TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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india is big we cant catch it but others is possible so 5 th position is very possible .
We just need 5-10 years .
Reaching 2+ Trillion economy and 6 Trillion ppp , becaming 100 million population and fullfill every military tech .
India is big but we are moving faster in military technology.
Maybe later there will be a Turkic alliance armed forces.With other Turkic countries we can have more population than Russia or Japan .

At least I think we will have a combined force with Azerbaijan


5 1,123
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Maybe later there will be a Turkic alliance armed forces.With other Turkic countries we can have more population than Russia or Japan .

At least I think we will have a combined force with Azerbaijan

It would make Sense to add Pakistan to this Military Alliance, if possible also Afghanistan. Turkic People played an important Role to bring Islam to indian Subcontinent. Several Turkic Muslim Empires Ghazanavids, Timurids, Mughals played an important Role there. Not to forget the Dehli Sultanat was established by Mameluk Slaves.


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Signatures were signed within the scope of the "Tripartite Initiative" initiated with Romania and Bulgaria against the mine danger in the Black Sea, under the leadership of our country.

At the ceremony held at the Kalender Pavilion in Istanbul, the "Black Sea Mine Countermeasures Task Group Memorandum (MCM Black Sea)" was signed by Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler, Romanian Minister of Defense Angel Tilvar and Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Defense Atanas Zapryanov.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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Iran has seized a ship paid for and chartered by Tüpras.
US seized oil intended for Iran so in retaliation Iran has seized oil intended for Turkey.

The level of petty cowardice of the Iranian government never ceases to amaze me.

Scott Summers

3 1,066
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They dont have the balls to hijack a American tanker, so they enter a ship with oil destinated for Turkey.

And Mr. Erdogan is taking sides here, the Houthi side.


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Well at least the houthis have ball to attack israeli flagged ship compare to all the sunnis countries in the region .
In fact I find the shias are far more courageous compare to the sunnis who mostly scream and shouting about palestine and yet do nothing.


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Well at least the houthis have ball to attack israeli flagged ship compare to all the sunnis countries in the region .
In fact I find the shias are far more courageous compare to the sunnis who mostly scream and shouting about palestine and yet do nothing.

As much as i get what your saying, for me this is what represents true courage.


If there is to be future salvation it rests in the hands of the minds who are capable of producing such things like this.

If your rival produces this;


While you produce this;


You will always be defeated.


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Well at least the houthis have ball to attack israeli flagged ship compare to all the sunnis countries in the region .
In fact I find the shias are far more courageous compare to the sunnis who mostly scream and shouting about palestine and yet do nothing.

On surface, it may appears to be like that. But the thing is, you see, these Shia groups are ideologically driven entities under a leadership (Iran) whose end–goal is shaped by fundemental/radical belief system.

Consequently, given the huge power asymmetry between Iran+its proxies and the West, conventional warfare is not an option. Thus, they emphasize on posturing, rethoric and asymmetric strategy to achieve their objective.

And in the porcess they often don't care how much cost their actions consequently imposes on the others. And common sense tells, us most of the time their means and processes does not justify the end.

The very is example what houthies are doing right now. Does their action of disrupting international trade route in red sea helping Palestinians anyway? The answer is NO. does it hurting Israel and imposing cost on them? Sure, but not by much. Israel is an advanced economy backed by the USA.

On the other hand, guess who else their action is also hurting? Countries like Bangladesh. And it hurting us much more than Israel. Nearly half of our total export is to Europe. That amounts to approximately 30 billions. Majority of this go through Suez canal and red sea. We are a poor developing country that doesn't Petro–dollars in reserve and economy is already in the turmoil. At this point we cannot afford such strain on principle trade route and it will likely to cost us significantly. All of this for practically for no benefit for the Palestinians. So, how is it justified?

They are doing it only to satisfy their ideologically driven emotions and as an asymmetric fighting strategy against the West. And they don't care what cost others has to pay for this.

On the hand, at whatever stage of development various sunni majority states are, nevertheless these countries by and large pragmatic in their foreign policy goals.

They do recognise the reality they live in. Today international political interactions are shaped by nation state structure. It is no longer always feasible to do the morally right thing (in this case helping Palestine) because, of the huge power asymmetry bwtween muslim counries and the West. And attempting to do so may very well come in expense of their own. And even then, it would not benefit Palestine in any meaningful way. So why just throw your country away without any gain based on short lived emotions.

I mean, look where we stand now, many Muslims countries can barely keep their very own border and sovereignty intact let alone helping others. Even the most powerful ones like Türkiye and Pakistan has to fight evil force within its own border. (Sometimes supported by the West)

There is no muslim superpower like America that can afford (both financially and militarily) significant power projection and expeditionary force posturing for the shake of doing the morally right thing.

Collective Muslim world are far far way from that. If we want to live in a better world where doing the morally right is in top priority list of the international political structure and systematic arrangement instead of everyone's own raw meterial interests, then we have to change whole system that was made in the image of WW2 winners.

And it's not gonna change if you just ask it too. You have to do it yourselves and shape the international system in your own image.

And the only way to do that, is through long term progress, development and cooperation (between countries which share similar vision regarding the future of international geopolitical arrangement.) And when will that happen? Only when we have legitimate responsible democratic governments in our capitals.

Arab monarchies are not going to do it. Their first allegiance is not to their people or to the moral righteousness. Their number one priority is to hold into powers by any means deemed necessary. For that if they needed to cut a deal with devil they will do it in an instant. (And there are historical examples)

For muslim countries to be able to do the morally right thing in the long run (In this case helping Palestine) they need to get their houses in order first. Like Türkiye, they need to focus on long term development and progress, which, if successful will have meaningful impact in the end, unlike short live emotions and rehtorics and unsustainable posturing.
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Scott Summers

3 1,066
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Saudi, Turkish, Pakistani tripartite committee convenes for defense cooperation talks​

January 14, 2024

The second meeting of the Saudi-Turkish-Pakistani tripartite committee was held in Islamabad, Pakistan, to discuss defense cooperation and ways to enhance it.

The second meeting of the Saudi-Turkish-Pakistani tripartite committee was held in Islamabad, Pakistan, to discuss defense cooperation and ways to enhance it.

The second meeting of the Saudi-Turkish-Pakistani tripartite committee was held in Islamabad, Pakistan, to discuss defense cooperation and ways to enhance it.

The meeting was attended by Saudi Assistant Minister of Defense Eng. Talal Al-Otaibi, Chief of General Staff of the Pakistani Army Gen. Muhammad Owais, and Turkish Deputy Minister of Defense Jalal Sami Tawfik.

The meeting explored the road map for joint cooperation in the field of defense capabilities, technology transfer and localization, and the development of scientific research.

Additionally, the Saudi-Pakistani working teams held their third meeting, chaired by Al-Otaibi.

Al-Otaibi also met with the Commander of the Pakistani Army Gen. Asim Munir, in the presence of Gen. Muhammad Owais.

He also met with the Chief of Joint Staff First Gen. Sahir Shamshad, and specialists from the Pakistani side.

The meetings addressed updates in defense cooperation, defense capabilities, qualitative scientific research, and the transfer and localization of technology.

The second meeting of the Saudi-Turkish-Pakistani tripartite committee and the third meeting of the Saudi-Pakistani working teams were attended by a number of specialists from the Ministry of Defense, the General Authority for Military Industries, and the General Authority for Defense Development.

January 14, 2024


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Interesting video and statements from Former Assistant Secretary of State for political & Military Affairs, Brid. Gen Mark Kimmitt.

Confirming once again that not even the US believed for a second that YPG was not the PKK. But we already knew that.
More importantly, how State Department and boots on the ground were not aligned.


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I feel like difficult times are coming and that requires a leadership that could make difficult decisions.

So far, Erdoğan always dodged these decisions, maybe rightly so. But times are changing fast, power centers are shifting. Western dominated world as we live now will be history.

Next 20 years we need to be really careful but also hopeful. Because we were the losers of the previous few centuries and we all took refugee in Anatolia. After a hundred years of healing and buildup, we're coming back at the game.
As Seljuks, as Ottomans, as Turks. As Devlet-i Ebed Müddet.

This is history dictating itself. Or "göklerden gelen bir karar" as you may call it.
Euopeans that once conquered the world is being conquered by the world that they have colonized. It is "sick man Europe" now. The super powers of our grandparents' generation, that shared the world amongst themselves, can't even provide one million artillery shells for Ukraine today. Their societies are in decay, morals are lost, God is dead, they only have faith in their ego and the life is only about pleasure. People prefer doing drugs and fucking around instead of establishing families and raising good kids.

The future will not be easy with such drastic changes. We should hold on together, unite around our national security and interests.

As Huntington claimed in his Clash of Civilizations, Turks should lead the Islamic world with it's military power and courage just like it did several times before. This is not about secularism or anything related to Turkish interior politics. I just believe that Turkey should establish it's own polar in multipolar world order and that can be done through claiming Islamic leadership that of course includes Turkic countries.

I believe establishing such a power block, on the heartland of the world, should be Kızıl Elma of our nation. Only that way we can protect our world against the Crusaders and Mongols (China). Again, like we did before.

Erdoğan doesn't seem promising but I highly trust Hakan Fidan & İbrahim Kalın duo. They're both brilliant men whom have deep understanding of history, our identity and mission as a nation. They have incredible expertise/experience on important global matters, they personally know everyone that matters in this world. In addition to their qualification, both of them yerli and milli guys. Luckily they're both young and I expect them (especially Fidan) to take the lead in post-Erdoğan Turkey.

There are many problems to solve, many things to achieve but there's light at the end of the tunnel and I wholeheartedly believe.


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That is too much........


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They dont have the balls to hijack a American tanker, so they enter a ship with oil destinated for Turkey.

And Mr. Erdogan is taking sides here, the Houthi side.

As much as i get what your saying, for me this is what represents true courage.


If there is to be future salvation it rests in the hands of the minds who are capable of producing such things like this.

If your rival produces this;


While you produce this;


You will always be defeated.
I understand what you are saying but then what will you do in meantime.
Just accept what they done and do nothing...
Just let them take your country and natural resourse and let them bomb and still do nothing until we achieved the level of technology parity with them. how long it will take us...50 or 70 years.
While we are are catching up with them,they will also move forward to compete with us .
At least these shias hezbollah and houthis are showing that they will not sit quiet while seeing their muslim palestinian brothers and sisters being victimized.....we at least should give them much respect.
Thry are willing to sacrifice tgeir lives by just saying NO....while the rest of sunni especially the politician are busy playing politics being noisy yet claiming their place for their position by these western powers .


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I understand what you are saying but then what will you do in meantime.
Just accept what they done and do nothing...
Just let them take your country and natural resourse and let them bomb and still do nothing until we achieved the level of technology parity with them. how long it will take us...50 or 70 years.
While we are are catching up with them,they will also move forward to compete with us .
At least these shias hezbollah and houthis are showing that they will not sit quiet while seeing their muslim palestenian brothers and sisters being victimized.....we at least should give them much respect.
Thry are willing to sacrifice tgeir lives by just saying NO....while the rest of sunni especially the politician are busy playing politics being noisy yet claiming their place for their position by these western powers .

Iran is using Palestinians, her proxies are not winning the region anything tangible, they further divide it. The Islamic regime despite being surrounded by western bases, 99% of those they have killed have been Muslims. The only nations they have destabilised with their proxies have been Muslim majority nations. Spreading shia sectarianism in a majority Sunni region is a recipe for disaster. They are yet to directly attack Isreal, its been 50 years since the islamic revolution. Just yesterday they were siding with Russia and Armenia against Azerbaijan. They don't care about Islam whatsoever, its just a tool to use and abuse when it pays them.

Hezbollah are just waving their fingers, gaza has been reduced to rubble and the chief wizard is still talking about a high price to pay.

The houthis i guess have some kind of integrity and honour but what tangibly will they achieve in the long run, a people that are one the poorest and most industrially backward on earth. I'm not saying that as an insult, im just saying it to highlight the disparity between them and their foes.

Erdogan is typical Erdogan, historically his real enemies are the people he says nice things about. Which maybe tells me he doesn't actually give two shits for palestine outside of getting brownie points for his islamist voter base. We know he's doing nothing for them and we also know trade has increased during the conflict.

As for waiting 70 years, that's the nature of the beast. In history sometimes you fail so hard it takes hundreds of years to be able to raise your head again.

In cyprus the Turks wanted to liberate the Muslims in 1964, but they didnt have the capacity to do it, they had to delay the intervention by another 10 years. In the end they won. Had they gone in 64 maybe they would have failed.

Turks are looking to produce all this military hardware, Muslim majority nations should be joining in with us. pooling resources and talent together sharing technologies. Then maybe things can be resolved in 20 years instead of 70.


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I feel like difficult times are coming and that requires a leadership that could make difficult decisions.

So far, Erdoğan always dodged these decisions, maybe rightly so. But times are changing fast, power centers are shifting. Western dominated world as we live now will be history.

Next 20 years we need to be really careful but also hopeful. Because we were the losers of the previous few centuries and we all took refugee in Anatolia. After a hundred years of healing and buildup, we're coming back at the game.
As Seljuks, as Ottomans, as Turks. As Devlet-i Ebed Müddet.

This is history dictating itself. Or "göklerden gelen bir karar" as you may call it.
Euopeans that once conquered the world is being conquered by the world that they have colonized. It is "sick man Europe" now. The super powers of our grandparents' generation, that shared the world amongst themselves, can't even provide one million artillery shells for Ukraine today. Their societies are in decay, morals are lost, God is dead, they only have faith in their ego and the life is only about pleasure. People prefer doing drugs and fucking around instead of establishing families and raising good kids.

The future will not be easy with such drastic changes. We should hold on together, unite around our national security and interests.

As Huntington claimed in his Clash of Civilizations, Turks should lead the Islamic world with it's military power and courage just like it did several times before. This is not about secularism or anything related to Turkish interior politics. I just believe that Turkey should establish it's own polar in multipolar world order and that can be done through claiming Islamic leadership that of course includes Turkic countries.

I believe establishing such a power block, on the heartland of the world, should be Kızıl Elma of our nation. Only that way we can protect our world against the Crusaders and Mongols (China). Again, like we did before.

Erdoğan doesn't seem promising but I highly trust Hakan Fidan & İbrahim Kalın duo. They're both brilliant men whom have deep understanding of history, our identity and mission as a nation. They have incredible expertise/experience on important global matters, they personally know everyone that matters in this world. In addition to their qualification, both of them yerli and milli guys. Luckily they're both young and I expect them (especially Fidan) to take the lead in post-Erdoğan Turkey.

There are many problems to solve, many things to achieve but there's light at the end of the tunnel and I wholeheartedly believe.

Brother you hit it right out of the park.

I agree 100%.

Ibrahim Kalin even wrote articles which were pretty interesting especially history. The man even studied Namik Kemal.

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