TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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if youre in kahoots with PKK, no NATO for you! that should be the end of it.

and nothing short of joint military operation against PKK should be an acceptable clause to change that.

exactly, if u allow them to nato ur legitimising the support for the PKK and thats a no-no, imo sweden should be annexed by the russians anyway.


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Those nordicucks either have to offer us something in return.

Like military tech and dropping support to pkk if not no nato for them.

I dont mind if Russia crushes finland or sweden to be honest.


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I don't really know much about domestic Pakistani politics but if erdogan is congratulating this, i guess the new guy is good for personal business of the erdogan clan.

pakistan-turkey deep relationship is not managed by erdogan or the presidency office of turkey . erdogan is just benefiting from this relationship for his own agenda .


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pakistan-turkey deep relationship is not managed by erdogan or the presidency office of turkey . erdogan is just benefiting from this relationship for his own agenda .

no doubts, but erdogan is a money man first and foremost. Religion is basically an easy grift a means to a financial end.


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Any users want to comment on how this maronite dog thinks of us?

Turks ruled them for about a thousand years. The first Turkey was actually Egypt before the Ottoman Turks destroyed it.

A mistake lots of these regional Turk haters make is thinking that Turkish history in the region begins and ends with the Ottomans. Thats why you end up with 400 years instead of a thousand. They forget things like the Seljuks or the Turks of Egypt.

A thousand years is more then enough time to skin these people over a thousand times over if the Turks ever wanted to.
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Turks ruled them for about a thousand years. The first Turkey was actually Egypt before the Ottoman Turks destroyed it.

A mistake lots of these regional Turk haters make is thinking that Turkish history in the region begins and ends with the Ottomans. Thats why you end up with 400 years instead of a thousand. They forget things like the Seljuks or the Turks of Egypt.

A thousand years is more then enough time to skin these people over a thousand times over if the Turks ever wanted to.

Greeks, Assyrians, Maronites and Armenians all repeat the same victimhood bs everyday.

Thankfully we have a strong military.

Or these Jesus worshippers would have pounced on us. Let every cruise missile, jet and drone be a lesson to them not to fck with us.

Dont forget the footage of how armenians were flying when turkish drones strike them.

Turks will still continue with their naive bs oh these people are not a threat.

All of these losers cant be used against us as proxies.

Also Ataturk made it clear that Armeniana have no right to live in Turkiye while at the same time Turkish republic of today is handing out citizenship like candy even trying encourage Armenians and Greeks to come back. While at the same time Turkic peoples trying to come to Turkiye are getting kicked out.

Now imagine the future. With refugees, greeks, armenians and the kurda who are like 13 million in the country.

Same old mistakes being repeated. That mistake which costed the Ottoman empire and Austria-Hungary. Multiculturalism is a dead ideology.

I live in the most multicultural country in the world. Even people here all hate each other its not openly but secretly.

People are naive to forget humans are tribal species. We have been racist from the very beginning of time.

Either you want your tribe or clan to survive and thrive if not we will be in the chopping block. Thats why the future is bleak.


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Why did the Ummayads engage in racism despite being Muslims because they wanted the Arabs to be at the top.

None of the Turks have this mentality. We never think about ourselves too busy trying to save others.

You either put yourselves first or you will get eaten up. Those massacres that the Christians did were not for nothing.

Now ask yourselves if these people are given power whats stop them from pouncing on us?

Our foreign policy should stop with the bs high horse crap. We are not superman to be saving this cursed world.

Whats in it for us?
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Any users want to comment on how this maronite dog thinks of us?
Man these stupid lebanese
No wonder Iran controls them by the balls, loool

Honestly, Iran is one of the main instigators of the current economic problems in Lebanon and one of the main reasons why lebanese ppl cant even ensure that their daily necessities are met

I mean.... come on..... so lets say (just for argument) that the Turks destroyed those pricks; does that mean that the Turks were the only ones to do it? Nearly most superpowers throughout history took Lebanon in a nearby shed amd did the deed with it but no lets concentrate on the Turks and Turks alone

This is just my opinion, but I believe the main reason for Lebanese hate towards turks amd ottomans isnt because the ottomans ruled over them but rather because the Ottomans were "Sunni" which greatly opposes the radical "Shia" mentality being engraved into Lebanese ppl by Iran
I may be wrong on this though👆

Muslims in general have 2 major poles--- Sunni and Shia---- and Sunni being way more predominant than Shia. This is a threat to Iran's dream as it plans to restore its Shia imperial legacy. On the other hand, the leaders of the Sunni world is split between Turkey and KSA with Turkey gaining ground in the recent years and this creates a lot of problems for other regional actors


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Man these stupid lebanese
No wonder Iran controls them by the balls, loool

Honestly, Iran is one of the main instigators of the current economic problems in Lebanon and one of the main reasons why lebanese ppl cant even ensure that their daily necessities are met

I mean.... come on..... so lets say (just for argument) that the Turks destroyed those pricks; does that mean that the Turks were the only ones to do it? Nearly most superpowers throughout history took Lebanon in a nearby shed amd did the deed with it but no lets concentrate on the Turks and Turks alone

This is just my opinion, but I believe the main reason for Lebanese hate towards turks amd ottomans isnt because the ottomans ruled over them but rather because the Ottomans were "Sunni" which greatly opposes the radical "Shia" mentality being engraved into Lebanese ppl by Iran
I may be wrong on this though👆

Muslims in general have 2 major poles--- Sunni and Shia---- and Sunni being way more predominant than Shia. This is a threat to Iran's dream as it plans to restore its Shia imperial legacy. On the other hand, the leaders of the Sunni world is split between Turkey and KSA with Turkey gaining ground in the recent years and this creates a lot of problems for other regional actors

Ottoman Empire during ww1 was already affected by famine.

All of the food supplies all went to the army not the people.

You also had Turks who starved too you know.

We were fighting a fcking war. Soldiers need that bread more than a civilian who drinks, smokes or fcks whores.

None of it was deliberate while at the same time the Allies did a full on trade embargo and naval blokade so the Ottomans were literally blocked from supplies coming in.

Jemal Pasha did the hard choice of redirecting all supplies to the war effort. They should also siezed the Sultans money and properties and sell them off to fund the war effort. Thats the right thing to do. Lots of monarchs during ww1 did their banquets when thousands were getting killed.

It was a war. Soldiers are fighting you had to support them with everything.

Too bad these maronites see it as a deliberate starvation when they were not the only ones.


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It does not look too good. I’d never imagine, not in my wildest dreams, that Macron would be a logical choice in any equation. Le pen is sure to introduce her own ballast to an already complex mess in the international arena! Expect some confrontation in the Eastern front, because she supports Russian cause in Crimea…


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Imran Khan will probably come back even stronger in the next elections and the next elections are right around the corner.

Very doubtful.

He has burned a number of bridges and salted lot of the approaches to those bridges (with the bulk "quieter" electorate and more crucially the Army bigwigs that keep close finger to wind on their overall control and response in the political circus they the army set up, including his own team if you look at their political careers prior to PTI).

Seasoned political clans (PMLN, PPP et al) generally take these things on the chin (with the army when they get ejected/replaced) and wait it out for next political cycle when they will be in favour again with the khakis.

Imran Khan introduced elements (on his exit) of new unparalleled degree (US foreign conspiracy) and created a perceptible schism with the COAS (Bajwa) that is now exploding and taking cost in various ways that will not be forgotten by power brokers and public-at-large alike.

In a credible gallup survey (just before his removal from power), a full 64% of the Pakistani public for example saw this intervention as a response to the ongoing inflation being inflicted compared to any foreign-conspiracy element (and implying COAS + army faction acquiescence on it ) that Imran Khan was telling them.

So yeah he picked high stake gamble and he played it badly....should have made nice with the COAS and all Fauj factions as much as possible and wait it out (given the precedence of Pakistan politics)....and do things better next time.

Instead of doing these shenanigans with US conspiracy blame game and his mob theatre with the Army/institutional power at large....which comes off as desperate to most Pakistani public (that you do not see online that much).

But it didn't suit his personality it I very much doubt he will ever become PM again.

@T-123456 @Joe Shearer @Milspec @Paro et al.

I don't really know much about domestic Pakistani politics but if erdogan is congratulating this, i guess the new guy is good for personal business of the erdogan clan.

If say Mansur Yavas was president right now, he would say the exact same thing. It is what any country's elected executive would say (its typical script every world leader uses to a political change in another country)....especially those with close enough interest and/or physical proximity to Pakistan.

The 🇹🇷 🇵🇰 relationship will continue along the overall large contours and headings long established enough power-class Turks know who is in charge in reality in Pakistan and approach them (past the political landscape crafted by them for whatever current veneer) for the requisite partnership brokering and forming.

pakistan-turkey deep relationship is not managed by erdogan or the presidency office of turkey . erdogan is just benefiting from this relationship for his own agenda .

Yes I agree broadly.

no doubts, but erdogan is a money man first and foremost. Religion is basically an easy grift a means to a financial end.

Agree. It will be interesting to see how the relationship between these two countries evolves in the long Turks have more responsive and developed political framework.

Turkey becoming more developed and secular under the next set of leaders after Erdogan....and more true (again) to its founding father republican ideals....will have only good net benefit transfer in influencing Pakistan to chart that course itself more hopefully....and leave (what ought to be politically irrelevant) identity issues to the individual choice/scope within reason.

@merzifonlu @HTurk @xenon5434 @Saithan @Anmdt @Yasar et al.


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Especially agree with your last paragraph as it is totally correct.
I hope that the US - Pakistan relations become friendlier too. So that we can get those engine licenses released for the T-129 helicopters.
But I can’t see Pakistan moving away from China as long as India is seen as a threat. And Shehbaz Sharif is very pro China too.


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Especially agree with your last paragraph as it is totally correct.
I hope that the US - Pakistan relations become friendlier too. So that we can get those engine licenses released for the T-129 helicopters.
But I can’t see Pakistan moving away from China as long as India is seen as a threat. And if a Shehbaz Sharif is very pro China too.
Let me set something straight to all
The US wants a military base in the region after it lost its base in Afghanistan
Now guess what? All muslim countries hate the US to the core and thus if any leaders allowed that, there would be a huge nation wide protests that may lead to everlasting chaos
India is a bit stronger (so it doesnt need foreign military bases) and Russia wont allow India to house US bases or the Russians will intervene either respectfully or by brute force and if the latter then expect China to join and then we can say bye bye to India's existence for good. Mohdi will never take the risk

India is currently surrounded by pro-China regime like China itself, Pakistan and Afghanistan. India wont risk losing Russia and make all of the Russia-China axis its enemy

US-Pak relations will never improve past a certain point nor will reach the level where US sells its engines to Pak


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Especially agree with your last paragraph as it is totally correct.
I hope that the US - Pakistan relations become friendlier too. So that we can get those engine licenses released for the T-129 helicopters.
But I can’t see Pakistan moving away from China as long as India is seen as a threat. And Shehbaz Sharif is very pro China too.

Even if US relationship "improves" with Pakistan this year or next (say President Biden does call Mr. Sharif at some point to illustrate this and break precedence of how its been so far with PMIK since early 2021)....

....I very much doubt it will improve to any significant level to include transfer of sensitive technologies of US origin (and give PRC easy access essentially to MRO + Rev Engg. involving it).

It is not only US BTW, Germany (under Merkel) flatly declined AIP request by Pakistan for its submarines...again wary of Chinese getting easy access to it.

Turkey will do well to orient itself as well as it can in this clear divide. Legacy technology (or well wargamed + countered technology) etc is fine it seems (even West continues this with Pakistan in various ways) as China has overall progressed and scaled up here anyway.

But capable frontier technology will not be sold to any country deemed in the Chinese camp. Increasingly it will affect countries trying to sell products to pro-Western camp in Asia we will see how that influences TR approach here.


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Let me quote from a post I wrote on the forum.

"I don't know the situation of the Pakistani Army. If there is even a small crack in high ranks of the PA and if the support of the people is strong, IK will come out of these events stronger.

Pakistan has very serious problems. With a corrupt state actors, things will only get worse. If IK gets stronger and if IK a wise statesman, IK will first liquidate the deep-state gangs that are rooted in the Pakistan State.

And then he became the second founder of Pakistan by liquidating the religiously disguised gangs!

Otherwise, your job is difficult. You will fall into the interregnum that will last for decades."

As you can see there are many "If"s. I don't know if IK has strong public support in Pakistan. Are the top echelons of the Pakistan Army united against him? I don't know it either.
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