Machinery exports hit $17.1 bln in 2020 - Latest News
Turkey's machinery exports reached $17.1 billion in 2020, marking a decrease of just 4% despite the novel coronavirus pandemic, an exporters group said on Jan. 20.
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure: 1 million tons of cargo destination in Turkey-Iran railway transport
Transport and Infrastructure Ministry reported that this year will be taken all kinds of measures for target of 1 million tonnes of cargo in Turkey-Iran railway transportation.
A statement from the Ministry, representatives of the Turkey-Iran railways said they met in Ankara on January 12 to 13. In this context, transit railway between Turkey and Iran was transmitted to the signing of a memorandum of understanding to launch a new era in transportation.
new types of Iran-Turkey coronavirus (Kovid-19) epidemic conditions despite the daily 3 trains operated in 2020 564 thousand tons of cargo is transported, the increase of freight transport in particular 50 wagons capacity serving on Lake Van, emphasizing that it has a significant effect of the two ferries "on the Growth trends for the transport of Turkey-Iran aimed to raise 1 million tons in 2021 to all kinds of measures are taken. " expression was used.
The launch of scheduled freight trains between Turkey and Pakistan, stating that the decision was also recorded as follows:
"These regular freight trains will be operated on the route, sustainable and will be provided to advance quickly. Creating pricing schedule relating to transport, trains mutually operated between Turkey-Iran-Pakistan will be passed to the common tariff union."
It is expressed to begin shipping out Iran-Afghan rail link with Pakistan completion of the railway link between Iran and Afghanistan, after the opening service on December 10, 2020 through the transiting Iran of a wagon loaded from Turkey has become possible to go to Afghanistan information was shared.
In the highlighted statement to determine the road map for implementation of the railway transportation between Turkey and Iran in the coming months and the coming together of the railway administrations of Turkey-Afghanistan Afghanistan has made the following statement:
"For a significant load potential in from China to Turkey and Europe in the opposite direction to create a new corridor through Iran. Silk using the southern part of the way necessary with the countries railways on the route for transporting cargo to China via Iran infrastructure, competitive rates and convenient Cooperation will be made for transit times. "
Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanlığı: Türkiye-İran demir yolu taşımacılığında hedef 1 milyon ton yük
Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanlığı, "Artış trendinde olan Türkiye-İran taşımalarının 2021'de 1 milyon tona çıkarılması hedefi için her türlü tedbir alınacak." açıklamasında bulundu. - Anadolu Ajansıwww.aa.com.tr
I was about to say it. 1 mio. t is next to nothing. I'm happy though. We should bring our trade with the Iranian takfiri regime down to zero.thats not much tho.
I was about to say it. 1 mio. t is next to nothing. I'm happy though. We should bring our trade with the Iranian takfiri regime down to zero.
I was about to say it. 1 mio. t is next to nothing. I'm happy though. We should bring our trade with the Iranian takfiri regime down to zero.
Koc holding is shifting to work at home ,permanently.
More companies & holdings to follow.
Probably not everyone, GE Turkey has been scheduling office times with a week at home ,another at the office.They can save money on office buildings, but problem is if people should work on sensitive projects from home.
Not exactly, I save transport and food moneyHome Office is the biggest fraud for workers in a while because you usually end up with moreover hours and have to pay the bill for heating and electricity imo.
Not exactly, I save transport and food money