish economy are just blinded in their own brain and don t see what and how things happens outside...lots of these people who come in europe later cry because ar3 wirling hard and not walk on strezt and take teas with familys money...
There are lots of people I know moved to abroad mostly academicians and engineers. They are really happy about their life and non would return back to Turkey with the current situations in Turkey. The problem in Turkey is not just economical.
And by the way stop accusing me with selling my country.


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First of all i don't have a iman-meter or nationalist-meter. I can't say who has loves his country how much and i don't have the right to do so. If i did i would be like an AKP supporter that i hate.

That's why i always try to say, "I believe" when i construct those kind of sentences.

I believe people from Germany whom supports this government, loves to see our economy getting destroyed, so they can come and buy whatever they want, live like kings and return back to Germany.
Find the failure.


1 1,528
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I believe people from Germany whom supports this government, loves to see our economy getting destroyed, so they can come and buy whatever they want, live like kings and return back to Germany.

No benefits for people from Europe if the Turkish economy is destroyed. Even when the lira is cheap, inflation increases the prizes. So a European gets the same for his euros as 10 years ago when the lira was high.

If you dont know this, please dont talk about economics.

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