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Great article.

Touches on how Turkey wants to connect with Mosul and Kirkuk, the risk of Iran rejection, the danger of KDP losing the majority in the autonomous government (PUK may take premiership and presidency) for Turkey and that Turkey is trying to benefit Hashd militias by involving them, hoping that they would therefore support the development road.

Lol at the KDP saying their consent is required, they are well and truly fucked and even their ally Erdogan is shitting on them


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There are some cliques within the country, in a religious-looking and in ummahist idea, but they are stupid enough to be pawns of other countries' intelligence services... Also need to add, most of their opinion leaders also have a common characteristics, like all have same connections for some reason...


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The Vienna Convention also failed: seize embassies and arrest whoever you want :(

Russian security forces broke into and illegally searched the home of a Kyrgyz diplomat in Moscow.

Two employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation arrived at the residence address of the adviser to the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic Manas Zholdoshbekov in Moscow with the “purpose of checking the legality of the grounds for the stay of a foreign citizen.” on the territory of the Russian Federation."
Security forces broke down the door to the apartment of a Kyrgyz diplomat, demanding that he provide a detachable part of his migration record.

Despite the presentation of diplomatic passports
employees continued to persistently demand documents for migration registration. During the incident, the diplomat's wife was wounded.

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Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan called his Iranian counterpart and said that Turkey does not want more tension in the region after Iran retaliated against Israel last night.

Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahian said that the retaliatory operation against Israel has ended and Iran will not launch a new operation unless it is attacked.



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Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan called his Iranian counterpart and said that Turkey does not want more tension in the region after Iran retaliated against Israel last night.

Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahian said that the retaliatory operation against Israel has ended and Iran will not launch a new operation unless it is attacked.

good bit of theatre. get the former feto boys in on the act on too, make it seem more real. Palestinians watching gaza being reduced to dust will be happy hearing that iranians want no more.


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Tehran admitted that it warned "the United States and Iran's neighbors" before attacking Israel. All this cannot be perceived as theater or some kind of agreement.

I took this post from another thread, which really explains why this was no more then theatre.

Unless you have a layered missile system, be it subsonic, supersonic or hypersonic, it is all academic when it comes to real life events.

Last night we watched the Arrow system intercepting an exoatmospheric Iranian missile. That missile must have been travelling at high hypersonic speeds when it was intercepted.
Going by several Russian claims of S400 missile system intercepting hypersonic missiles and a Zircon being downed in Ukraine too, it is evident that even hypersonic missiles can be stopped with a capable well designed ADS.
We know that a missile like ESSM can stop supersonic missiles. Barak 8 can stop an Iskander missile that actually flies at hypersonic speeds during midcourse, albeit is most likely stopped by Barak 8 at terminal stage when it is travelling at supersonic speeds.

Any missile can be intercepted if you have the right system to counter it.

What is necessary here, is to have an effective layered attack missile system as well as a layered defence system.

There are instances where you will need a subsonic missile:
Like, if you need to saturate ADS inventory or,
Like, if you need your missile to hug the contours of the geography.

There are instances where you will need a hypersonic missile:
Like, when you are using a Carrier Killer ballistic missile
Like, when you have an HGV to attack high value strategic positions.

One must remember that a hypersonic missile is many times more expensive than a subsonic and a supersonic missile.
It should also be noted that to qualify for “hypersonic“ it has to travel at that speed in terminal phase.

It is “silly” to engage in a “full frontal attack” posture with a country when that country’s ADS is fully operational and you do not aim to destroy it’s ADS and radar system, by making it present itself to your anti radiation missiles, with your cheap subsonic drones and low value missiles as decoys.

Last night’s firework display was ”silly” .
It did not mean anything.

What we saw from Iran was no more then "smoke and mirrors". In a strategic sense it meant nothing, but in terms of propaganda value it meant everything. The biggest winner from it is Isreal. As long as Iran plays the "bogeyman" the Isrealis can eternally play the victim as they commit open genocide and claim the entire islamic world is an enemy.

Muslims really need to wise up, otherwise the era that we only just came out of will repeat itself. The global narrative of Muslims being the enemy keeps ramping up, there is a big plan there.


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What i find surprising is how the americans/zionists don't allow their controlled opposition to at least kill a few peasants in their attacks. The Isrealis on October 7th under their operation Hannibal gunned downed nearly the entirety of the festival goers. I don't get why they wouldn't let the iranians get a few kills to at least make the show look more legit. Because hundred of missiles, drones, ballistics and not one isreali died? That's absolute madness.


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What i find surprising is how the americans/zionists don't allow their controlled opposition to at least kill a few peasants in their attacks. The Isrealis on October 7th under their operation Hannibal gunned downed nearly the entirety of the festival goers. I don't get why they wouldn't let the iranians get a few kills to at least make the show look more legit. Because hundred of missiles, drones, ballistics and not one isreali died? That's absolute madness.
Well that's an easy question to answer. Because they are racists. They can't bear the burden of seeing "one of their lads" kick the bucket.

Scott Summers

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Well that's an easy question to answer. Because they are racists. They can't bear the burden of seeing "one of their lads" kick the bucket.


I always founded it very embarassing when Hamas/Hezbollah/Fatah exchange 800 of their own prisoners for 4 Israeli soldiers and Israel just agrees with it, like if a jewish life is far more worth than that of a muslim.

As a resistance movement I would never accept this, but the Palestinian/Arab resistance just made it a sport by kidnapping 1 Israeli in the hope to exchange him for 200 Palestinian prisoners.


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Well that's an easy question to answer. Because they are racists. They can't bear the burden of seeing "one of their lads" kick the bucket.
As a resistance movement I would never accept this, but the Palestinian/Arab resistance just made it a sport by kidnapping 1 Israeli in the hope to exchange him for 200 Palestinian p

I guess what i mean is that if you look at oct 7th, it turned out that nearly the entirety of the jewish festival goers were gunned down by the IDF intentionally. They murdered hundreds of their own people to make Oct 7th look like some crazy Hamas slaughter. Why wouldn't they let the Iranians get a few critical hits, to get those scenes of mass murder that they could show to world.

Same with the americans like when they let the base get hit by iranians and no american was harmed. Why wouldnt they sacrifice some of their own people to make the propaganda look more potent. The ruling classes of america don't care about the peasants they use in these wars, why not let some of them get smoked. Kissinger once wrote that american soldiers are dumb stupid animals used to pursue foreign policy and no more.

Maybe part of the reason they don't allow it is because they want to create this confusion. If Iran destroyed multiple bases with that attack and destroyed a few hundred IDF, pretty much everyone would accept it was legit. Maybe its for that reason that they don't want everyone on the same page they allow these firework shows. These obvious works.

Over 300 strikes and not one single zionist was harmed. You got more chance stepping outside your front door and getting hit by lightening, then the Isrealis had in getting hit by an Iranian missile the other night.


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I guess what i mean is that if you look at oct 7th, it turned out that nearly the entirety of the jewish festival goers were gunned down by the IDF intentionally.
Bro sorry to say but this a pure conspiracy. Unfortunately ever since Twitter has been taken over by Musk this sort of nonsense has been spreading like wildfire.

Everytime a side doesn't like their actions, they'll blame it on a false flag etc.


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Bro sorry to say but this a pure conspiracy. Unfortunately ever since Twitter has been taken over by Musk this sort of nonsense has been spreading like wildfire.

Everytime a side doesn't like their actions, they'll blame it on a false flag etc.

the entire middle and most of its conflicts today are born out of conspiracy. All conspiracy means is that people are conspiring together against someone without the other side knowing about it.

"make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act."

"(of events or circumstances) seem to be working together to bring about a particular negative result.
"everything conspires to exacerbate the situation""

The british, french and russian empires all conspired with minorities of the ottomans state to turn them against the Ottomans. Hollywood even made a movie about one such conspiracy led by Lawrence of Arabia.

The sykes picot argreement or the balfour declaration are examples of conspiracy. Pretty much all borders in the middle east are the results of men conspiring against other men.

FETO for Turkey is a good example. Or the Ayatollah regime taking out the shah is another example. Both conspiracies were undertaken by the west, with america being the primary player.

Joint US/Russian actions in Syria are also examples of nations conspiring together against a 3rd party.

All the western support for PKK is a conspiracy against Turkey.

In cyprus the greek state was conspiring with the greek cypriots to wipe out the Turkish cypriots and annex the island.

The middle east has more conspiracies taking place in it then other place on earth.

As for false flags, they are more common then people want to believe. We even had the leaked recoding of hakan fidan and davutolgu talking about creating a false flag over syria. If Turkey thinks about it, you can sure as hell bet that america, russia, isreal are all about that life.

Could the footage showing idf shooting festival goers be fake, maybe. But this is the nation that ran stories about 40 babies being beheaded and other such bullshit, so i barely ever give them the benefit of the doubt. Plus we seen enough mindless slaughter and indiscriminate killing from them to make it believable. Like when they were blowing up hospitals and blaming it on hamas rockets.


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the entire middle and most of its conflicts today are born out of conspiracy. All conspiracy means is that people are conspiring together against someone without the other side knowing about it.

"make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act."

"(of events or circumstances) seem to be working together to bring about a particular negative result.
"everything conspires to exacerbate the situation""

The british, french and russian empires all conspired with minorities of the ottomans state to turn them against the Ottomans. Hollywood even made a movie about one such conspiracy led by Lawrence of Arabia.

The sykes picot argreement or the balfour declaration are examples of conspiracy. Pretty much all borders in the middle east are the results of men conspiring against other men.

FETO for Turkey is a good example. Or the Ayatollah regime taking out the shah is another example. Both conspiracies were undertaken by the west, with america being the primary player.

Joint US/Russian actions in Syria are also examples of nations conspiring together against a 3rd party.

All the western support for PKK is a conspiracy against Turkey.

In cyprus the greek state was conspiring with the greek cypriots to wipe out the Turkish cypriots and annex the island.

The middle east has more conspiracies taking place in it then other place on earth.

As for false flags, they are more common then people want to believe. We even had the leaked recoding of hakan fidan and davutolgu talking about creating a false flag over syria. If Turkey thinks about it, you can sure as hell bet that america, russia, isreal are all about that life.

Could the footage showing idf shooting festival goers be fake, maybe. But this is the nation that ran stories about 40 babies being beheaded and other such bullshit, so i barely ever give them the benefit of the doubt. Plus we seen enough mindless slaughter and indiscriminate killing from them to make it believable. Like when they were blowing up hospitals and blaming it on hamas rockets.

I think most "false flags" are either cracks in the intelligence system or allowed to happen. There's a possibility that Israeli intelligence had known that a Hamas attack was going to happen, but allowed it anyway as the benefits outweigh the costs.

This wasn't a bunch of MOSSAD dudes running around in Hamas uniforms to gun down their own civilians. When the terror attack happened in Moscow, the pro-Ukraine crowd was quick to call it a false flag. PKK terrorists also called their own terror attacks false flags when they realized that the public didn't like it.


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I think most "false flags" are either cracks in the intelligence system or allowed to happen. There's a possibility that Israeli intelligence had known that a Hamas attack was going to happen, but allowed it anyway as the benefits outweigh the costs.

This wasn't a bunch of MOSSAD dudes running around in Hamas uniforms to gun down their own civilians. When the terror attack happened in Moscow, the pro-Ukraine crowd was quick to call it a false flag. PKK terrorists also called their own terror attacks false flags when they realized that the public didn't like it.

with Israel i remember seeing helicopter footage where they are told to gun down their own people, operation Hannibal whatever they call it. I didnt put too much energy into discovering the ins and outs of it because pretty much everything isreal says is total bullshit. So the idea that they killed their own people wasnt a big stretch of the imagination, considering how racist that state is to the core. With white Askanazi being seen as the elites of it. Its already come out that they will kill their own people held hostage.

As for Russia they got a big history of false flags and conspiracy. The whole communist takeover of that state was a conspiracy. And marxist/communists are like cancer that grows within a state, using every trick of the book. Even the guy they poisoned and had killed released a book exposing false flag terror attacks that putin did to justify his invasion of Chechnya.

As for the PKK when terrorism is so common from them, calling shit false flag means little, since they have committed thousands of terrorist attacks in their short shitty history. No one needs a false flag to target them since they have created endless acts of terror, any of which could be used to justify retaliation against them.

All of this doesnt even go into the subculture and fraternal orders that exist and are highly influential, freemasonry for example is more powerful globally then Zionism. From the very first oath they make, they swear allegiance to the lodge. The nation means nothing to them.
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with Israel i remember seeing helicopter footage where they are told to gun down their own people, operation Hannibal whatever they call it. I didnt put too much energy into discovering the ins and outs of it because pretty much everything isreal says is total bullshit. So the idea that they killed their own people wasnt a big stretch of the imagination, considering how racist that state is to the core. With white Askanazi being seen as the elites of it. Its already come out that they will kill their own people held hostage.

As for Russia they got a big history of false flags and conspiracy. The whole communist takeover of that state was a conspiracy. And marxist/communists are like cancer that grows within a state, using every trick of the book. Even the guy they poisoned and had killed released a book exposing false flag terror attacks that putin did to justify his invasion of Chechnya.

As for the PKK when terrorism is so common from them, calling shit false flag means little, since they have committed thousands of terrorist attacks in their short shitty history. No one needs a false flag to target them since they have created endless acts of terror, any of which could be used to justify retaliation against them.

All of this doesnt even go into the subculture and fraternal orders that exist and are highly influential, freemasonry for example is more powerful globally then Zionism. From the very first oath they make, they swear allegiance to the lodge. The nation means nothing to them.

Please bro, step outside and take a deep breath. I've heard schizophrenics say similar things. I'm not attacking you, but I'm seriously concerned for you.

This back and forth between Isreal and Iran/Arabs has created endless stupidity beyond imagination. Now with Twitter being an unmoderated mess, all types of bullcrap is being spread.

Truth is that as Turks, why the f*ck should we care about this stupid nonsense? Let them fight. Why are you belittling yourself and repeating the same shi*t which Arabs and Iranians have been crying about for years? Let their blood boil.

Let's just focus on building our defence industry. Let's focus on defeating KCK/PKK once and for all. Let's focus on uniting the Turkic World. Don't waste energy on anything else.

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