IMHO if we remove Erdo and put no one in place for 5 years things will be better. I agree that anyone is better than Erdo at the moment he is losing his temper and control more and more. He is acting on impulse.
No way in hell i am leaving control of country to Kanas Canan/İHA Sezgin's CHP in this situation.Current CHP ten times bigger national security threat than Erdogan.IMHO if we remove Erdo and put no one in place for 5 years things will be better. I agree that anyone is better than Erdo at the moment he is losing his temper and control more and more. He is acting on impulse.
Kanas Canan and IHA Sezgin will quit CHP when they see elected president doesn't implement their policies. Don't worry leftists will always find a reason to fight each other. Kılıçdaroğlu won't risk his rule with policies of Kanas Canan. And if Kanas Canan herself comes to office and tries to implement her policies, IYI party will withdraw from the alliance. There will be an automatic election because the president can only secure %25 of the votes in the national assembly after the withdrawal of IYI Party. IYI Party is approaching its alliance with CHP as an alliance of necessity until the return of the parliamentary system since the presidential system forces parties to make alliances whether you like it or not.No way in hell i am leaving control of country to Kanas Canan/İHA Sezgin's CHP in this situation.Current CHP ten times bigger national security threat than Erdogan.
Turkey certain to join ranks of world's top 10 economies: President Erdogan
Government pursuing economic goals without any letup, says president - Anadolu Ajansı
A wannabe regional power which is behind Iran and S.A.Before, Erdogan (Mr. Ey Batı) Turkey has always been around 17-15 biggest.. Now thanks to Economic mastermind, Turkey is not in top 20
IMF GDP Forecast Table, World Economic Outlook, OCTOBER 2021
View attachment 34233
sorry, what char is this exactly?
Add English translation please!
Total GDP of Turkey since 1980.sorry, what char is this exactly?
To vote whom?Early elections are a must- as soon as possible!
Never a good solution. If current political parties and politicians can't bring better solutions I would vote for AKP again.Some else but current .
Then at least you should listen them not blaming blindly ( no offense it's just common behavior of Erdoğan supporters)Never a good solution. If current political parties and politicians can't bring better solutions I would vote for AKP again.
Yeah why not as long as it's not affecting your daily life.Never a good solution. If current political parties and politicians can't bring better solutions I would vote for AKP again.
I feel you, bro. I would vote either DEVA or IYI. However, if Kılıçdaroğlu becomes the presidential candidate of the opposition, I'd probably not cast my vote at all. It's difficult. You're right. There's a day after Erdoğan but it's not true that anybody is a better choice than him.Never a good solution. If current political parties and politicians can't bring better solutions I would vote for AKP again.