Ücretsiz ekonomik veriler, göstergeler ve istatistikler. Turkey Money Supply M2 sağlayan ECONOMICS
@Nilgiri what would you say?
Problem is Turkiye is not capital-surplus country. It should have done something in early 2000s after incentive program from its solid diaspora (to invest in govt long term bonds with foreign currency) to build up a base....with reform minded progressive signalling from the administration long term.
I mean how is it going to start a currency board now? There is little capital to start it with for country with such large economy, population and complexity of economy (trade and everything) compared to say Bulgaria and Bosnia etc( which I didnt know had them, interesting, but they are already members of EU or are progressing negotiation so there is monetary stability signalled by doing this with ECB etc).
You need something (in capital account) to use against USD/Euro flows in current account. Built over long term rather than Erdogan doing his overture to Gulf countries suksuk and their capital surplus in overnight way after SHTF this long.
Turkish govt this century so far has mismanaged so many things in the end. They have just commenced return to orthodox policy on inflation control...i.e ship must be stabilised before you load more onto it.
So for forex stuff, that come well afterwards....if a competent economic team is given good long term career in institutions relevant for it.