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So the reason was not the announcement of the new vaccine found by Biontech and Pfizer?
I don't think we can rule out some impact of it. But I don't see why it should have such a big impact on Turkey, unless BionTech has decided vaccine production in Turkey is a must and the second one by Pzifer (in US).So the reason was not the announcement of the new vaccine found by Biontech and Pfizer?
It has its effect on gold prices. It is an indication that the pandemic will be curbed and will not last too long. Which in turn means economies can recover and there is a hope to get back to full openness of the prepandemic normal in a few years. Although the vaccine requires -70 to -80 °C keeping temperature which is not widely available among hospitals that means difficulties in widespread application. Also the American elections have barely ended and its consequences are still being weighted. So you never know how much of what causes causes the market levels.I don't think we can rule out some impact of it. But I don't see why it should have such a big impact on Turkey, unless BionTech has decided vaccine production in Turkey is a must and the second one by Pzifer (in US).
Production of our domestic electric tractor has been started. (Minister of Agriculture and Forestry; Pakdemirli)
it is future, good to be first on that train regardless initial flaws and deficencies.
Video in Turkish about agriculture, support etc.
Technology is going to increase efficiency, reduce manpower need etc.
But are electric vehicles really good for heavy duty ?
no charging station needed because it's built-in... eh... charging time kind of depends on ampere.
it is future, good to be first on that train regardless initial flaws and deficencies.
This numbers are still to higg. For example in the august usd/try was 7.32. Then president announced a big suprise(natural gas discovery) and ıt fall down to 7.10 in few days. Its so dissapointing our money lost this much value in just 2 months.
Turkish exporters face new customs delays in Morocco, Algeria
Turkish companies say they are facing new delays in exporting textiles and clothing to North African countries. Morocco, in particular, has amended a
I kinda like the import/export numbers that's what it should always be. So we can reduce our debt to 0.
If the missing papers/documents are true, then turkish business ppl should make sure everything is in order. So that part can't be used as an excuse.