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Do you truly believe that getting Erdogan and AKP out means Turkey will give up on global influence? Seriously?

The cat has been let out of the bag, there's no putting it back now.

If anything, getting someone into power who is not actively sabotaging the economy will bolster Turkey's global influence.
Not really
But the CHP certainly aims to restore ties with the West; restoring such ties comes with sacrifices (in particular france!) For example,
To appease France, Turkey will reduce its presence in Africa
To appease the US, Turkey will stop butchering the PKK (which will restart the AKP scenario of 2010-2015 and then 2015-2019)
To appease the EU, Turkey will stop its nuclear program
To appease Greece, Turkey will one way or another limit its weapons programs

Dont get me wrong though; Iam not saying AKP are angels since they are rotten f**ks but the AKP was in cahoots/in the same bed with the West in the early 2000s and they started to drift apart not because Turkey betrayed laws but because the West didnt like Turkey growing either militarily, politically in Africa, or obtaining new techs

When I hear that EU leaders dont like Erdo because he is a dictator or because of human rights abuses, all what I want to say is that this reason is pure bullshit
The West has perfect relations with UAE, KSA, and Egypt (among many others) all of which have poorer human rights record than Turkey and are ruled by even worse dictators! The only difference is that such leaders obey the West while Erdo is like *a bad boy* who doesnt follow orders


2 3,159
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Not really
But the CHP certainly aims to restore ties with the West; restoring such ties comes with sacrifices (in particular france!) For example,
To appease France, Turkey will reduce its presence in Africa
To appease the US, Turkey will stop butchering the PKK (which will restart the AKP scenario of 2010-2015 and then 2015-2019)
To appease the EU, Turkey will stop its nuclear program
To appease Greece, Turkey will one way or another limit its weapons programs

Dont get me wrong though; Iam not saying AKP are angels since they are rotten f**ks but the AKP was in cahoots/in the same bed with the West in the early 2000s and they started to drift apart not because Turkey betrayed laws but because the West didnt like Turkey growing either militarily, politically in Africa, or obtaining new techs

When I hear that EU leaders dont like Erdo because he is a dictator or because of human rights abuses, all what I want to say is that this reason is pure bullshit
The West has perfect relations with UAE, KSA, and Egypt (among many others) all of which have poorer human rights record than Turkey and are ruled by even worse dictators! The only difference is that such leaders obey the West while Erdo is like *a bad boy* who doesnt follow orders

nah, the oppo would do diplomacy a lil bit different then erdo does with his solo show but strategic objectives wont change.


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nah, the oppo would do diplomacy a lil bit different then erdo does with his solo show but strategic objectives wont change.
Impossible tbh
I will say it again, one of the prime election promises by the CHP is the re-orientation of the Turkey-Western relationships! A sign from this is the reapproachment between CHP and HDP as a beginning!
How can you improve relation of the West when these critical issues remain!?
Turkey will make sacrifices for economic stability backed by the EU, that is 100% certain
If the CHP won, the lira will regain its value in around a year, but without EU investments, a strong lira will screw turkish ppl as turkey still lacks tech products to increase their high-added value products and are large in population (84 million). The EU may use it as a bargaining chip to force the CHP to do their bidding and Iam sure that the CHP will prefer economic stability as they will want to ensure that they are re-elected and anything AKP related is to eliminated forever to never happen again
Erdo is crazy as he is! I mean the genius is planning to sack 10 ambassadors for just complaining about Kavala; like wtf I swear. Unless, there is something deeper ofcourse


2 3,159
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Impossible tbh
I will say it again, one of the prime election promises by the CHP is the re-orientation of the Turkey-Western relationships! A sign from this is the reapproachment between CHP and HDP as a beginning!
How can you improve relation of the West when these critical issues remain!?
Turkey will make sacrifices for economic stability backed by the EU, that is 100% certain
If the CHP won, the lira will regain its value in around a year, but without EU investments, a strong lira will screw turkish ppl as turkey still lacks tech products to increase their high-added value products and are large in population (84 million). The EU may use it as a bargaining chip to force the CHP to do their bidding and Iam sure that the CHP will prefer economic stability as they will want to ensure that they are re-elected and anything AKP related is to eliminated forever to never happen again
Erdo is crazy as he is! I mean the genius is planning to sack 10 ambassadors for just complaining about Kavala; like wtf I swear. Unless, there is something deeper ofcourse

No. we didnt have great relations with the west prior to erdogan either from what I read, whether its the coups beginning from the 50´s, the cyprus liberation, the kurdish issue, the greeks in the 90´s etc. and thats where Turkey didnt have conservative muslims ruling the country.

I would say on the grand scheme of things, time is on Turkeys side as the world continues to change to the consequence of those who rely on unipolarity, what Turkey needs to fully capitalize on that are skilled diplomats with a short and long term vision to handle any type of forthcoming bullshit like kavala with skill.


1 64
Don't know why everyone is complaining? In the end, all that Erdoğan is doing right now is digging his own political grave.

Economics of Turkish people is very simple, bad lira = bad economy, with this last move he signed the defeat for the 2023 elections.

After that the economy will recover in a couple of years, just like it did with the 2000 economic crises.


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Don't know why everyone is complaining? In the end, all that Erdoğan is doing right now is digging his own political grave.

Economics of Turkish people is very simple, bad lira = bad economy, with this last move he signed the defeat for the 2023 elections.

After that the economy will recover in a couple of years, just like it did with the 2000 economic crises.
Unlike previous governments, these ones have no honor to go to early elections. There is no guarantee that they will leave peacefully!!! We have no free institutes now!! Do you forget Istanbul elections in 2019!!! Do you forget that Anadolu agency stopped giving results!!
We had bad parties and bad gowernments but at least thew had honor to go to early elections!!
Nothing good waits Turkey in the future .


Azerbaijan Moderator
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It is not matter of belief, that is logical conclusion. Lets go back what economy actaully means in modern era, it serves purpose to extend political influence over the world. In that light when new possible goverment step in and try to "normalise" economy they will approach western states primarly and lets say cut the deal. It is foolish to think that deal will not has geo political side effects.
For God's sake they even patronise Turkey jursiprudence system over strictly internal matters, so if you expect dollars to come in flows, prepare some zejtin for your position in africa, middle east etc, mavi vatan., if you know what i mean.
I understand frustration due particular living standard issues but people should be presented with full consequences of alleviating those issues if those are approached primarely by western financial influx.
Not forcing the central bank to keep lowering interest rates, making the currency crash, doesn't mean giving up on foreign influence. If anything, it will make Turkey's ability to exert influence even stronger.

I've already pointed out in another comment that Western states are specifically avoiding getting involved in Turkey's maritime disputes with Greece, like France for example. Several nations, like Israel, would be quite happy to work with Turkey if it weren't for Erdogan's moronic insistence on harping about Palestine and Jerusalem and whatnot every time he opens his mouth, which Israel understandably feels threatened by (lest we forget, Turkey is one of the few countries that Israel actually officially apologized to for Turkish civilians getting hurt. Even the US doesn't usually get that courtesy).

Aside from France, nobody else gives a damn what Turkey does in Africa. Other EU nations are quite happy to see France get a kick in the ass. As long as Turkey doesn't behave outright hostile to them, co-operation can be found.

Basically, you and other Erdogan supporters seem to live in some bizarre alternate universe where Erdogan is the only thing stopping Western nations from running roughshod over Turkey and not, you know, a major reason why relations have deteriorated. He's even guilty of what some of you now try and accuse CHP of, like openly pondering granting Kurdish-majority regions in Turkey autonomy in the lead-up to 2023.

And hell, I think KK is a moron. I think even Imamoglu is more of a showman than a politician. I think only Yavas seems like an excellent choice. But really, at this point? Any of them will do a better job than Erdogan. Any of them.

EDIT: I would also like to mention that the way some Erdogan supporters defend him reminds me an awful lot of how some Russians defend Putin and how even some Romanians defend Ceausescu. As long as you can put up a veneer, however thin, of defending the nation against an evil foreign conspiracy, you will always find people willing to let you bend them over and f**k them for the "greater good". And mind you, I am not saying that there aren't Western conspiracies against nations (just look at Russia in the 90s) but it gets to the point where all of the above start pushing it beyond the boundary of reason and people still believe them.
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"give that brother authority"

How did he convince all of you about presidential system as if he hadn't been in the power for 15 years...

Having been given the authority USD doubled, EUR in two digit rates.


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Not forcing the central bank to keep lowering interest rates, making the currency crash, doesn't mean giving up on foreign influence. If anything, it will make Turkey's ability to exert influence even stronger.

I've already pointed out in another comment that Western states are specifically avoiding getting involved in Turkey's maritime disputes with Greece, like France for example. Several nations, like Israel, would be quite happy to work with Turkey if it weren't for Erdogan's moronic insistence on harping about Palestine and Jerusalem and whatnot every time he opens his mouth, which Israel understandably feels threatened by (lest we forget, Turkey is one of the few countries that Israel actually officially apologized to for Turkish civilians getting hurt. Even the US doesn't usually get that courtesy).

Aside from France, nobody else gives a damn what Turkey does in Africa. Other EU nations are quite happy to see France get a kick in the ass. As long as Turkey doesn't behave outright hostile to them, co-operation can be found.

Basically, you and other Erdogan supporters seem to live in some bizarre alternate universe where Erdogan is the only thing stopping Western nations from running roughshod over Turkey and not, you know, a major reason why relations have deteriorated. He's even guilty of what some of you now try and accuse CHP of, like openly pondering granting Kurdish-majority regions in Turkey autonomy in the lead-up to 2023.

And hell, I think KK is a moron. I think even Imamoglu is more of a showman than a politician. I think only Yavas seems like an excellent choice. But really, at this point? Any of them will do a better job than Erdogan. Any of them.

EDIT: I would also like to mention that the way some Erdogan supporters defend him reminds me an awful lot of how some Russians defend Putin and how even some Romanians defend Ceausescu. As long as you can put up a veneer, however thin, of defending the nation against an evil foreign conspiracy, you will always find people willing to let you bend them over and f**k them for the "greater good". And mind you, I am not saying that there aren't Western conspiracies against nations (just look at Russia in the 90s) but it gets to the point where all of the above start pushing it beyond the boundary of reason and people still believe them.
Thank you for this long reply but you did not cover any points i raised, this hole text is huge strawmanning and wishfull thinking. My point that western money comes with political setbacks is strong as rock and if the Turkey is ready to pay that price, i would be fine after all people have free will to choose their goals and aspirations.


So how would u get the money if not from manufacturing and exports ? Would u wait for the sky to drop money ? Do u think that the state would give u large salary and would invest on infrastructure and provide services while u lay on u back watching the tv and drinking tee ?
Strong economy=high exports + some other sources ..but no real economy without exports
Did i say, let's not do exports or something like that?

If you even not capable of understanding the stuff you read, than don't try to get in debate with the people here.


Do you have any guesses on when Turkey will achieve trade surplus, if ever?
No because "ara mal" is imported, more over nobody invests money in Turkey, our people included. For the first time in history, Turkey's FDI achieved negative value. Hence we can increase our production capacity which is already at %95-90. Hence no exports increase. While, imports are ongoing on. Esspecially energy imports are rising.

There will never be a trade surplus in the reign of Erdogan, he completely destroyed industry, agriculture and economy. Our best hope is an early election, or we will get even more poor in the next 1.5 years.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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Thank you for this long reply but you did not cover any points i raised, this hole text is huge strawmanning and wishfull thinking. My point that western money comes with political setbacks is strong as rock and if the Turkey is ready to pay that price, i would be fine after all people have free will to choose their goals and aspirations.
I did though. You raised the question of whether Turkey will have to sacrifice it's foreign influence in order to improve relations with the West. I pointed out that no, this is not the case and fear-mongering over it is silly.
What has Erdogan done to you personally for you to say this?
Presumably screwed over his, his family's and his friends' financial futures. It is obviously not OK to threaten people's lives here but I would be surprised if @Sinan's sentiment is not becoming more and more common among the average Turk.

Reminds me of something George Friedman once wrote regarding people living through the Great Depression - how many aspiring lawyers, scientists, doctors and so on, were condemned to a life of poverty that they never managed to climb out of.

I predict if things do not get better, Erdogan will be assassinated by next year (or at least an attempt will be made). If there are no early elections, some people will simply not have the patience to wait until 2023.


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I did though. You raised the question of whether Turkey will have to sacrifice it's foreign influence in order to improve relations with the West. I pointed out that no, this is not the case and fear-mongering over it is silly.
Not really, most of the post was like Erdogan did that, Erdogan screwed something etc., with deflecting of primary questions about strings attached to western money, it is clear as spring water that you can not get both from west, both means reforms monitored by west, money and investments and other part is agressive posture in Africa, Mavi Vatan, Middle East modeler.


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Don't know why everyone is complaining? In the end, all that Erdoğan is doing right now is digging his own political grave.

Economics of Turkish people is very simple, bad lira = bad economy, with this last move he signed the defeat for the 2023 elections.

After that the economy will recover in a couple of years, just like it did with the 2000 economic crises.
This time it wont be that easy i fear, AKP did structural damage to the state by eradicating the independence of various state institutions including that of central bank.
We need the biggest reform since the foundation of the republic just to reverse the damage that erdogans "new Turkey" did.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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Not really, most of the post was like Erdogan did that, Erdogan screwed something etc., with deflecting of primary questions about strings attached to western money, it is clear as spring water that you can not get both from west, both means reforms monitored by west, money and investments and other part is agressive posture in Africa, Mavi Vatan, Middle East modeler.
I'm sorry but if you think my post was deflecting and not addressing, then you didn't read it thoroughly enough.


Presumably screwed over his, his family's and his friends' financial futures. It is obviously not OK to threaten people's lives here but I would be surprised if @Sinan's sentiment is not becoming more and more common among the average Turk.
I'm well above average Turk when it comes to income. I can't imagine when they are going through....

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