Sadly, I agreeChina is not the old China anymore. China can produce low-quality products for extremely low prices, mid-quality products for low prices, and quality products for affordable prices. It is really hard to compete against Chinese industrial production capacity. On top of this China is progressing in high-tech critical subsystems. Just a few days ago China unveiled the Huawei Mate 60 with a national 7nm chip produced by SMIC. This paves the way to %100 made-in-China phones.
Chinese-made 7nm chips in Huawei phone raise questions over US export ban
The discovery of 7nm, 5G-enabled chips in Huawei’s latest phone has sparked an investigation by the US Commerce Department into how the country was able to acquire the
In order to defeat China or stop being dependent on China, you need to become like China itself
Something which the Indians, Koreans, and even the Japanese failed at