"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"
"Let them eat cake"
"Let them eat cake"
The people who is watching his meetings are not told " if you can afford", they are only told "at least three", moreover Erdogan often tells they are supporting the family for the kids, but the support is quite a little.At least 3 kids if you can afford it, do you understand now.
Those examples are not just a drop at the sea, but it is quite wide."Kusura bakmayın rızkın sahibi ne sizsiniz ne de biziz. Hiç endişe etmeye gerek yok. Bu işin para ile pulla alakası yok"
This is about how much discomfort you can take to feed your family. Some people can take a lot more than others. These calls don't necessarily apply to the whole population but to those who care to add to the strength of the nation by venturing in to the insecure realm of going for more.At least 3 kids if you can afford it, do you understand now.
The people who is watching his meetings are not told " if you can afford", they are only told "at least three", moreover Erdogan often tells they are supporting the family for the kids, but the support is quite a little.
As told by Erdogan:![]()
Bu işin para ile pulla alakası yok. Rızık Allah'tan
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, çocuk sahiplerinin 'nasıl bakarız' sorusunu sormaması gerektiğini belirterek, "Kusura bakmayın rızkın sahibi ne...odatv4.com
Those examples are not just a drop at the sea, but it is quite wide.
The number of people working for half of the minimum wage is quite high, officially they work for the minimum wage but they are asked to return the other half. What happens if they object? The Employer simple tells " there are thousands of people waiting in the queue for this job"
The golden rule of statistics, if the extreme examples started to emerge ie. here it is suicides in dozens because of poverty, it means there is a poverty which is serious, yet still doesn't lead to extremes.
The "normal" is quite subjective in statistics, it depends on how much you want go further from the average or comfortable spots.n statistic we usually take out the out-layers or reduce them to normals.
Urbanization is at 88% in Turkey and this renders people unable to grow their food in their backyards.The "normal" is quite subjective in statistics, it depends on how much you want go further from the average or comfortable spots.
I am not telling to eye extreme cases to explain the overall, but if extremities recurring more than usual of rarity, it means your distribution has skewed toward the other end, which is for our case is the poverty.
People are not just a few numbers, and it is obvious people living in basis of minimum wage is not really having a comfortable life, and some of them actually are poor. Moreover, there is overflow of the engineers, even graduates are now, best offered the minimum wage, and some (at least quarter) asked to return a portion of their minimum wage salary back to the employer.
What is worse the income gap is becoming large year by year, not only by proportion of the most or least income, there is a portion of population is becoming rich, skipping classes , riding imported european cars, jeeps, while a portion is getting poor day by day.
Yoksullar ve zenginler arasındaki uçurum yeniden büyüyor - Sosyal Güvenlik Haberleri
Türkiye’de gelir dağılımı dengesi 2018 yılında bir önceki yıla göre daha da bozuldu. Nüfusun en zengin yüzde 5’lik grubunun gelirleri önceki yıla göre yüzde 12.7 artarken, en yoksul yüzde 5’lik grubun gelirlerindeki artış yüzde 9.2’de kaldı. En üsttekilerin yıllık geliri 108 bin 272 TL olurken...www.haberturk.com
The most important indication is income gap in my opinion. I don't care about the average or normal distribution, a
You need a decent backyard to grow your food year-around. Moreover, growing vegetables is a troublesome work which people can only grow fruits or plants more durable to disease.Urbanization is at 88% in Turkey and this renders people unable to grow their food in their backyards.
Most provinces nowadays have access to those, but if our top people prefers among ankara -izmir-istanbul what do you expect from commoners? What to expect from people when all they hear is istanbul-ankara-izmir etc on TV but not small cities?.You don't have to be living in a city to access amenities. Remote teaching and widespread health services will be enabling factors.
Half of my family is farmers, so don't come with such arguments to me, Farming is dying government doesn't do anything solid to recover it,only allowing for import for temporary solutions. Small beats do not signal a recovery. Greenhouses are receiving more credits compared to farmers.State lands are being opened to new farmers and food supplies can be expected to trend up and prices fall down in the coming years
The attraction of cities is reversed because of the disease and you can get there in a matter of hours when needed so a reflow of population is inevitable. We are living in an age of solutions to age old problems so I expect optimizations in supply chains of food to happen soon, it is only a matter of time.You need a decent backyard to grow your food year-around. Moreover, growing vegetables is a troublesome work which people can only grow fruits or plants more durable to disease.
If people gains enough, more fairly shared, the food also will be affordable.
Most provinces nowadays have access to those, but if our top people prefers among ankara -izmir-istanbul what do you expect from commoners? What to expect from people when all they hear is istanbul-ankara-izmir etc on TV but not small cities?.
Half of my family is farmers, so don't come with such arguments to me, Farming is dying government doesn't do anything solid to recover it,only allowing for import for temporary solutions. Small beats do not signal a recovery. Greenhouses are receiving more credits compared to farmers.
Some says we are in transition from individual farming to industrial farming, partially true, but they tend to forget: industrial farming comes along with an industry to freeze and process the excessive yield, they can govern prices because they can govern the fresh supplies, they can convert fresh food into canned-processed food, thus preserve long.
Farming should be supported, in larger and more modern scales and not left directly in the hands of a greedy industry.
Farming should be revolutionized into a modern way assisted with Technology. A guy from US can predict yield of a region a lot better than our ministry does, the same way he can make predictions on incoming plant infections or insects weeks ago.
There is TARBIL, but it doesn't work as supposed to do,since not being invested properly.
Yeah, poor people only deserve low-quality products.When you go to the marketplace you find the same products with differing prices. You shop smart and buy more to make ends meet.
You go to the market place after 5 o'clock and find the prizes marked down 30% and probably with new batches opened, recommended.Yeah, poor people only deserve low-quality products.
The Istanbul Tehran Islamabad railway will be opened 2021. It will allow goods to travel from Istanbul to Islamabad within 11 days vs. 33 days by sea. Iran objected and delayed for a long time, as they were affraid of losing business.
Relaunch of Istanbul-Tehran-Islamabad train imminent
All obstacles for international cargo transportation should be removed, Turkish transport minister says - Anadolu Ajansıwww.aa.com.tr
Istanbul–Tehran–lslamabad railway - Wikipedia
The route is too long and there is no rail link between Pakistan and China YET. The goods have to be unloaded from rail and have to pass from Khunjerab Pass by trucks. Which is closed in winter.Why not make use of the china rail and go from kazakhstan to Pakistan ?
it will probably increase Turkish export to Pakistan, and also Pakistani export to EU, which India enjoy a lot taking it all into its hand.. Turkish import from India is a lot, it can be switched to Pakistan.. Iran think they block Turkey but now they depend on China, those money earned by China, doesnt really come back, but Iran need to learn that when your neighbors earn, you also earn from that..The route is too long and there is no rail link between Pakistan and China YET. The goods have to be unloaded from rail and have to pass from Khunjerab Pass by trucks. Which is closed in winter.
There is Plan to built rail link under CPEC phase 4.
Problem with turkish made smartphones is also the bad customer service. China used to produce 10 smartphones and 9 got sent back, but that 1 kept improving and the others improved as well. So today 20 gets sold and 2 are returned.I dont know the specifics and how long it takes, but the current silk road passes throught the Caspian sea, which is also time consuming I guess. Lots of time could be safed in all of these tracks if all countries would use the same rail gauge.
Unrelated but probably good news for everyone living in Turkey:
Oppo and Samsung both are getting ready to assemble smartphones in Turkey. Meaning Smartphones will get a lot cheaper. I know that a lot of tech savy people will like the news, because Turkish made phones are usually subpar.
Samsung ve Oppo yatırıma geliyor
Yatırımlarda Devlet Yardımları Hakkında Karar'da yapılan değişiklikle demonte cep telefonu parçalarının ithalatına izin verilmesinin ardından, Güney Koreli Samsung ve Çinli Oppo firmaları teşvik belgeli yatırımlar kapsamında, Türkiye’de yatırım kararı aldılar.www.dunya.com