TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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Dressing like hoes is not the way to go.

Then again if people want to respect themselves then they should dress properly.

This also goes for men too.
If you can choose who the cool kids will be, you can shape an entire generation.

Too bad American culture industry has that power now and they are cancerous aids ebola


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Here we go

US Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Chris Van Hollen: (F-16 sale to Turkey)

I haven't changed my mind yet.

Ankara should at least commit not to use these weapons against NATO members or America's Kurdish allies.

We will have to consider all this going forward.

But I want to say that it is a big step forward that Turkey has finally accepted Sweden as part of NATO.

When you bend over this is what happens.
It's a good thing that Turkiye is working hard on its own national fighter jet. These arrogant bastards have lost Turkiye for good. The Turks tried everything to maintain good relations with the U.S. base on mutual respect. But the U.S. wants a master-servant relationship. This is why I'll always support the anti-West Turks.


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Yeah sure mate. When the US stops spare parts delivery or sanctions us when TAF flies sorties on the Sea of Islands or Northern Syria, it would be best if you remind us not to lose sleep.
The U.S. already sanctions Turkiye's defence industry and civilian economy. The reason they haven't stopped the delivery of F16 parts is because it'll backfire on them. They know Turkiye can reverse-engineer and nationalise those parts relatively quickly. So, there's no point enacting the sanctions. It'll only hurt the U.S. by pushing Turkiye farther away from the Western alliance. If they were "sure" of cripppling Turkiye's airforce by sanctioning spare parts, they won't hesitate to do so.


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No matter what Reis does- it is always a master move and a huge win... Damn, I love Turkish medias. :D

ps Today Erdo says one thing and he is absolutely right. Tomorrow he makes an 180 degrees turn and he is right once again. Love it. :D
Erdogan isn't perfect. He'll definitely make mistakes. Expecting him to perfect is pure bias. He's the best president Turkiye has had in over a century. I wish we had such a leader in Nigeria.


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How can we win when everyone thinks losing is winning?

We have seen constant diplomatic and political failures from this government. There was a time when they used to hide all this failure behind the economy, but the economy is shit and every month it gets worse and worse.

We are constantly losing, but the people think they are winning? To me a nation that thinks that way eventually ends herself.

So we took all the hits, all the negative media and in the end he capitulated like a coward again. Mashallah brothers and sisters this Islamic ummah business yet again is defeated by those who left the medieval mindset behind a long time ago.

One day people will look back at these years and wonder what madness came over the nation that such frauds and charlatans were able to maintain themselves as overlords of the nation for so long.
Turkiye is winning. It's actually fighting for its total independence. You don't expect that to come easily. Especially when the West and its Arab puppets have unleashed full economic warfare to destroy the Turkish economy.

Islam has NOT been defeated. It will NOT be defeated. The West has been fighting us for over a century now. We are still standing tall and getting stronger. Today, we produce weaponry that outperforms those of the West (drones for example). We buy little from the West (Turkiye is at least 70% self-sufficient). They can no longer invade us militarily with impunity (Iran's long range ballistic missiles, Turkiyes missiles, drones, ships, etc. Pakistan nukes, missiles, etc. Taliban's bravado, Qatar/Azerbaijan protected by Turkiye, Libya/Sudan/Somalia defended by Islamist worriors, etc.). 10 years from now and no Muslim country needs to rely on the West for ANY kind of weapon. They can buy all from Turkiye. As an aspiring politician, when I become a senator, governor, or minister, I'll work extremely hard to ensure all or most of my country's weaponry is from Turkiye. I have 0.0000000% trust for ANY Christian country on Earth. I can never ever trust them with my peace and security no matter how hard they pretend to be a partner or friend.

I hope the Sudanese war leads to a Turkish intervention bank-rolled by Qatar. A Turkish military base close to Mecca and Madina brings Erdogan closer to the two holy sites of Islam. With the support he has from the Muslim world, every true Muslim will support a Turkish take-over of these holy sites. This will give Turkiye enormous economic and political power and kick the Saudis out.

One day, people will look back and thank Erdogan for this massive jihad he's waged to ensure the Muslim ummah has a reliable source of arms and military protection. This alone is enough achievement.



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When the process is complete sweden will get it all and Turkiye will have been dragged through the mud. Expect erdogan to mention a few billion dollars for refugees as another demand that he doesnt really demand. Like EU membership he will throw it out there for the international media to pick up on and further use it as a propaganda tool to smash over Turkish Islamist heads. But then again all of these political islamists come from minority groups who have a complex against the Turk and despise the Turks, so to me they do this on purpose. Destroy the Turkish image internationally and as you destroy it invariably raises the profile of the minorities who are against Turks like PKK Kurds.
Muslims love the Turks. You don't seem to understand the sentiment in the Muslim world. We love Turkiye more than Saudi Arabia. It is currently the strongest Muslim country. I think the West fears Turkiye more than the other Muslim countries combined (no kidding). Ulamas (Scholars) are preaching that Muslims should buy the Turkish currency to shore it up. Never have they done this for any Muslim country. That shows the faith they have in Turkiye. If there's one country that can break the Western grip on the Muslim world, it is Turkiye.

If Erdogan can successfully topple El-Sisi via Libya or Sudan, it is the end for the West. Erdogan has them by the balls. This is why they are very careful about antagonizing Turkiye. Here's the bigger picture:

Arm the Libyan government to the teeth. Push a total takeover of Libya militarily by the government. Egypt will be forced to step in to protect the LNA and Haftar from total defeat. Once Sisi enters the fray, make Libya Egypt's Afghanistan or Ukraine. The Egyptian military will be pulled between two front (Libya and Sinai). Their oppressive hold over domestic opposition (Muslim Brotherhood) will weaken as the military wages war on two fronts. This paves the way for an uprising to succeed (with the military's attention diverted by foreign wars).

If Sisi refuses to intervene in defence of LNA and Haftar, GNA takes over the whole of Libya. The Muslim Brotherhood controls GNA. Therefore, they'll control the Libya-Egypt long porous border and can help their buddies in Egypt.

I do not support violent uprisings and protests, as this is against Islam's teachings. I'm only stating what Erdogan CAN do to the West and its Arab puppets. This is why they respect and hate him so much.


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So good that more than half of the country hates him.
yeah, that's why he lost the election.
A good portion of the Turks have awoken. And these are the people that will produce the weapons we'll use to liberate Muslim lands. They will also provide the soldiers that will train our soldiers. Insha Allah, Erdogan will be remembered as one of the mujaddids of Islam. If you knew how much we love Erdogan, you won't insult him in our presence or lift a finger at him.

I pray for Erdogan many many times. Millions of Muslims pray for him. How can you defeat such a man?


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yeah, that's why he lost the election.
A good portion of the Turks have awoken. And these are the people that will produce the weapons we'll use to liberate Muslim lands. They will also provide the soldiers that will train our soldiers. Insha Allah, Erdogan will be remembered as one of the mujaddids of Islam. If you knew how much we love Erdogan, you won't insult him in our presence or lift a finger at him.

I pray for Erdogan many many times. Millions of Muslims pray for him. How can you defeat such a man?

Ultimately for me everything is about results when it comes to politicians. I dont really care if erdogan claimed he was a satan worshipper but raised the status and welfare of the republic and crushed the nations enemies.

Like wise claiming your a Muslim and for the Muslims but constantly failing, syrian fiasco, economic failure, social/cultural disaster, destruction of civil liberties moving Turkiye towards a totaltarian society etc, then as far as im concerned he's not fit for purpose.

But i get the religious grift, i see it here in england with the mosques and the dawah youtubers, its easy money. Anyone want to make easy money because a religious grifter, easiest money you can make on earth.

The grand majority of people who have ever existed have never had the mental faculty to understand the tricks and games the ruling classes play on the peasants to stay in power. That's why this era of civil liberties and personal freedoms is so short in human history. My own personal opinion within a hundred years it will be gone again, back to a feudal style of living.

People are back to begging for demi-gods to rule them, this curse is yet again sweeping across much of the globe. The ruling positions will be taken over by the ruling houses who ruled much of the world only a hundred years ago.


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It's a different world, with fast access to global information. Teenagers can see how other teenagers, and pop icons from across the globe dress and they inevitably will try to emulate. Either you adapt to this world, or die out. Whining about how girls dress is definitely not adapting. The cat is out of the bag.
So Why western,Japanese,Korean girls didnt wear like this to go office?

That s not the dress of other countries normal teenagers or pop icons wear at daily life but the dress of stage performance.

For example you can see the sexy dress of K-pop stage performance but they dress like normal people in Korean dizi.

That s not adapting,just the bad economy and the gap between pro-west Turks and others made them hate the country so much

And they know nothing about the real western world
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4 1,161
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Dressing like hoes is not the way to go.

Then again if people want to respect themselves then they should dress properly.

This also goes for men too.
What i think japanese good is that they almost ban the apatal tattoo


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No, it's low IQ ummtards voting to destroy the Turkish state and ensure the curse of Islam remains with us for the foreseeable future.
Those voters will be here to destroy all your dreams.


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Is this about pipelines or Iran ? What is this about ?

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My gut says Iran. Barzanis are very unhappy with the newfound PUK/Iranian love.


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If sanity returned to the foreign policy of the US, they would and should support Azerbaijan and by extension us full steam.

Barzanis/KDP anti-Iran, Azerbaijan anti Iran, Turkey on and off but strategically anti Iran. Dont know why they only ever focus on the Gulf countries when it comes to their anti-Iran coalition.


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One possible reason is that we are really not interested in butting heads with Iran in any great scale. That'd be just clash of elephants, coğrafyayı kan götürür...

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