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How this is an insult ?
I meant on how the head of the Turkish state wasnt greeted by MBS at first but then I heard that MBS met with the new Pakistani PM first since he arrived earlier than Erdogan; so that is water under the bridge I guessErdogan officially surrendered to MBS and MBZ...
Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are poor countries that have become much more impoverished after separating from the USSR. They do not have natural resources (oil, gas), they have a small territory, mostly covered with mountains. Therefore, their men mostly go to work in Russia, where they are called guest workers. In Central Russia, Russian racists treat Tajiks and Kyrgyz as second-class people, they can easily kill.
Kyrgyz in Yakutia do not differ in appearance from Yakuts, attend mosques, earn money as taxi drivers, hairdressers, and so on.
Tajiks work on the construction of stone buildings in cities.
Yes, I heard about Muslim Yakuts. There are only a few of them out of many hundreds of thousands, that is, very few. Mosques built by visiting Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, AzerbaijanisSome Yakuts are Muslim![]()
The Yakuts also reject the Orthodox faith, but tend more towards the ancient faith, Tengrianism.
On the basis of Tengrianism, they tried to unite culturally from Mongolia to Hungary, Bulgaria. Kurultai were held annually. But in recent years, no one has heard about it, and the Tengri Org website has disappeared. There was a Sakha-Turkish school in Yakutia, which was closed. Later, when I found out, they said that the Sakha-Turkish school was connected with Fethullah Gülen.
What Erdogan did was not treason but a sign of weakness. After what happened to the Turkish lira, Turkey showed many signs of weakness. If you fail to fix your economy just resign and give a chance to others Instead of appearing in humiliating situations like this, humiliating for you as a person and for your country.I meant on how the head of the Turkish state wasnt greeted by MBS at first but then I heard that MBS met with the new Pakistani PM first since he arrived earlier than Erdogan; so that is water under the bridge I guess
@HaZZan if we went with your thoughts, then not only Turkey but the US, and Europe have surrendered to MBS as well. In fact, Erdo with his weaker geopolitical influence, economy, and military compared to the West should gain credit for surviving against MBS more than the West did
Now dont get me wrong though, I dont like the fact that Turkey made peace with MBS again but for many ppl worldwide and even in this forum to actually ridicule Erdogan and call him a traitor for making peace with MBS is stupidity and short-sightedness; some members even called it an act of "traitors". I still dont understand how is this a traitorous act from Erdogan as some members proclaimed in this forum
Fqing bullshit! Why should Turkey protect a US-based journalist when even the West itself, primarily headed by the US itself, betrayed Kashoggi
So when Erdo stands for the rights of a US journalists being killed in a foreign consulate, he is anti-US and a bad guy and when he doesnt he is a dictator and we all forgot that the US is promoting pro-PKK assholes like Kavala? Hahaha ppl are just outright crazy tbh
Fqing farce I swear
The only thing I didnt like about the incident is that even the head of the Turkish state, Erdogan, doesnt dare to even kill a journalist in his own land yet a foreign power just went and cut a journalist into pieces within 15 minutes in its consulate in Turkey; that is an insult IMO
Anyway, Turkish foreign policy headed by Erdogan recently has been way too good that it is giving me shivers tbh. Rn, Erdo is just focusing on how much Turkey will gain regardless of what other nations think and all of that started with the East-Med escalation in 2020 between Greece and Turkey; thus, I guess there is a silver lining from the conflict after all since Turkey's main priority rn is trying to cut Greece's main sort of funds and support which has been made clear when the UAE recentky refused to participate in Greek-led military exercises even though they were participating for the last 2 years
Literally some1 with brains understand the situationIt is okay for those who claim to be the free world to ignore Kashoggi (a US based journalist) but bad for Turkey to ignore him? Hahahaha
Don't be surprised if a portion of Aselsan's shares a sold to Saudi Arabia in return for some pointless swap agreement.
Wont happen tbhDon't be surprised if a portion of Aselsan's shares a sold to Saudi Arabia in return for some pointless swap agreement.
What Erdogan did was not treason but a sign of weakness. After what happened to the Turkish lira, Turkey showed many signs of weakness. If you fail to fix your economy just resign and give a chance to others Instead of appearing in humiliating situations like this, humiliating for you as a person and for your country.
Tbh most of the Turkmens who came to anatolia or Mena wasn't muslim either they were muslim in just name.Yes, I heard about Muslim Yakuts. There are only a few of them out of many hundreds of thousands, that is, very few. Mosques built by visiting Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanis
What ppl really need to understand is that the recent Turkish offensive charm didnt start because of the lira devaluation but because of the Turkish-Greek tensions. When the Turkish-Greek tensions peaked in 2020, KSA and UAE supplied Greece with tons of money and weapons exchange including advanced jets like F15s amd Patriots; this didnt suit Turkey's situation as such idiotic monarchs are filled with money and may aid Greece in many waysWhat Erdogan did was not treason but a sign of weakness. After what happened to the Turkish lira, Turkey showed many signs of weakness. If you fail to fix your economy just resign and give a chance to others Instead of appearing in humiliating situations like this, humiliating for you as a person and for your country.
We have evidence for Turkmens praying to Allah by calling him Tengri
There is a massive Chagatai script monument in Beijing constructed under the Ming
Tanri was used by the Ottomans and the Babur Empire.
Tanri meant God in the end.
I wish I can speak Chagatai. Chagatai was once the Lingua franca of the Turkic world. From Anatolia to Central Asia you had Chagatai speakers.