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Erdogan also doesnt like weak Lira, his main focus only lower interest rate


Kucuk was also opposed to the contentious policy of selling off the bank’s foreign currency reserves in a doomed bid to prop up the lira, the banker added. The policy began in early 2019 and continued until the end of last year.

People here tend to have a very simplistic approach to the topic. It's either black or white, never something in between.

I actually meant that Aghar explained the scientific theory behind a weaker currency and its effects on the economy very well. Of course, the reality is much more complex and complicated.

Turkey's currency should not depreciate further but Erdoğan is too busy to be bothered with Turkey's problems and that's why he will lose the next election.


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Akpians living abroad are so happy that they try everything to find excuses to defend so weak lira!!


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The logic here is that a weak lira will increase Turkey's competitiveness in manufacturing. Foreign companies will see this and start investing more in Turkey. Their investments will bring new technologies and methods to the Turkish manufacturing sector, which in turn will increase Turkey's overall productivity. In the long-run, even as the lira recovers, this increased productivity will compensate for that increase and Turkey will remain an export-based economy.
Dont get me wrong here mate
Iam all for Erdo's plan tbh. However, such plans are only applied when the basic HUMAN NEEDS of the people are met Domestically
If basic human needs like food is met domestically; he can destroy the lira if he wants to. I have no problem with that tbh. However, Turkish people are way too dependent on Food imports from abroad as they enjoyed a strong currency for decades so food imports tended to be cheaper for the Turks. You cant just forcefully make the people adapt to new lifestyles like that as Sacrifices will be made from the people since the people will experience a surge in food prices
I believe Erdo bought the 100k hectares in Sudan to fix this problem but how many months or years will it need for the necessary infrastructure to be built

I respect Erdo for trying to protect Jobs and investments; however, such plan of his is way too hasty amd needs proper planning and for it to be implemented in stages/phases rather than throwing it at the ppl's face all at once


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
The economy is doing great. I am here know and i see a lot.

Restaurants: full
Taverns: full.
Superdupers: full.
Taxi's: full
Malls: full.
Bakeries: full.
Kebab-toko's: full.
Hotels: full.
Hamams: full.
Barbershops: full.
Petshops: full.

If you let a fart here it will smash against someone. Even the streets are full. And there are no empty parts in the Superduper-market. Every place is filled with products.

I trust more these assesments then whole board of experts supported by quantum computers.
This is life and that is what matters beside various giberish for diferent political purposes.


1 740
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I trust more these assesments then whole board of experts supported by quantum computers.
This is life and that is what matters beside varios giberish for diferent political purposes.
People can not afford many things especially even basic foods and in some crowded cities when people go to shopping malls ,you think it shows people's affordability??


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
People can not afford many things especially even basic foods and in some crowded cities when people go to shopping malls ,you think it shows people's affordability??
Then we obviously did not read same post. Whom to beleive you or him?


1 740
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Then we obviously did not read same post. Whom to beleive you or him?
Believe?? No need to believe, go check real news!! And a bit math is enough!! to calculate basic human needs in a month and compare it with minimum wage!!


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I already wrote what will happen to TL a few pages back when TL/dollar rate was around 8.5 and the trend was TL gaining value against dollar. Lira/dollar exchange rate will be 10 in the short term and will be 12 in the mid-term. The interest rate will come under %15 in phases. This is intentional. I got this info from AKP sources. Erdogan is playing with fire though, he will certainly lose elections. We passed 20 billion in monthly exports and 210 billion in yearly exports in September 2020-September 2021 period. I expect 250 billion $ worth of exports in 2022 and probably knock on the door of 300 billion $ in 2023. I also expect big budget surpluses(several billion $) starting from 2025 but none of this will change that workforce will be literally slaves working and dying for a piece of bread.


1 740
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Ever heard of a country named China?
Still waiting for figures of china, you asked me whether I heard about china or not, come on post the figures of china so we can see who knows about china or about economy!!


1 740
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And post gdp change of china in the last 10 years and GDP per person in china!! Let's see what china has done and what we have done, and post currency value changes of china in the last 10 year!!


1 1,203
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Indonesia's total export for the first six months 2021:
103 B USD

Turkey's total export for the first six months 2021:
105 B USD

Still waiting for figures of china, you asked me whether I heard about china or not, come on post the figures of china so we can see who knows about china or about economy!!

Read the posting of @TheInsider. I did not compare Turkey to China but the economic strategy that has led to modern-day China and her top export-oriented economy.

Turkey does NOT deserve a hard currency. We're not Germany or Japan. We do not have a knowledge-driven economy and global companies. This does not mean that our currency should go down the drain but 1 EUR to 10 TRY is fair because I know my lazy-ass people in Turkey. They don't deserve better. You wanna live good? Work.


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I will try to Repeat it again.
First PART
Turkiye have government controled assets ( Reserve with Money, Gold etc, Banks, Products ( example: Agriculture, Textile, House use electroincs, tools -> in this sector Turkiye is stronge at it is BACKBONE of need it each day for ppl to keep low, middile class too sustain living ) THERE ARE OTHER THINGS but at moment they are not big chunck )
According to foreigner data Turkiye debts are 27-30% which is Very good if we compare WEST.
Above ASSETS are controled by Goverment-> ISSUE was never here -> Control of this ASSETS is showed WHY Turkiye OWN planing of development GO Well.

But above is the MAIN issue for WEST which they do NOT have Control to shit on Turkiye to go Default state

Above is 50% of Turkiye ASSETS

Second PART
This part is Where Turks were TRICKED or Turks I mean regular citizens DID it to the self and this happend over and over again.
I will explain:
Turkiye citizen WANT NEW Toy or Need money (At momet I am talking about just regular citizens ).
What they do is start Looking Banks loans %. As we know The BEST lowest bank Credits as % is FOREIGNER Banks.
So Those ppl I mean at Present days it represent a BIG number of ppl (milions) which already Got Loans from FOREIGNER Banks.
So Trick is STARTED -> Loan is and ALWAYS is in FOREIGNER Valuts (dollar,euro,uk pounds).

The Fall of Turkish Lira NOW is OPEN for FOREIGNER for ATTACK or Play with it accroding to inernational law of trade and ALSO do Speculation.
FOREIGNER Bank HAVE RIGHTS to SELL or PLAY on Stock Exchange "The DEBT " which above Turk citizen signed and by taking Loan he also Grant permision of
FOREIGNER Bank to Play what ever and When ever they LIKE until This citizen does not PAY BACK the LOAN.
This WAS not Big ISSUE 20+ year ago but 60% and more of Turk citizens Fucked own Economy by Been Greedy and Want Toys for which They TAKE LOAN.
And they DID that by takeing LOAN from FOREIGNER Banks.

Who is PROVIDING Backing of Turk LIRA -> Country -> Goverment-> OWN ASSETS become Garant of Above LOAN. So Goverment CAN TRY to DO everthing to
FIx this -> BUT it WILL not HAPPEND-> WHy Because YOU Goverment DOES not CONTROL FOREIGNER Banks which Have Rights to FUCK you TR LIRA

So FOREIGNER Banks -> Sells all Turk Loans DEBT in the International Stock Exchange -> and Speculation is DOING the job that lead to LIRA to FALL -> THIS IS they MAIN front in which TR LIRA FALL as it is nothing
it is Fall even wth BIG % When BAD EVENT is HAPPENED in TURKIYE or even when RTE is saying big things in Media <- this is used as excuse from Foreigners as RISK and they are allowed to DROP TR Lira International Stock Exchange.

PRIVATE sector Debts is the main source -> Which was build from Turk citizens Greed CONTINUELY almost 20 years -> The VOLUME of LOANS is SO BIG that HALF of you Country ASSETS from Private sector is Punching you Economy down as Speculation and pulling you LIRA down.
-----> No matter who will come to POWER. Until Turks pay the loans to FOREIGNER Banks they WILL be CONTORLED and they will be poor. <--------

My advice STOP taking Loans from FOREIGNER Banks
Shits which will happen when you do this
1.Loan is in (dollars,euro,pound) - Making TR LIRA do go DOWN
2. Loan is selled in International Stock Exchange. - Make TR LIRA to be used as product for Speculation. - Making TR LIRA going DOWN MORE
3. Becuase TR LIRA is ASSET own by Country and the Country is Garant . - This Hit Country Budget each year
making deficit and Goverment print baknots - Making TR LIRA goind EVEN MORE

This is happening over and over and over and over AGAIN
You Economy Advicers No Matter who is Selected is Capable one!!
Stop talking about Things that RTE or Some persion Did Wrong for economy<- this things only affect budget for 1-2-3 years and it is easy to be fixed

At moment MAIN ISSUE is and WILL be Turks which are Greedy -> Don't have money -> go to FOREIGNER Banks -> and Make themself and Country a SLAVE


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I also as normal citizen Want some Toys, BUT BUT

1. I have choice to WAIT and EARN money and THEN buy it. <- Most of WEST ppl are Doing this
2. I CAN take LOAN. "GOLD RULE" -> Check from couple of Sources that BANK is from OWN Country
Why because the Bank Will use OWN money TR LIRA
Why because The Bank will obey Turkish LAWS
Why because IF this Bank try to Sell and Speculate with TR LIRA in Stock Exchange <- You Goverment Economy Minister WILL FUCK THIS BANK so HARD
Why You Goverment CAN and WILL Easy to fix this Loan When EVER THEY WANT. Because They Control ALL in OWN Country-> DIRCTELY


1 740
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Indonesia's total export for the first six months 2021:
103 B USD

Turkey's total export for the first six months 2021:
105 B USD

Read the posting of @TheInsider. I did not compare Turkey to China but the economic strategy that has led to modern-day China and her top export-oriented economy.

Turkey does NOT deserve a hard currency. We're not Germany or Japan. We do not have a knowledge-driven economy and global companies. This does not mean that our currency should go down the drain but 1 EUR to 10 TRY is fair because I know my lazy-ass people in Turkey. They don't deserve better. You wanna live good? Work.
who the hell are you calling our hard working people lazy?? where are mods??
Who do you think yourself to call Turkish people lazy?? More than 45 percent of workers work with a minimum wage!! who are you to set a value to turkish lira??
you were the ones talking about china!!
come on do not mix the issues!! did chinese currency fall like ours?? how much increase in export values of china compared to ours??
And who the fuck are you to tell me to work??
mind your own business !!


1 740
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This is by far the most interesting financial analysis I have read in the pages of this forum! Kudos bro!

I do not represent the entire herd of lazy-ass people in Turkey by the way ;)

No wonder we complain about brain drain!
woow, just woow, he even can not post the figures of china since it is not even close to our country's figures!! and you call his far-fetched excuses a good analysis?? no wonder that akp is getting so much votes??
so tl value decrease is a good thing, why did you overthrow DSP (Ecevit)?? why are you calling his last term as a bad term???


1 740
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Indonesia's total export for the first six months 2021:
103 B USD

Turkey's total export for the first six months 2021:
105 B USD

Read the posting of @TheInsider. I did not compare Turkey to China but the economic strategy that has led to modern-day China and her top export-oriented economy.

Turkey does NOT deserve a hard currency. We're not Germany or Japan. We do not have a knowledge-driven economy and global companies. This does not mean that our currency should go down the drain but 1 EUR to 10 TRY is fair because I know my lazy-ass people in Turkey. They don't deserve better. You wanna live good? Work.
And decreasing value and increasing exports a bit compared to huge decrease in tl value is not success but idiocy!!
Anyone can do better than current government or economy management in Turkey!! So do not bring your far fetched excuses here and try to defend !!


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I already wrote what will happen to TL a few pages back when TL/dollar rate was around 8.5 and the trend was TL gaining value against dollar. Lira/dollar exchange rate will be 10 in the short term and will be 12 in the mid-term. The interest rate will come under %15 in phases. This is intentional. I got this info from AKP sources. Erdogan is playing with fire though, he will certainly lose elections. We passed 20 billion in monthly exports and 210 billion in yearly exports in September 2020-September 2021 period. I expect 250 billion $ worth of exports in 2022 and probably knock on the door of 300 billion $ in 2023. I also expect big budget surpluses(several billion $) starting from 2025 but none of this will change that workforce will be literally slaves working and dying for a piece of bread.
I do agree with your analysis
Erdo's current policy will be way too profitable for Turkey in 6 years time. However, the Turks in these 6 years will be screwed hard
My question here is, if Erdo knows that what he is doing will cost him the elections; then why on Earth is he doing it?

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