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If say Mansur Yavas was president right now, he would say the exact same thing. It is what any country's elected executive would say (its typical script every world leader uses to a political change in another country)....especially those with close enough interest and/or physical proximity to Pakistan.

Most likely, however I've seen Erdogan many times condemn political change, most recently in Tunisia. For example anywhere the "brotherhood" loses power erdogan condemns it. But i guess the relationship is to deep to worry about the political figure head.

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Let me quote from a post I wrote on the forum.

"I don't know the situation of the Pakistani Army. If there is even a small crack in high ranks of the PA and if the support of the people is strong, IK will come out of these events stronger.

Pakistan has very serious problems. With a corrupt state actors, things will only get worse. If IK gets stronger and if IK a wise statesman, IK will first liquidate the deep-state gangs that are rooted in the Pakistan State.

And then he became the second founder of Pakistan by liquidating the religiously disguised gangs!

Otherwise, your job is difficult. You will fall into the interregnum that will last for decades."

As you can see there are many "If"s. I don't know if IK has strong public support in Pakistan. Are the top echelons of the Pakistan Army united against him? I don't know it either.

IK was not true secular guy though to (credibly/effectively) do the latter part....nor does a PM have the power to do it (unless the Fauj is on board with it). He got the moniker "Taliban Khan" as he did his fair share of supporting (esp pakthun) islamism for expedient political base formation....this upset many in the military (and other political parties) at the time since they were engaged in a war against the TTP at the time.

The PTI broadening and stitching together (of other party ppl joining them) was mostly an army project (many years later), where they figured Pakistan could use a 3rd choice past the established 2 (PMLN and PPP)....and IK fit the bill (with the requisite overlooking of the earlier friction). Thus it was made more mainstream but not in an all together sustainable way (the result of which you see now).

Every PM in this system (since Ayub was invited to take power) simply has to respect the mandate the fauj affords to them. This has to be understood front and centre to understand Pakistan's power structures and politics (vast majority of parties owe their very formation and nurturing to the Fauj).

It will be a slow process and needs succession of wise civilian leaders to chip away at whats needed to be chipped away and take pragmatic calls on the rest of it. There is no other way short of complete revolution.


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Very doubtful.

He has burned a number of bridges and salted lot of the approaches to those bridges (with the bulk "quieter" electorate and more crucially the Army bigwigs that keep close finger to wind on their overall control and response in the political circus they the army set up, including his own team if you look at their political careers prior to PTI).

Seasoned political clans (PMLN, PPP et al) generally take these things on the chin (with the army when they get ejected/replaced) and wait it out for next political cycle when they will be in favour again with the khakis.

Imran Khan introduced elements (on his exit) of new unparalleled degree (US foreign conspiracy) and created a perceptible schism with the COAS (Bajwa) that is now exploding and taking cost in various ways that will not be forgotten by power brokers and public-at-large alike.

In a credible gallup survey (just before his removal from power), a full 64% of the Pakistani public for example saw this intervention as a response to the ongoing inflation being inflicted compared to any foreign-conspiracy element (and implying COAS + army faction acquiescence on it ) that Imran Khan was telling them.

So yeah he picked high stake gamble and he played it badly....should have made nice with the COAS and all Fauj factions as much as possible and wait it out (given the precedence of Pakistan politics)....and do things better next time.

Instead of doing these shenanigans with US conspiracy blame game and his mob theatre with the Army/institutional power at large....which comes off as desperate to most Pakistani public (that you do not see online that much).

But it didn't suit his personality it I very much doubt he will ever become PM again.

@T-123456 @Joe Shearer @Milspec @Paro et al.

If say Mansur Yavas was president right now, he would say the exact same thing. It is what any country's elected executive would say (its typical script every world leader uses to a political change in another country)....especially those with close enough interest and/or physical proximity to Pakistan.

The 🇹🇷 🇵🇰 relationship will continue along the overall large contours and headings long established enough power-class Turks know who is in charge in reality in Pakistan and approach them (past the political landscape crafted by them for whatever current veneer) for the requisite partnership brokering and forming.

Yes I agree broadly.

Agree. It will be interesting to see how the relationship between these two countries evolves in the long Turks have more responsive and developed political framework.

Turkey becoming more developed and secular under the next set of leaders after Erdogan....and more true (again) to its founding father republican ideals....will have only good net benefit transfer in influencing Pakistan to chart that course itself more hopefully....and leave (what ought to be politically irrelevant) identity issues to the individual choice/scope within reason.

@merzifonlu @HTurk @xenon5434 @Saithan @Anmdt @Yasar et al.
Both Imran Khan and Shahbaz Sharif are corrupt though I have to accept that Shahbaz is on another level as he is literally elected PM with a court bailout. Imran Khan was in a very difficult place before he is removed from the office. If let alone he most likely would have lost the election in 2023. There are elections in Pakistan in 2023. As the one who is "removed unjustly from the office because of the US pressure" (this might be real or not it isn't important) you will see his votes will skyrocket. This is how voters will respond. I expect a big landslide from Imran Khan.


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Most likely, however I've seen Erdogan many times condemn political change, most recently in Tunisia. For example anywhere the "brotherhood" loses power erdogan condemns it. But i guess the relationship is to deep to worry about the political figure head.

Regardless of whether it is in turkish interest or not, what is happening in Tunisia is nothing short of a military coup! I actually stand behind Erdo on this one regarding Turkey's stance towards Tunisia and the fact that it is a blow to Tunisia's democracy

Current president literally promised an improvement in life conditions for 2 years and nothing happened. Not only did he not fullfill his promises but also he annulled the court, journalism, and the parliament. Now no one holds power to actually stand up against him. The guy literally said a month ago that he wanted to write a new constitution and form a new state; its like as if the guy is a king! What is even more ironic, is that most of those in parliament who supported his coup are now against him and that is why he closed the damn parliament so that he can continue to be in power and do what the UAE, Israeli, & Egyptian military and intelligence want them to do

The parliament is supposed to be the voice of the people. When such a parliament has its gates forcibly closed with military vehicles in front of it, then it is nothing short of a military coup

I believe all countries in the Middle East should by now finally realised their future if they are ruled if Military heads post coup


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Both Imran Khan and Shahbaz Sharif are corrupt though I have to accept that Shahbaz is on another level as he is literally elected PM with a court bailout. Imran Khan was in a very difficult place before he is removed from the office. If let alone he most likely would have lost the election in 2023. There are elections in Pakistan in 2023. As the one who is "removed unjustly from the office because of the US pressure" (this might be real or not it isn't important) you will see his votes will skyrocket. This is how voters will respond. I expect a big landslide from Imran Khan.

Not going to happen. You need to talk to Pakistanis that have pulse on the actual larger population there.

Not the brats that fester online in various hidey hole dens and safespaces.

64% of larger public seeing this all as political response to the inflation (rather than any "conspiracy") says more than enough.

I could go deeper into the COAS and his closest generals/faction stuff there (how there was a commander's meet at various points to ensure that IK fell for the bait in croc's mouth and any support for him in army factions are nipped in the bud) but it will be long and boring.

Simply let time play out and see for yourself.


Regardless of whether it is in turkish interest or not, what is happening in Tunisia is nothing short of a military coup! I actually stand behind Erdo on this one regarding Turkey's stance towards Tunisia and the fact that it is a blow to Tunisia's democracy

Current president literally promised an improvement in life conditions for 2 years and nothing happened. Not only did he not fullfill his promises but also he annulled the court, journalism, and the parliament. Now no one holds power to actually stand up against him. The guy literally said a month ago that he wanted to write a new constitution and form a new state; its like as if the guy is a king! What is even more ironic, is that most of those in parliament who supported his coup are now against him and that is why he closed the damn parliament so that he can continue to be in power and do what the UAE, Israeli, & Egyptian military and intelligence want them to do

The parliament is supposed to be the voice of the people. When such a parliament has its gates forcibly closed with military vehicles in front of it, then it is nothing short of a military coup

I believe all countries in the Middle East should by now finally realised their future if they are ruled if Military heads post coup
coup? Do you know how much tunisian people suffered under "Muslim brotherhood" Terrorist do you know how much did they destroyed their economy?

It is no ones duty to talk against politic stuff happening on other countries %90 of tunisian people hates Muslim brotherhood thats why they literally burned down their building Erdo should keep his big georgian nose in Turkey and Not to other countries. Also president used his constitutionual right that was been put there by a Muslim brotherhood member capische?


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Regardless of whether it is in turkish interest or not, what is happening in Tunisia is nothing short of a military coup! I actually stand behind Erdo on this one regarding Turkey's stance towards Tunisia and the fact that it is a blow to Tunisia's democracy

Current president literally promised an improvement in life conditions for 2 years and nothing happened. Not only did he not fullfill his promises but also he annulled the court, journalism, and the parliament. Now no one holds power to actually stand up against him. The guy literally said a month ago that he wanted to write a new constitution and form a new state; its like as if the guy is a king! What is even more ironic, is that most of those in parliament who supported his coup are now against him and that is why he closed the damn parliament so that he can continue to be in power and do what the UAE, Israeli, & Egyptian military and intelligence want them to do

The parliament is supposed to be the voice of the people. When such a parliament has its gates forcibly closed with military vehicles in front of it, then it is nothing short of a military coup

I believe all countries in the Middle East should by now finally realised their future if they are ruled if Military heads post coup

This is the middle east we are talking about anybody gets brought down any way.

Muslim brotherhood for us Turks were useful too bad they got taken out with every damn coup or protests.

They are useless too bad we dont have power to do regime change like the us.


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coup? Do you know how much tunisian people suffered under "Muslim brotherhood" Terrorist do you know how much did they destroyed their economy?

It is no ones duty to talk against politic stuff happening on other countries %90 of tunisian people hates Muslim brotherhood thats why they literally burned down their building Erdo should keep his big georgian nose in Turkey and Not to other countries. Also president used his constitutionual right that was been put there by a Muslim brotherhood member capische?
Hm.... at first I seriously didnt want to reply to your post but since Iam procrastinating from doing my tasks rn, I thought why not lets give it a go😂

Firstly, pls tell me which drug are you and those who liked your comment are taking to be that high😉
Let me get something straight, what is happening in Tunisia is nothing short of a coup.... period!

Tell me what is the definition of a president who bans the parliament, bans the judicial supreme court, and bans the association of journalism and lawyers? What is the definition when the Tunisian military armored vehicles are blocking the main gate of the parliament? What is the definition when the Tunisian president states the alone wants to appoint whom he believes fit to work int the parliament and the judicial court? The answer is a bloody shitty coup

And please, while I do agree that the Muslim Brotherhood is a shitty organisation that is sponsored by entities like Israel itself, dictators like those in Egypt and Tunisia are no different! You just stated that the Tunisian people suffered a lot under the Muslim brotherhood which is true but they werent the sole ones responsible for the current situation. Whenever the govt appointed by the Muslim brotherhood passes a motion, the parliament blocks it due to the extreme divisions within it; i-e, no party or specific ideology has a majority in the damn building and all of them are enemies. Thus, it exacerbates the situation which made the ppl shift their anger to the govt since they cant create a motion to appease all groups. The military rulers in Egypt and Monarchs in UAE and KSA used the opportunity to topple the govt and once and for all destroy the source of the Arab spring which is Tunisia so that the military leaders can ensure their rule for decades to come if not centuries

And for your information, the coup of the Tunisian president begane in June 2021, and ever since, the Tunisian ppl are suffering even more than under the tenure of the Muslim brotherhood that ruled for years!!!! (That doesnt mean that the MB is good though they are still scums). Unemployment is skyrocketing, inflation is skyrocketing, Trade deficit is skyrocketing, Current account is in the negative, no foreign investments worth mentioning, the govt itself isnt investing in anything worth mentioning, and above all..... no production whatsoever is being done in Tunisia. Just look at this data of the unemployment rate for the last 10 years and see how it remains skyrocketing ever since the military and Egyptian intelligence took over

Did you know that Standard & Poor rates Turkey with its 100% currency devaluation at B+ while Tunisia that only lost around 10-25% of its currency value since the pandemic at n/a?

And why should Erdo keeps his nose out of such countries? So it is fair for the UAE, Egypt, Israel, KSA, France, USA, China, and Russia to screw other nations over and control their resources, ppl, and edonomy while it is forbidden for Turkey? What sort of bulls***t is that? (Since Iam fasting🤣) Turkey was being controlled by the US through FETO and PKK; the underlying mob leader Sedat Peker escaped to his main financial source; i-e, the UAE when Erdogan wanted to throw him in jail (which means that all the mobster movements within Turkey had the UAE stench for years) but ofcourse it is fine for the masters to do whatever they want but prohibited for Erdogan to do what he wants. Stop that slavelike mentality as Turks rn are way better than most of these nations

Did you know that Erdogan was persuading Egypt for years to draw an EEZ agreement with it but its military leader, Mubarak, refused since he was scared of EU reaction? Did you know that if the idiotic MB remained in power for one mroe year, Turkey would have signed its most wanted EEZ agreement? Erdo knows that the MB are shitty ppl but he supported them because he could control them for Turkey's interests Mr.Genius! The Muslim Brotherhood was the perfect tool for Erdogan to forcefully pass on his terms within the Arab world but apparently the West, Russia, China, and Gulf monarchies didnt like watching Turkey gain everything and this was one of the reasons for why the MB fell.

Can you imagine how ironic it is that bitter enemies like Russia-China and the West actually agreed that they should never allow the turks to control the Arab world by the balls? When it comes to Turks, all the current powers agree that they need to crush it and that is why rn they are targeting its defence industry, lool

Now that Erdo cant get through with soft power, he is going at it with hard power like drones, tanks, jets and submarines. Now the UAE which sponsored Haftar is making friends with Turkey; KSA is making friends with Turkey and with Turkey's terms like extra investments and free trade deals and without Turkey giving up the dissidents of the Muslim brotherhood or even its military bases in Libya and Qatar. Now the Gulf monarchies are actually afraid to fight Turkey in the arena since they know that they will be raped by TB2s.
Have you ever asked yourself why Russia is keeping quiet about Tukey even though TB2s have been butchering thousands or Russian soldiers in Ukraine? They could have just did like 2016 and butchered some TSK soldiers in Syria as a warning but they arent.... do you know why? Because now Turkey has air defence systems, more advanced drone arsenals, better EW capabilities and more nationalised army and better trained troops. If Russia did so, Turkey would rape it.... Period! If Turkey was still weak just like in 2016, do you think Putin will not kill TSK soldiers? Oh boy he will. In fact, I wont be surprised if he did kill TSK soldiers within Turkey for whatever shitty reason he pulls out of his rotten a**

Just look at @Ryder last comment and you will see why Erdogan needed the Muslim Brotherhood crooks to be in power. Turkey by now would have its EEZ agreement and the gas in East Med would be pumped into Turkey by now


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Hm.... at first I seriously didnt want to reply to your post but since Iam procrastinating from doing my tasks rn, I thought why not lets give it a go😂

Firstly, pls tell me which drug are you and those who liked your comment are taking to be that high😉
Let me get something straight, what is happening in Tunisia is nothing short of a coup.... period!

Tell me what is the definition of a president who bans the parliament, bans the judicial supreme court, and bans the association of journalism and lawyers? What is the definition when the Tunisian military armored vehicles are blocking the main gate of the parliament? What is the definition when the Tunisian president states the alone wants to appoint whom he believes fit to work int the parliament and the judicial court? The answer is a bloody shitty coup

And please, while I do agree that the Muslim Brotherhood is a shitty organisation that is sponsored by entities like Israel itself, dictators like those in Egypt and Tunisia are no different! You just stated that the Tunisian people suffered a lot under the Muslim brotherhood which is true but they werent the sole ones responsible for the current situation. Whenever the govt appointed by the Muslim brotherhood passes a motion, the parliament blocks it due to the extreme divisions within it; i-e, no party or specific ideology has a majority in the damn building and all of them are enemies. Thus, it exacerbates the situation which made the ppl shift their anger to the govt since they cant create a motion to appease all groups. The military rulers in Egypt and Monarchs in UAE and KSA used the opportunity to topple the govt and once and for all destroy the source of the Arab spring which is Tunisia so that the military leaders can ensure their rule for decades to come if not centuries

And for your information, the coup of the Tunisian president begane in June 2021, and ever since, the Tunisian ppl are suffering even more than under the tenure of the Muslim brotherhood that ruled for years!!!! (That doesnt mean that the MB is good though they are still scums). Unemployment is skyrocketing, inflation is skyrocketing, Trade deficit is skyrocketing, Current account is in the negative, no foreign investments worth mentioning, the govt itself isnt investing in anything worth mentioning, and above all..... no production whatsoever is being done in Tunisia. Just look at this data of the unemployment rate for the last 10 years and see how it remains skyrocketing ever since the military and Egyptian intelligence took over

Did you know that Standard & Poor rates Turkey with its 100% currency devaluation at B+ while Tunisia that only lost around 10-25% of its currency value since the pandemic at n/a?

And why should Erdo keeps his nose out of such countries? So it is fair for the UAE, Egypt, Israel, KSA, France, USA, China, and Russia to screw other nations over and control their resources, ppl, and edonomy while it is forbidden for Turkey? What sort of bulls***t is that? (Since Iam fasting🤣) Turkey was being controlled by the US through FETO and PKK; the underlying mob leader Sedat Peker escaped to his main financial source; i-e, the UAE when Erdogan wanted to throw him in jail (which means that all the mobster movements within Turkey had the UAE stench for years) but ofcourse it is fine for the masters to do whatever they want but prohibited for Erdogan to do what he wants. Stop that slavelike mentality as Turks rn are way better than most of these nations

Did you know that Erdogan was persuading Egypt for years to draw an EEZ agreement with it but its military leader, Mubarak, refused since he was scared of EU reaction? Did you know that if the idiotic MB remained in power for one mroe year, Turkey would have signed its most wanted EEZ agreement? Erdo knows that the MB are shitty ppl but he supported them because he could control them for Turkey's interests Mr.Genius! The Muslim Brotherhood was the perfect tool for Erdogan to forcefully pass on his terms within the Arab world but apparently the West, Russia, China, and Gulf monarchies didnt like watching Turkey gain everything and this was one of the reasons for why the MB fell.

Can you imagine how ironic it is that bitter enemies like Russia-China and the West actually agreed that they should never allow the turks to control the Arab world by the balls? When it comes to Turks, all the current powers agree that they need to crush it and that is why rn they are targeting its defence industry, lool

Now that Erdo cant get through with soft power, he is going at it with hard power like drones, tanks, jets and submarines. Now the UAE which sponsored Haftar is making friends with Turkey; KSA is making friends with Turkey and with Turkey's terms like extra investments and free trade deals and without Turkey giving up the dissidents of the Muslim brotherhood or even its military bases in Libya and Qatar. Now the Gulf monarchies are actually afraid to fight Turkey in the arena since they know that they will be raped by TB2s.
Have you ever asked yourself why Russia is keeping quiet about Tukey even though TB2s have been butchering thousands or Russian soldiers in Ukraine? They could have just did like 2016 and butchered some TSK soldiers in Syria as a warning but they arent.... do you know why? Because now Turkey has air defence systems, more advanced drone arsenals, better EW capabilities and more nationalised army and better trained troops. If Russia did so, Turkey would rape it.... Period! If Turkey was still weak just like in 2016, do you think Putin will not kill TSK soldiers? Oh boy he will. In fact, I wont be surprised if he did kill TSK soldiers within Turkey for whatever shitty reason he pulls out of his rotten a**

Just look at @Ryder last comment and you will see why Erdogan needed the Muslim Brotherhood crooks to be in power. Turkey by now would have its EEZ agreement and the gas in East Med would be pumped into Turkey by now

Muslim brotherhood cant even stay in power.

We spend millions on them only to piss it all away.

What difference would it make most Islamists and Secularists are hostile to Turkish influence.

Muslim brotherhood is more subservient because they always see Turkiye as a leader for the Muslim world despite them being Islamists themselves.

The problem with the brotherhood they always get taken down where ever they come to power.

Us Turks have lost a lot in this gamble. Every damn Islamist or Secularist is hostile to us in the Middle East thats the problem. We cant even keep the MB in power because these giys cant even keep themselves in power. The days of Seljuk and Ottomans deposing local leaders or puppets has long gone.

I dont believe in this bs ideology when any ideology can be used for your interests.

This is the Middle East where everybody does coups or backstabs each other.

Im surprised the Ottomans were able to rule this area for like 400 years.


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Muslim brotherhood cant even stay in power.

We spend millions on them only to piss it all away.

What difference would it make most Islamists and Secularists are hostile to Turkish influence.

Muslim brotherhood is more subservient because they always see Turkiye as a leader for the Muslim world despite them being Islamists themselves.

The problem with the brotherhood they always get taken down where ever they come to power.

Us Turks have lost a lot in this gamble. Every damn Islamist or Secularist is hostile to us in the Middle East thats the problem. We cant even keep the MB in power because these giys cant even keep themselves in power. The days of Seljuk and Ottomans deposing local leaders or puppets has long gone.

I dont believe in this bs ideology when any ideology can be used for your interests.

This is the Middle East where everybody does coups or backstabs each other.

Im surprised the Ottomans were able to rule this area for like 400 years.
Not really
The reason why Erdo couldnt keep the MB in power for long is that his intelligence wasnt infiltrating deep enough into the military chain of command or even the egyptian intelligence
Just look at how incompetent Ramazan Kadyrov or Nicolas Maduro or Lukashenko is still ruling till this date even though they are even more incompetent than the Muslim Brotherhood. This is primarily because the FSB of Russia is good enough to ensure that the critical state institutions still remains within the grasp of these pricks while on the other hand, the Muslim Brotherhood lost the Military and intelligence which made it easy to plot a coup

That is why Iam happy with Hakan Fidan; I really hope he knows what he is doing and follows the example of Mossad and CIA.
I mean..... like pls dont tell me that the egyptian command committed a coup without the knowledge of the CIA or Mossad. In fact, according to Saudi sources, The CIA were the ones who gave the egyptian military their blessings and political backing to fullfill their coup

One of Turkey's chronic problems ever since its founding is that it always fail on an intelligence level and I hope that Hakan Fidan improves the intelligence since lately he has been doing a great job in Syria, Iraq, UAE etc... If Erdo can make his intelligence just as good as Mossad or the CIA, then I expect Turkey to be abke to control most international catastrophes behind the scenes; if not, at least prepare for them in advance
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are we doing anything to fill the void left by the retreating Wagner troops in Africa?


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Saudi Arabia lifts implicit bans​

With the positive course of relations between Turkey and Saudi Arabia since the beginning of the year, the boycott process of Turkish products, which has been implemented since the beginning of 2020, is coming to an end.


The boycott process that Saudi Arabia started to apply to Turkish products at the beginning of 2020 is coming to an end. The bilateral relations of the two countries, which have been positive since the beginning of the year, are bearing fruit. The Saudi Arabian government is expected to take a new step after the Eid al-Fitr. Exporters say that after this development, they will reach the old level in trade in a short time. Turkish Airlines (THY) also created its flight plans in this context. According to the information we have received, THY will increase the number of flights to Saudi Arabian cities as of the beginning of May.

Saudi Arabian Airlines, which stopped its flights to European countries in the first days of the pandemic, is preparing to open flights that were not active in Turkey in May with the start of normalization. It has been learned that the company has started preparations for the operation at Istanbul Airport. Expeditions are expected to start from the first days of May, especially due to pilgrimage tourism.

$3 billion trade​

The softening process, which gained momentum with the transfer of the case of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, to the judicial authorities in Riyadh, will also positively affect the economic relations. Industry representatives state that it will be possible for exports to Saudi Arabia, which had reached a maximum of 2.7 billion dollars, to reach 3 billion dollars in a 12-month period.

Pointing out that Saudi Arabia is among the top 5 countries to which the sector exports the most until 2020, Kazım Taycı, Presidential Candidate of Istanbul Cereals, Pulses, Oilseeds and Products Exporters' Association, said, “With the abolition of the boycott, our country's exports can reach 3 billion dollars. In our own sector, our exports to Saudi Arabia, which was 205 million dollars in 2017, were 227 in 2018, 230 in 2019, 181 in 2020 and 3 million dollars in 2021. In the new period, we will reach at least 250 million dollars in the first place. Because our prices have increased during this period," he said.

Trade reaches old level​

Mustafa Gültepe, President of Istanbul Ready-to-Wear and Apparel Exporters' Association, stated that they will be able to reach export figures, which were between 250-300 million dollars for a period, in a short time. Expressing that there will be an important opportunity for exporters especially in Laleli and Osmanbey, Gültepe emphasized that the region's exports will also increase significantly. Double holiday in furniture Noting that before the restriction, Saudi Arabia was the second strongest and largest market after Germany, Furniture Associations Federation President Ahmet Güleç said, “The use of Turkish furniture in hotels and residences was intense. Re-entering the Saudi Arabian market, where the construction and real estate sector is very active and dynamic, will accelerate our furniture exports. As the Turkish furniture industry, we can say that our distribution network and our dealers and customers in the region are ready. Therefore, after the removal of the embargo, our total exports will increase by about 10 percent. This will make it easier for us to reach our goal of being one of the top 5 furniture countries in the world; Our furniture makers will celebrate a double feast”.



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🇹🇷🇹🇯| Bayraktar TB2 AUAV was sold to Tajikistan!
➡️Kirgizistan is disturbed by the sale of Bayraktar TB2 to its neighbor Tajikistan.

Lol a nice backstab to our Kyrgz brothers by selling it to these Persians who basically are gearing up for war.

I guess people will play that bs business will be business when Tajiks are a trouble maker in the region and an obstacle to a Turkic Central Asia they also have plans for irrendentism bullshit by claiming Uzbekistan belongs to them.


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In my opinion not a good move. They were fighting less than a year ago. This and a few other questionable things of late can hurt the integrity of the Organization of Turkic States.

Tajiks have land claims in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kygrzstan.

We are strengthening their military in the region. Lets not forget how the Tajiks have Russian, Chinese and Indian bases.

Tajikistan has never ever been close and we go sell them TB2s.

Akps shitty foreign policy. Its like our foreign policy is ran on worshipping money rather than pragmatism.


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Tajiks have land claims in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kygrzstan.

We are strengthening their military in the region. Lets not forget how the Tajiks have Russian, Chinese and Indian bases.

Tajikistan has never ever been close and we go sell them TB2s.

Akps shitty foreign policy. Its like our foreign policy is ran on worshipping money rather than pragmatism.

Good opportunity to make them close.
If you want to establish stability you can not tip the balance to one side.


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Good opportunity to make them close.
If you want to establish stability you can not tip the balance to one side.

Thats bs 100%

You really think both are Muslim wont harm each other. Both are Sunni Muslims.

None of this has prevented any conflict with them due to land claims and water sources.

Also Turks and Persians dont like each other.


Good opportunity to make them close.
If you want to establish stability you can not tip the balance to one side.
Literall cope Tajiks are both PKK supports and Turk haters They are going to use those TB2s to hit our Krygz brother or our Uzbek brothers.

You akpians worship money nothing else I bet you would get happy to see our Turkic brothers being blow apart from TB2 camera

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