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he didn't say that...he said that turkish economy didn't grow and posted some graph based on different lira values in long period
Well he is right, it didnt grow, you canr take turkish lira which is losing value against dollar as a measurment, not to mention the high inflation which eradicates any little growth that might actually occur.
We have high inflation coupled with currency crisis, and you believe in any growth? No wonder you believe the fairy tales from AKP.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Well he is right, it didnt grow, you canr take turkish lira which is losing value against dollar as a measurment, not to mention the high inflation which eradicates any little growth that might actually occur.
We have high inflation coupled with currency crisis, and you believe in any growth? No wonder you believe the fairy tales from AKP.
just take the same measure for 2014 and 2021 and that will show the true measure of turkish economy today compared to cant use different measures and say...oh look its smaller


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just take the same measure for 2014 and 2021 and that will show the true measure of turkish economy today compared to cant use different measures and say...oh look its smaller
Are you really that dense or are you trolling here?


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The older ones cant even calculate 5+5, the old generation in Turkey is largely illiterate, their political knowledge consists of 3 sentences thats being repeated since 20 years.
Thats actually the problematic generation, they go and vote without knowing anything, their political choice has stolen the future of Turkish youth.
Than I can told, you are that one, you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about (traitors). I don’t blame you. You are a “typical Turk” , talking about things which you don’t know, just to have an opinion 😂.

You talke about corruption. Hell, just in moment you entered Turkish soil, there were corruption, in the past. Doesn’t matter if you use railways, or airports or what ever. It was not in social media, because there were no ones. All the bad things we have right now, we have had in the past, but much worse. The older ones know and remember this and are able to compare. You can’t.


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We still need Erdogan, but controlled by the parliament were AKP is not in power. We need more transparency and control mechanisms. And of course much more reforms! Nepotism is still a big problem in our country and we need hard punishments. Nobody wants a Turkey controlled by foreign powers. This days are over. And of course, the dark age of Kemalists and military are also over.


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Than I can told, you are that one, you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about (traitors). I don’t blame you. You are a “typical Turk” , talking about things which you don’t know, just to have an opinion 😂.

You talke about corruption. Hell, just in moment you entered Turkish soil, there were corruption, in the past. Doesn’t matter if you use railways, or airports or what ever. It was not in social media, because there were no ones. All the bad things we have right now, we have had in the past, but much worse. The older ones know and remember this and are able to compare. You can’t.
Read previous posts, everyone agrees that corruption is way worse now. I wont even argue that with you, its pure waste of time.


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We still need Erdogan, but controlled by the parliament were AKP is not in power. We need more transparency and control mechanisms. And of course much more reforms! Nepotism is still a big problem in our country and we need hard punishments. Nobody wants a Turkey controlled by foreign powers. This days are over. And of course, the dark age of Kemalists and military are also over.
Why do we need erdogan is he some sort of messias? He is an incompetent, reactionary, corrupt megalomaniac who has no clue about diplomacy. We need to get rid of him asap.


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Even his reaction on the 10 countries declaration on Kavala speaks volumes. The reason why the embassies refered to article 41 was to throw RTE a lifeline.

According to IH New York Times writes "RTE stepped back from throwing out the ambassadors".

RTE is like Trump.
The cleanup has to be messy and fast. And politician and ministers influence on beaucracy needs to be reduced and more autocracy needs to be implemented.

our country can do well if politicians and corruption could be prevented


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Even his reaction on the 10 countries declaration on Kavala speaks volumes. The reason why the embassies refered to article 41 was to throw RTE a lifeline.

According to IH New York Times writes "RTE stepped back from throwing out the ambassadors".

RTE is like Trump.
The cleanup has to be messy and fast. And politician and ministers influence on beaucracy needs to be reduced and more autocracy needs to be implemented.

our country can do well if politicians and corruption could be prevented
I wanted to just read the posts but many were cancerous tbh (from both sides though)

Why on bloody earth would they throw RTE a lifeline lool?
Have you forgotten that the West absolutely despise Erdo? Have you forgotten that the West wants Erdo to go? Have you forgotten that Biden said it is time for Erdo to leave? After all this, You are saying that they threw Erdo a lifeline?

The Western coalition of 10 countries wanted to send this statement to pressure Erdo politically and to add oil to the fire (recent Gray-listing, and increasing displeasure within the Turks to Erdo's policy) to ensure that the ppls hatred to Erdo continue at an all time high rate

However, Erdo acted like a fqing maniac and was actually gonna expel them. This will create political unrest and may actually push Erdo further into the new axis. Who knows, he may control the police, judicial, and military and turn into a new Putin or El-Sisi! By then the prospect of new Western-loving and Western-slave government ledby the CHP would be in shambles

But all what I will say is that if the prior option wont happen, I believe the West wouldnt mind getting expelled from Turkey for a year and half in return for sacking Erdogan
I mean, it is not like the 10 aforementioned countries depend on Turkey for their livelohood. They can get whatever they get from Turkey from anywhere else but a bit costlier or poorer quality and the mighty dollar and Euro can surely cover that

Lets stop trying to justify Erdo or saying that he lost
Both sides should be ashamed tbh

And lets be clear here! THE NY times will never portray the US or the West (in general) as weak until it is 100% weaker than its oponnent! The same was with China tbh! Regardless of expert opinions, the NY TIMES, the FT, Washington Post, and VoA has been saying for years from 2000 till 2015 that China will never surpass the US. However, in just a year, all these sites somehow came to a realisation that the US was OUTPACED in many fields by China and as for the rest; China is catching up at a rapid pace. A fqing joke I swear
They must keep feeding their ppl that the West is the BEST! None is like us! We are the leaders of the world! That is why they are losing influence worldwide

A proof of that is the statements by the US embassy in Turkish and English. There is a slight difference in wording and pls dont tell me that the MIGHTY US doesnt have qualified turkish translators to actually type what they wanna say in english to turkish
However, turks will read the turkish and Westerners will read the english version

A farce, I swear
Who gave such countries the rights to intervene in turkish affairs? Erdo for once did the right thing by threatening them
They seriously need to know their place ffs
Before the US talk about human rights, they should take kashoggi revenge from Bin Salman
Before France talk about human rights, they should look at the catholic priests who rapes children in France and they should look at their abysmall record in Africa
Before Canada talk about human rights, they should look at the Muslims who are killed every now and then along with the human graves found beneath one of the schools (As far as I remember) in Canada

I swear
This is a farce
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1 64
The problem regarding RTE is that he cemented this corruption to every corner in this nation. This has become very dangerous. He must leave, even if the new leader will be corrupted as well.

My personal opinion if the corruption will end? Hell no! Corruption is something that the majority of this nation actually finds normal.

Böyle cemaat'e, böyle imam düşer


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However, Erdo acted like a fqing maniac and was actually gonna expel them. This will create political unrest and may actually push Erdo further into the new axis.
This is why I said they threw a lifeline.

Retired AKP parlamentarian politician says he feels poor though he receives over 15k TL monthly
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Switzerland Correspondent
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The problem regarding RTE is that he cemented this corruption to every corner in this nation. This has become very dangerous. He must leave, even if the new leader will be corrupted as well.

My personal opinion if the corruption will end? Hell no! Corruption is something that the majority of this nation actually finds normal.

Böyle cemaat'e, böyle imam düşer
There is never zero corruption its just utopia but there are degrees of a nations corruption and Turkey has worsened a lot unde AKP goverment there is no denying in it.
In fact it has gotten so bad that Turkey has fallen the furthest among all studied countries, it has fallen 32 places since 2012.

Turkey, among all other countries studied, has seen the biggest decline in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), dropping 32 places since 2012 according to data released by the corruption watchdog today.



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Always taking stats from western U think that they will shoot in their leg? All countries which aren t not with their vision are seems like corrupt,without freedom etcc..just for justify their acts against this countries..they are the first which make state attempt (africa..) ,revolution (middke east and north africa and turkey..) war everywhere in the world..and U continue like in early 1900s to suck their culture,them...shame on U..We are turk and we have to be proud and together behind our rullers..and if we don t be ok with them U have democraty and can vote for chage...but in democraty U have to approve the whole vote unless U are dictat... lots of U are just by brainwashing against akp by lyies of opposition...if just a moment turkey could be ruled by opposant U will understand so,that we all will be bitches of western...what have done eko in istanbul since he comes? Just do ridicoulos non achievement congress..shame on us! If other countries saw taht they laugh on us..but lots of U can t be ashamed because usually listen opposant which always lies respect of themselves,like i think for who join them who can t say ohhh U lie! Lot of mouth against governement but nothing against ashamed opposant...


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Because I care my motherland and his people. I do. I did. And will ever do. @Sinan
You care nothing but yourself!! People in this country does not need your decisions, you are nothing for the people of this country and has no right to decide on our future!! Period.
You don't know better than people of this country ,you outsider


1 740
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Always taking stats from western U think that they will shoot in their leg? All countries which aren t not with their vision are seems like corrupt,without freedom etcc..just for justify their acts against this countries..they are the first which make state attempt (africa..) ,revolution (middke east and north africa and turkey..) war everywhere in the world..and U continue like in early 1900s to suck their culture,them...shame on U..We are turk and we have to be proud and together behind our rullers..and if we don t be ok with them U have democraty and can vote for chage...but in democraty U have to approve the whole vote unless U are dictat... lots of U are just by brainwashing against akp by lyies of opposition...if just a moment turkey could be ruled by opposant U will understand so,that we all will be bitches of western...what have done eko in istanbul since he comes? Just do ridicoulos non achievement congress..shame on us! If other countries saw taht they laugh on us..but lots of U can t be ashamed because usually listen opposant which always lies respect of themselves,like i think for who join them who can t say ohhh U lie! Lot of mouth against governement but nothing against ashamed opposant...
So we should trust TÜİK??
Of course we trust western sources more than our akp sources!!


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Switzerland Correspondent
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Always taking stats from western U think that they will shoot in their leg? All countries which aren t not with their vision are seems like corrupt,without freedom etcc..just for justify their acts against this countries..they are the first which make state attempt (africa..) ,revolution (middke east and north africa and turkey..) war everywhere in the world..and U continue like in early 1900s to suck their culture,them...shame on U..We are turk and we have to be proud and together behind our rullers..and if we don t be ok with them U have democraty and can vote for chage...but in democraty U have to approve the whole vote unless U are dictat... lots of U are just by brainwashing against akp by lyies of opposition...if just a moment turkey could be ruled by opposant U will understand so,that we all will be bitches of western...what have done eko in istanbul since he comes? Just do ridicoulos non achievement congress..shame on us! If other countries saw taht they laugh on us..but lots of U can t be ashamed because usually listen opposant which always lies respect of themselves,like i think for who join them who can t say ohhh U lie! Lot of mouth against governement but nothing against ashamed opposant...
Where should we take stats from, Erdogans ministries? They dont even publish true inflation rates and we are supposed to believe in stats published about corruption?
Haha funny guy you are.
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Because I care my motherland and his people. I do. I did. And will ever do. @Sinan
First of all i don't have a iman-meter or nationalist-meter. I can't say who has loves his country how much and i don't have the right to do so. If i did i would be like an AKP supporter that i hate.

That's why i always try to say, "I believe" when i construct those kind of sentences.

I believe people from Germany whom supports this government, loves to see our economy getting destroyed, so they can come and buy whatever they want, live like kings and return back to Germany.

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